Sure enough, not long after, many people in Spark City were infected by the Demon Pattern Clan.

The Spark Empire quickly issued a notice:

Anyone infected just needs to report it immediately and wait for treatment.

Spark Empire, an ordinary family.

A man was lying weakly on the bed, his brows furrowed:

"What is wrong with me……"

Chu Yi walked into the room and comforted:

"Don't worry, you are infected by the magic pattern tribe, I will help you treat it."

Chu Yi stretched out his hand and whispered:

"Primordial Origin Devour!"

In an instant, the demonic pattern clan in the man's body was swallowed up by Chu Yi.

The magic pattern on Chu Yi's right hand also gained a bit of strength.

Similar scenes are happening in every corner of the Starfire Empire.

Thousands of Chu Yi's clones rushed to various places to save civilians infected by the Demon Pattern Clan.

At this critical moment, Chu Yi received urgent news:

"Ayi, you have to come back quickly, we were suddenly attacked."

"Who did it??" he asked eagerly.

"It's the evil Demon Race's Mo Aotian!"

"I'll be right back!" he responded without hesitation.

Not long after, in the center of Spark City, Chu Yi’s eyes widened with anger:

"Mo Aotian, you actually dare to come looking for death!"

Mo Aotian smiled proudly and said:

"Hahaha, Chu Yi, I will let you die without a burial today."

Angel Ah Qing stared at Mo Aotian coldly:

"Mo Aotian, how dare you accept the fusion of the Demon Pattern Clan."

Mo Aotian laughed indifferently:

"Hahahaha, come on! My power is endless now!"

Chu Yi narrowed his eyes and said disdainfully:

"Haha, I let you escape three times. This time, I will definitely kill you!"

He shouted:

"Space blockade!"

Suddenly, the surrounding space was blocked by an invisible barrier, making people feel like they were in a closed space that was completely isolated from the outside world.

Chu Yi sneered:

"Mo Aotian, don't try to escape this time!"

Mo Aotian responded proudly:

"This time, I don't need to escape! Haha!!"

Mo Aotian grasped the demon war blade tightly and rushed towards Chu Yi fiercely!

Chu Yi held the God-killing Spear tightly and looked solemn:

"God-killing spear technique - Primordial Origin Wuji style!!"

In an instant, the figures of Chu Yi and Mo Aotian were intertwined, and a battle broke out!

There was a loud noise, and Blue Star trembled.

Chu Yi gritted his teeth and said:

"Do you dare to fight somewhere else?!"

Mo Aotian laughed mockingly:

"Hahaha, change a place? Dream on! I just want your Starfire Empire to be completely destroyed! Hahaha!"

This Mo Aotian is really cunning. With their current strength, if they launch a battle on Blue Star, Blue Star will not be able to withstand their offensive.

Because of this, Chu Yi did not dare to show his full strength without reservation at this moment.

Chu Yi angrily said:

"Mo Aotian, you insidious villain!!"

Mo Aotian smiled proudly and said:

"Hahaha, thank you for your compliment!!"

Chu Yi murmured:

"World-Destroying Black Lotus, open."

In an instant, he stepped on the World-Destroying Black Lotus and held the God-killing Spear in his hand, as if he had transformed into the Demon Ancestor himself.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly:

"Very good, very good, then you evil Demon Race no longer needs to exist in this universe!!"

Mo Aotian sneered disdainfully:

"It's shameless to say that I hate Demon Race more than you can imagine."

Unexpectedly, at this critical moment, the angel A Qing couldn't help but said:

"Chu Yi, this Mo Aotian has Body Integrated the Demon Pattern Clan. He is extremely powerful and can be called weird, and he is very difficult to kill."

Chu Yi took a deep breath and said firmly:

"I understand the situation and I am sure!"

Chu Yi took action instantly, and the terrifying aura instantly filled the battlefield, with devouring power and evil aura permeating it, covering Mo Aotian.

Chu Yi said indifferently:

"Mo Aotian, your time has come, do you still expect to escape for the fourth time?"

Mo Aotian laughed wildly:

"Hehehehe!! Hahahahaha!! Human ant, today will be your downfall!!"

In an instant, the devouring power and evil aura swallowed up Mo Aotian.

"Still want to escape? Do you think you can escape from me four times?" His tone was full of teasing and ridicule.

"Mo Aotian, is this all you have?"

Chu Yi made an instant decision. He took a deep breath, his muscles bulged, and the God-killing Spear carried an irresistible force, like a sharp sword piercing the sky, heading straight for Mo Aotian's chest.

Chu Yi's eyes were solemn, and the God-killing Spear in his hand flashed across the sky like lightning, stabbing Mo Aotian's chest mercilessly.

"Still want to escape? This time, I will never let you escape again!" There was determination in his voice.

Mo Aotian's eyes narrowed, and the demon war blade suddenly grew several times in size, sweeping across like a giant sword, intersecting with Chu Yi's God-killing Spear, sparking a spark.

"There's no way I can be killed by you! Hahaha! I want to replace your Starfire Empire!"

Chu Yi's eyes were like lightning. As the God-killing Spear danced, the sword, light and gun shadow intertwined into a gorgeous picture.

Mo Aotian laughed and said:

Mo Aotian sneered:

Chu Yi had just witnessed Mo Aotian being defeated by him once, and now he was alive again. This was really incredible.

"Haha, if you want to kill me, it's impossible!!"

Chu Yi instantly dodged Mo Aotian's attack. He stabilized his body, and the God-killing Spear suddenly turned, letting out a shocking sound and stabbing Mo Aotian's heart.

Not to be outdone, Mo Aotian flew the demon war blade up and down, fending off Chu Yi's attacks one by one.

The God-killing Spear and the Demonic Glaive passed by each other, and the two forces collided with each other, making a deafening metallic collision sound.

Chu Yi felt the power surge in his body. He knew that if he didn't use his full strength, he would not be able to control this battle.

Chu Yi felt that the God-killing Spear seemed to have come to life in his hand. It danced with his thoughts, and the sharp blades cut through the air and stabbed Mo Aotian's vitals.

"Haha, Mo Aotian, so what if you merge with the Demon Pattern Clan! Trash is trash, a devil is a devil, go to hell!" There was a kind of uncontrollable anger and disdain in his voice.

He suddenly used a special skill, and the God-killing Spear turned into a bolt of lightning, trapping Mo Aotian in it and unable to dodge.

A disdainful smile flashed in Chu Yi's eyes:

"Seeking death!!! The Starfire Empire is not something someone like you can invade!"

A trace of determination flashed in Chu Yi's eyes, and he chased after him:

The two people's strength collided, and a biting murderous intent filled the air.

Chu Yi was furious:

Chu Yi shouted in surprise: "You, you are not dead yet!"

"Chu Yi, in just ten years, you have become so powerful!" There was a hint of disbelief in his voice.

Mo Aotian's expression changed, and he decided not to be entangled with Chu Yi anymore:

"I won't play with you anymore, run away!" He turned around to leave.

Chu Yi sneered, with endless ridicule in his eyes:

Chu Yi said disdainfully:

"Haha! You can never kill me!" As soon as he finished speaking, he turned into a stream of light and flew into the sky.

But at this moment, Mo Aotian's voice sounded:

Mo Aotian stared at Chu Yi dumbfounded, and couldn't help but feel an indescribable shock in his heart:

Mo Aotian dodged and the demon war blade drew a gorgeous arc in the air and slashed towards Chu Yi's cheek.

Mo Aotian hurriedly raised the demon war blade and clashed with it, the sword light flying everywhere.

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