Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 186 Demon Pattern Tribe, Angel A Qing Arrives

After Chu Yi solved the problem of the parallel universe, he returned home to the Spark Empire.

At this moment, he was lying ill on the spacious bed with a painful look on his face.

Although Chu Yi has reached the realm of planetary Rank Six and is theoretically impossible to get sick, he has become so fragile now.

Anna stayed by the bed, her eyes full of tenderness and worry:

"Ayi, what happened to you? You have been feeling so uncomfortable since you came back."

Just to the side, An Liya, a medical superpower, stood quietly.

Anna asked nervously:

"Tell me quickly, what's going on with A Yi? He's a planet-level superpower!"

An Liya thought for a moment and then replied:

"According to my tests, everything is normal and there are no problems."

Anna asked angrily:

"An Liya, are you kidding me? Chu Yi has already passed out, how can it be okay? Are you blind?"

An Liya shrugged and said helplessly:

"That's the fact. There is nothing abnormal about Chu Yi now. Maybe he will recover on his own after a while."

Chu Yi was currently in the inner space, and a huge demonic energy was constantly eroding the planets in his body. This mass of demonic energy is spreading at a terrifying speed, threatening Chu Yi's life.

Chu Yi asked angrily:

"What the hell are you?!"

The demonic energy made a strange echo:

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that you are destined to die, hahaha!"

"Chu Yi, your body is so good and has unlimited potential. Maybe you can use your body to break through the legendary step!"

Chu Yi was furious:

"It's just a bunch of demonic energy that wants to take over my body! It's looking for death!"

Chu Yi's body emitted strong energy fluctuations, and his eyes revealed firm determination.

The unyielding will burned in Chu Yi's heart, and he decided not to let the evil spirit succeed:

"Do you think you can take over my body? You are so ignorant, you little devil!"

The demonic voice became more mocking:

"You are so naive! No matter how hard you try or struggle, you will eventually become my slave."

Chu Yi smiled disdainfully. He took a deep breath, and the energy in his body reached its limit in an instant.

"Today I will show you what true power is, the way of Primordial Origin!!"

As his words fell, Chu Yi's body began to change.

A mysterious rune pattern flashed on his chest, and his hands were covered with a layer of golden light.

His aura was majestic, like a sharp sword.

The demonic energy felt the changes in Chu Yi's body, and he couldn't help but feel a little fear in his heart:

"This, this is impossible! How did you do it?"

Chu Yi sneered:

"A mere demonic energy actually made me seriously ill. I deserve to be damned!"

His body rushed toward the demonic energy like lightning.

His fist hit the demonic body like a meteor, making a deafening roar.

"You, how can you be so strong!"

The demonic energy retreated in embarrassment:

"Impossible! I am endless darkness, how can you defeat me?!"

Chu Yi's eyes flashed with determination:

"Because, you have no idea what kind of existence I am, just a mere demonic energy, swallowing it up!!!"

His body continued to release powerful power, and the demonic energy was gradually pushed to a desperate situation.

Chu Yi launched the final attack without mercy, completely swallowing up the demonic energy.

At this moment, in the outside world, Anna and An Liya were already very busy trying to treat A Yi.

Anna said anxiously:

"Can you save him? Ayi is unconscious now, take action quickly!"

An Liya replied pleadingly:

"Queen, eldest lady, you are trying to force me to death. I really can't do it! I really can't do it."

The two quarreled endlessly.

At this moment, Chu Yi woke up, a powerful aura emitted from his body, and he finally woke up.

Anna quickly rushed to the bed and held Chu Yi's hand:

"Ayi, are you okay?"

Chu Yi smiled and said:

"It's okay, the problem has been solved now."

Anna asked curiously:

"What on earth is it?"

Chu Yi explained:

"They are the Demon Race, a race that specializes in parasitizing other people's bodies. Different from the Demon Race, they have no entity, they are just a demonic energy."

Chu Yi stood up at this moment, the power of the magic pattern surged instantly, and a mysterious magic pattern appeared on his hand, which was very strange.

This is the power obtained by devouring the magic pattern clan, that is, the power of the magic pattern.

Although similar to Demon Race, it is different.

At this moment, Chu Yi took out the communication crystal that notified Angel A Qing and held it tightly in his hand.

He was very afraid of the secrets of the Demon Pattern Clan, and even he himself didn't know when he was parasitized by this evil race.

If he hadn't relied on his own strong strength, I'm afraid his body would have been taken over by the Demon Pattern Clan, which is terrifying if you think about it.

He realized that if the number of these demonic tribes was large, the Starfire Empire would face a huge threat.

This made him feel nervous.

In the communication channel, he asked nervously:

"Angel Ah Qing, do you have time?"

"Chu Yi, have you encountered the Demon Race?" came the voice of the angel A Qing.

Chu Yi swallowed his saliva and replied:

"Angel Ah Qing, I met the Demon Pattern Clan."

Angel Ah Qing's voice sounded a little nervous:

"Chu Yi, I'm rushing to Blue Star at full speed. Don't act rashly. The Demonic Pattern Clan is very weird."

Chu Yi was stunned, and doubts arose in his heart.

Angel A Qing is so nervous, is the Demon Pattern Clan really so scary?

Although the existence of the Demonic Pattern Clan makes people feel strange, Chu Yi did not expect that the angel A Qing would be so nervous.

What is the origin of this magic pattern clan? Their mystery is impossible to fully understand.

Soon after, the arrival of the angel A Qing broke the silence:

"Chu Yi, where is the Demonic Pattern Clan?" Her voice was filled with anxiety and urgency.

Chu Yi hesitated for a moment and replied:

"Absorbed by me!" There was a trace of indifference in his tone.

When the angel Ah Qing heard this, he opened his mouth in surprise:

"You actually absorbed the Demon Pattern Clan? This... is simply unbelievable." Her eyes were full of disbelief and surprise.

Chu Yi asked doubtfully:

"How powerful is the Demon Pattern Clan? I think it might be okay!"

Angel Ah Qing thought for a moment and then replied:

"It's not a matter of strength, but their hidden abilities."

"Moreover, they will continue to invade the bodies of superpowers."

Chu Yi continued to ask:

"How many of these magic pattern tribes are there?"

Angel Ah Qing explained:

"The Demonic Pattern Clan is very numerous, and their ability to reproduce is extremely strong. They can be divided into two, and two into four."

"For ordinary superpowers and civilians, it is an irresistible threat."

Chu Yi cursed in his heart. He felt a huge threat to this Demonic Pattern Clan:

"This magic pattern tribe is a little piece of trash that jumped out of nowhere, and it turns out to be so insidious."

They can invade the body of a person with superpowers. If one of them is his close friend, best brother, or even his wife Anna, the result would be simply unimaginable.

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