Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 161 I Seem To Have Seen You Somewhere

Feng Qingyan hurried over, her eyes full of anxiety, and her voice revealed uneasiness, "Chu Yianna, what on earth happened here!!" Turning her eyes, she saw that the entire surface of Nancheng City was broken and cracked. Criss-crossed, there are still huge ice shards and traces of burning on the ground, and there are even deep sword marks.

Chu Yi was immediately confused and surprised when he saw Feng Qingyan appear, "Sister Qingyan, why are you here? What happened?" There was a bad premonition in his tone.

Feng Qingyan took a deep breath, and the expression on her face became more solemn, "A big thing has happened. We must return to Spark City immediately!"

Soon after, everyone gathered together in the conference hall of Spark City, and the atmosphere was tense and tense.

Xiao Tianjue's face was solemn, and he slowly said: "Chu Yi, as the city lord of Spark City, I have a very bad news to tell you."

Chu Yi's heart tightened and he had a bad premonition, "Senior Xiao said please speak."

Xiao Tianjue said with a serious tone: "Volcanoes around the world are about to erupt, coupled with huge tsunamis and strong earthquakes!"

Hearing this, Chu Yi couldn't help but feel a chill coming from his body, and he asked: "What serious consequences will there be?"

Lemurnia stood up and said helplessly: "Chu Yi, according to calculations, ordinary people will not be able to survive on the Blue Star in half a month. Low-level superpowers can survive for about three months. Only high-level superpowers can survive." Only the able will survive.”

Chu Yi asked again: "What are our countermeasures?"

Lemurnia replied: "In the face of this natural disaster, there is nothing we can do at the moment. I suggest taking as many people as possible away from Blue Star."

But Chu Yi said firmly: "It's impossible, I will never leave!"

Anna also echoed Chu Yi and said firmly: "If Chu Yi doesn't leave, I won't leave either!"

"We're not leaving either!" Fatty and Nangong Shirong also expressed their unwillingness to leave.

Chu Yi said passionately: "Although we are all high-level superpowers, I firmly believe that the meaning of our superpowers' existence is to protect those civilians. Before we became superpowers, we were all ordinary people. Ordinary people are our foundation, and we should protect this purity.”

Xiao Tian sighed with emotion: "I completely agree with your point of view, I will never leave."

Chu Yi expressed his position again: "Everyone in this conference hall today is an important figure in Spark City. I will give you a chance. If you want to leave Blue Star, you can leave with Lemurnia."

Feng Qingyan said firmly: "I am from Blue Star, and I will never leave."

Xuanyuan Yi puffed up his chest, "I won't leave either, men should be bloody."

Lin Shaoqi said without hesitation: "I will stay too!"

Everyone expressed their resolute unwillingness to leave, and their eyes revealed firmness and determination.

Chu Yi looked at Little Scorpion affectionately and said firmly, "Little Scorpion, rely on your unparalleled power of sand to surround Spark City in case of emergency."

The little scorpion said proudly: "Don't worry, I am the Tsar!!!"

Chu Yi turned to Xiao Tianjue and said in a sincere tone, "In extraordinary times, Senior Xiao, the safety in Xinghuo City will be of great concern to you."

Chu Yi turned to Anna and said, "Xiao Na, just stay in Spark City and protect yourself."

Anna asked worriedly: "Ayi, where are you going?"

"Don't worry, I'm going to save the whole world!!" Chu Yi gave Anna a reassuring look, and then looked at Fatty, "Fatty, let's go!"

The fat man responded without hesitation: "Haha, Brother Chu, let's go do something big."

Chu Yi and Fatty left Spark City and embarked on a journey to save the world. Their gazes were firm and deep, as if they wanted to penetrate the barriers of time and space.

After a while, the magnificent scenery of the Arctic ice unfolded before their eyes like a grand picture. On the snow-covered plains, the icebergs stand tall and tall, like masterpieces of ice sculpture art.

The fat man exclaimed in surprise: "Holy crap! There are more than 300 young ladies here!! Brother Chu, where did you find them?" His voice was full of excitement and surprise.

Chu Yi said calmly: "Three hundred and sixty-four, they are just pitiful people." There was a hint of sympathy in his tone.

At this moment, Chu Yiyi walked slowly to Chu Yi's side and said respectfully: "Master, you are back."

Chu Yi nodded, glanced around and asked, "Well, where is the little wolf?"

Chu replied respectfully one by one: "Master Wolf is training them ahead." There was a hint of pride in her voice.

Chu Yi said with a somewhat surprised expression: "Call me Master Xiaolang?"

Chu Yiyi said firmly: "Yes, master, I have become Xiaolang as my master."

Chu Yi nodded involuntarily and silently agreed.

Suddenly, Little Wolf appeared beside them, and his voice was full of respect, "Welcome Lord Ice King."

Chu Yi stared at the little wolf and asked, "Is there anything unusual in the Arctic ice?"

Xiao Lang replied respectfully: "Master Ice King, there were several earthquakes in the North Pole just now, but it returned to normal after that."

Chu Yi nodded and said firmly: "Protect these three hundred and sixty-four people, I'm leaving." There was a trace of determination in his voice.

Soon after, Chu Yi and Fatty finally arrived at the core area of ​​the Antarctic Hell of Fire. Chu Yi's purpose of setting foot in the Antarctic Hell is, of course, to find his long-lost friend Qin Haoran.

Chu Yi hasn't seen Qin Haoran for a long time. Qin Haoran is the most powerful person with powers that Chu Yi knows, and he is also a fire attribute user, so he should have some ways to deal with the volcanic eruption.

The fat man couldn't help but ask: "Brother Chu, why did we come to the Antarctic Hell of Fire?"

Chu Yi said calmly: "I want to find a very powerful person."

As soon as his voice fell, he shouted loudly, "Brother Haoran! Brother Haoran! I am Chu Yi, where are you?" However, there was silence and no response to his call.

Facing this silent response, Chu Yi frowned slightly. Since parting with Qin Haoran, he has never received any news from him.

Chu Yi shouted again: "Brother Haoran! Brother Haoran!" However, instead of inviting Haoran, a woman and a girl appeared.

They exuded a huge flame aura, and they turned out to be the two people Chu Yi saved in the casino. The woman said coldly: "Who are you? You broke into the core area of ​​the Antarctic Hell!"

Obviously, the two of them no longer remember who Chu Yi is, but Chu Yi doesn't care. He calmly stared into the woman's eyes and asked gently: "I'm looking for Qin Haoran, do you know where he is?"

The woman responded indifferently: "I don't know Qin Haoran, you can leave, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

But at this moment, a familiar feeling suddenly surged in the woman's heart, as if there was some mysterious bond between Chu Yi and her, and this feeling made her uneasy. She stared at Chu Yi with confusion on her face, "I seem to have seen you somewhere."

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