Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 160 Full Firepower, Star-Destroying Power

At this moment, Nancheng City has become dilapidated, and a collapsed and dilapidated community comes into view. Chu Yi sat in the ruins without any image, and could only stare blankly at the scene in front of him. And Anna stood beside him quietly, accompanying him silently.

This was once the place where Chu Yi lived, but now it has become a ruin. Drops of tears fell from the corners of his eyes, and Chu Yi's heart was filled with unspeakable sadness, "It's all my fault. It must be the so-called New Human Empire that did it. If I hadn't killed that consciousness, there wouldn't be such a thing. things happen."

Chu Yi suddenly recalled what the conscious body said to him before dying, "Chu Yi, you will regret this, you will regret it!!!" This sentence kept echoing in his mind, making him feel even more excited. heavy.

Anna consoled her: "Ayi, this is not your fault."

"Alas!" Chu Yi sighed deeply, but at the same time as he sighed, space fluctuations suddenly appeared around him.

Chu Yi instantly became alert. He had space powers and was very familiar with space anomalies. This was a sign of space teleportation.

"Be careful, an enemy is coming!" Chu Yi protected Anna behind him. Seeing the scene of Nancheng being destroyed, Chu Yi cherished the people around him even more.

In an instant, countless small aircraft appeared around Chu Yi and Anna, showing a very strange rhombus shape.

Uratisi suddenly appeared from a distance. This woman was wearing a fur coat with a very strange material, and the black cloak was even more creepy.

Ulatisi said teasingly: "Hey, isn't this Chu Yi? Your home has been destroyed, how do you feel?"

Chu Yi frowned and asked, "Who are you?"

Uratisi laughed and said: "Remember? It was you who killed many of our giant Dragon Races and caused our war to fail!"

Chu Yi understood. He stared at the woman in front of him and said, "You are from Pus star. What is your purpose in coming to Blue star?"

Uratisi said proudly: "Haha, I am Uratisi from the Pus star. I am here to invite you, Chu Yi, to join the new human empire."

Chu Yi did not reply, but asked: "Were you responsible for Blue Star's attack?"

Uratisi threatened: "Of course it's us. Now you know the strength of the New Human Empire! Choose to surrender! Surrendering can save your life, but not surrendering will lead to death!"

When Chu Yi heard Ulatisi's words, he immediately became angry. He replied angrily: "You attacked the Dragon Kingdom and you still want me to surrender? Go to hell!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Yi activated the Primordial Origin Five Elements form, displayed all his skills, and rushed towards Uratisi.

"Primordial Origin clone!" Immediately, more than two hundred clones suddenly appeared, some of them held the God-killing Spear, and the other held the God-killing Sword.

"You so-called New Human Empire, no matter how powerful, how powerful, how cunning and cunning you are, no matter who you are, no matter what your purpose is, just die!" Chu Yi's more than two hundred Primordial Origins The clones performed various stunts at the same time and rushed towards Uratisi! Their figures intertwined in the air, like a group of god-like beings.

"Tianjue Sword Intent - Primordial Origin Sword Slash!" Chu Yi's clone raised the sword in his hand, the tip of the sword flashing with cold light. With a wave of his sword, a terrifying sword energy swept out, cutting through the air like a sharp blade, causing waves of violent storms.

"Five Elements God-killing Spear Formation!" Chu Yi's five clones simultaneously displayed the Five Elements God-killing Spear Formation, shining brightly. The power of the five attributes intertwined to form a huge formation that enveloped Uratisi. Countless sacred spear shadows poured down like raindrops, trapping Uratisi in the formation.

"The power of extreme ice - eternity in an instant!" Chu Yi's clone condensed the power of coldness, and the chill filled the air. An extremely cold energy emerged from his hand, as if it could freeze everything. This icy force condensed instantly and formed a glacier, trapping Uratisi in it.

"The power of extreme thunder - black thunder rage!" A clone of Chu Yi released black thunder and lightning, and the thunder light shone. Thunder and lightning swept across like a black dragon, and the roar was deafening. Bolts of thunder and lightning instantly trapped Uratisi in a sea of ​​thunder, making it impossible for her to escape.

"The power of water and wood - the endless wooden prison!" A clone of Chu Yi exerted the power of water and wood, and countless wood-attribute rattans rose from the ground and entangled themselves towards Ulatixi. These vines are full of life, like a dense forest, trapping Uratisi in them, constantly absorbing her power.

"Ice and Thunder Secret - God-Killing Arrow!" Chu Yi's clone shot out the Ice-Thunder God-Killing Arrow at such a fast speed that it was difficult to catch. This arrow contains the power of ice and thunder and is extremely sharp. The arrow flew like lightning and pointed directly at Ulatisi's heart.

In an instant, brilliant brilliance bloomed in the sky, and Chu Yi's moves were too numerous to count. His clones continued bombing, destroying Uratisi's location without stopping. Sword energy, gun shadows, glaciers, thunder and lightning, wooden prisons, arrows, all kinds of powerful forces are intertwined together to form a thrilling battlefield scene. Chu Yi's strength was fully revealed, and he launched a fierce attack on Ulatixi with unparalleled power!

"Bang, bang, bang..." He kept bombing, destroying Uratisi's location without stopping, and the surrounding small aircraft were completely destroyed in an instant.

"Go to hell! Go to hell!!! Go to hell!!!!" Chu Yi roared, and at the same time, the entire Blue Star actually trembled slightly. His power was so amazing! !

"Boom, boom, boom..." With each violent attack, Blue Star began to tremble more violently, but these Chu Yi were not aware of it.

Chu Yi's heart was filled with uncontrollable anger and desire to kill. He was determined to kill Ulatisi in front of him, "Come on! Don't you like to carry out attacks?! Come on, don't you want to harm civilians? Don't you want to Kill them?! Ah? Ah!! Ahhhhhhhhh!!"

"Boom, boom, boom..." The sound of destruction continued, intertwined with the sounds of collisions and explosions.

Suddenly, a loud slap hit Chu Yi's face, and the voice reached deep into his heart, "A Yi, wake up!"

Anna's words echoed in his heart. Chu Yi was instantly awakened by the slap. He looked at Anna and asked in confusion: "What's wrong with me?"

Anna said in a serious tone: "If you continue to attack like this, the entire Blue Star will be destroyed."

Chu Yi felt very sorry and said: "I'm sorry, I didn't control myself."

Anna said comfortingly: "It's okay."

She gently stroked Chu Yi's cheek and asked with concern: "I'm sorry, does it hurt?"

Chu Yi didn't care about this, but asked urgently: "It's okay, how is Ulatixi? Is she dead?"

Anna's face was gloomy, and she said with an ugly face: "She was unscathed, and she was not really hurt at all!"

"Hahaha, Chu Yi, do you think I don't know your strength?" At this moment, Ulatixi's voice suddenly sounded, full of sarcasm, "Do you think I will be defenseless against you? Do you think Will I come in person? Let me tell you, this is just a projection of me, hahaha!"

"Damn it!!" Chu Yi gritted his teeth, anger spreading in his chest like a burning bonfire.

Ulatisi's face was as gloomy as a dark cloud, making people feel inexplicably strange. She said coldly: "Since you are unwilling to surrender, then just wait for the destruction of the New Human Empire!" As soon as her voice fell, she disappeared without warning, as if she had never appeared before.

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