Aura Revival: Awakening The God-Killing Spear At The Beginning

Chapter 118 It Would Be Good To Destroy The Japanese Country Again

Yuanshi Heavenly Venerable continued to explain patiently: "If you want to go back now, I can immediately open the time and space channel to let you go back." His words revealed his special care for Chu Yi, a disciple. After all, in the prehistoric world, Yuanshi Heavenly Venerable was not a good-tempered being, but he was definitely an extremely protective being towards his apprentices.

When Chu Yi heard this, he felt happy and said excitedly: "Is it true?"

Yuanshi Heavenly Venerable smiled and said: "But I still recommend that you stay in this universe for a while."

Chu Yi was stunned when he heard this, and he couldn't help but asked in confusion: "Teacher Yuanshi, this universe cannot be cultivated, so what's the point of staying here?"

Yuanshi Heavenly Venerable explained patiently: "No, this universe can be cultivated, but you can't sense its energy yet. As time goes by, you will gradually integrate into this universe, and then you can truly feel its energy. energy."

Yuanshi Heavenly Venerable paused and continued to explain: "And cultivation is not just about improving strength, but also a kind of inner cultivation. In this universe, you can experience various challenges and tests and exercise your willpower . You will learn how to deal with difficulties and setbacks, and how to maintain inner peace and determination. These are also crucial to your cultivation path."

"That's it, I understand, Teacher Yuanshi." Chu Yi suddenly realized, Yuanshi Heavenly Venerable nodded with satisfaction, and the ethereal figure disappeared into the void.

At this moment, Anna woke up from her practice. The aura of a prehistoric monk burst out from her body, and she had successfully entered the realm and reached the stage of revolving light.

Chu Yi said excitedly: "Anna, congratulations! You have finally entered the ranks of ancient monks!" His eyes revealed his admiration and pride for Anna.

Anna's eyes shone with joy. She jumped into Chu Yi's arms and said happily: "Chu Yi, this is great! I finally succeeded!" Her voice was full of excitement and pride.

Chu Yi said with a smile: "You are just a practitioner in the Xuanzhao stage, and I have already broken through to the Gold Core stage. You still need to keep working hard to get further, hehe."

Anna responded mischievously: "I know, I have practiced the Innate Five Elements Shield Technique, and now my speed is faster than before." Her eyes were shining with pride, as if she was telling her own achievements.

After hearing this, Chu Yi was quite satisfied and nodded slightly in agreement. He actually has the ability to fuse the Innate Five Elements Shield Technique with the Primordial Origin Wuji Kung Fu, but he knows well that he can't bite off more than he can chew. Therefore, he decided to consider this issue after he became stronger.

"Anna, we have now arrived in another universe. This is the legendary parallel universe." Chu Yi said with a solemn face.

Anna asked in surprise: "In other words, we have come to another world? Then how do we go back?"

Chu Yi took a deep breath and replied firmly: "I have already asked Teacher Yuanshi, he can take us back."

"That's good, that's good!" Anna breathed a sigh of relief, patted her chest gently, and murmured in a low voice with lingering fear.

An hour passed, and Chu Yi and Anna finally arrived at the bustling street of H City, where the crowds were surging and bustling. The two walked side by side and couldn't help but attract the attention of pedestrians around them.

Anna's beauty is really impossible to ignore, especially since she practiced the Eight-nine Mysterious Skills, her appearance has become even more stunning. Her moving eyes sparkled with crystal light, like a bright star, which was intoxicating. Her skin was as smooth and delicate as white jade, exuding an enchanting brilliance. Her figure is tall and slender, like an elegant swan, which makes people feel heartbeat involuntarily.

Chu Yi, on the other hand, has short black hair and a hint of indifference on his handsome face. His deep eyes exuded a kind of confidence and determination, like a tranquil lake, which made people feel awe. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a trace of complacency and calmness, making him look extremely attractive. His figure is well-proportioned and strong, exuding a masculine aura that makes people's hearts flutter.

The two were walking on the street, the aura of youth surrounding them, like a pair of beautiful fairy couples, attracting the attention of people around them, making people involuntarily want to get closer and feel the unique charm of them.

Passers-by talked about it one after another, and there was endless lively discussion. A confident man stopped, smacked his lips and said, "It's so beautiful. That woman's figure is so perfect, tsk tsk tsk!"


A woman with rich makeup next to her couldn't help but said excitedly: "Oh my, that man is so handsome! I have to get his contact information quickly!" Her eyes flashed with excitement, and she seemed to have begun to do everything possible to contact Chu. Easy thoughts.

"Bah, do you think people would like you like this? Stop daydreaming." Another woman muttered disdainfully.

Anna and Chu Yi walked on the road, talking to each other about their thoughts.

Anna smiled and said: "Chu Yi, this world seems very ordinary. Without those terrible alien invasions, I feel great!"

Chu Yi responded thoughtfully: "You can't take it lightly. Teacher Yuanshi once told me that the way of cultivation in this world can make people strong, which means that there are extremely powerful beings in this world. Moreover, the number of wars in history The traces are shocking, fighting between various countries has become a familiar norm, and the United States is the culprit!"

"Well!" Anna held Chu Yi's hand tightly, with a hint of uneasiness in her eyes.

"Chu Yi, what should we do now?" Anna's voice was filled with confusion.

Chu Yi took a deep breath and replied in a firm tone: "I think before that, I should set foot in the Japanese country myself." His eyes showed determination.

Anna asked in confusion: "Chu Yi, do you want to..."

"That's right, it's what you think. It would be good to destroy the Japanese country again." Chu Yi's eyes were sharp, and there was a hint of cold determination in his words. His voice contained a depth of hatred for the past and a desire for future victory.

However, just as they were discussing, a middle-aged man with extraordinary temperament suddenly walked out of the crowd, wearing a bright suit, showing his power. He walked up to Chu Yi gracefully, introduced himself with a smile: "I am Ye Lin, the president of Ye Group. Thank you very much for saving my daughter." There was a trace of deep gratitude in his voice.

Chu Yi looked at Ye Lin in surprise, not expecting that he could find him. He put away his previous indifference and said politely: "Mr. Ye, I didn't expect you to find me. Saving people is just a simple effort, no need to be polite." There was a hint of humility and calmness in his tone.

Ye Lin glanced at Anna next to Chu Yi, with a hint of surprise in his eyes. He asked curiously: "Who is this?"

Chu Yi proudly introduced: "This is my dear wife, Anna." There was a sense of confidence and pride in his voice.

Ye Lin stared at Anna beside Chu Yi and narrowed his eyes slightly. There was an exclamation in his heart. He didn't expect Chu Yi to marry such a beautiful and charming wife.

Ye Lin smiled, with a fleeting look of envy in his eyes, and said, "So it turns out that they are truly a couple born in heaven. I wonder if I can invite you two to my Ye family as my honored guests." There was a hint of emotion in his voice. Infused with a touch of warmth and genuine invitation.

An hour later, Chu Yi and Anna entered the Ye family mansion, a magnificent villa with great expectations. The luxurious decoration and exquisite furnishings are like a work of art, showing the wealth and status of the Ye family.

The huge round table is filled with sumptuous dishes, the aroma is fragrant and mouth-watering. Father and daughter Ye Lin and Ye Ruxi always expressed their gratitude to Chu Yi, with deep gratitude and respect in their eyes.

Chu Yi responded with a smile: "You really don't need to thank me, it's just a trivial matter." His tone was calm, but he revealed his recognition of this gratitude.

However, Ye Lin insisted: "No, our Ye family must repay the kindness we have received." His voice was firm and powerful, revealing his persistence in family tradition.

With that said, he took out a black card from his hand and slowly handed it to Chu Yi. The texture of the card is smooth and exudes an alluring and mysterious aura.

"There are one billion in this card. This is a small thank you gift from the Ye family." Ye Lin's voice was filled with excitement and respect.

In the end, Chu Yi was forced to accept this card, even though he was not very interested in money, because as a high-level superpower user, he did not need to eat. but

At the dinner table, Chu Yi and Ye Lin talked endlessly, and kept asking tentative questions about cultivators. As a result, Chu Yi was a little disappointed, and Ye Lin knew nothing about cultivators.

Chu Yi frowned slightly and said to Ye Lin: "Mr. Ye, I think it's time for us to say goodbye." After saying that, he directly pulled Anna away from the table...

Standing in the sky and in the atmosphere, Chu Yi stared at Anna, with a hint of worry in his words, "Xiao Na, did you notice just now that when I asked him about his cultivator, he seemed to deliberately hide something What."

Anna nodded slightly, a sharp light flashed in her eyes, "Yes, he is obviously unwilling to disclose information about practitioners."

Chu Yi sighed, with firm determination on his face, "Forget it, no matter what secrets he has, let's prepare to go to Japan! If you think it's bloody, I can go alone."

Anna held Chu Yi's hand tightly, her eyes firm and resolute. She said without hesitation: "No matter what you do, I will be with you, even if it means killing all the creatures in the universe, even if the road is full of blood and destruction. Ayi, I love you... …”

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