Ye Ruxi was surprised to find that the man in front of her was so cold and heartless. In City H, there is an endless stream of people pursuing her. After all, she is the eldest lady of the Ye Group!

Ye Ruxi asked unwillingly: "Are you really not going to come with me? My family is very, very rich!"

Chu Yi replied coldly: "Money? What I'm after is not money!"

Ye Ruxi continued unwillingly: "Then what do you want? Our Ye family can satisfy any of your requests!"

Chu Yi replied calmly: "What I want, your so-called Ye family can't give it to me."

Ye Ruxi asked in confusion: "Then what do you want? How do you know that our Ye family can't give it to you."

Chu Yi said mysteriously: "I want to become the strongest!" There was a hint of Chuyi in his tone.

At this moment, a group of people wearing bright police uniforms rushed in like tigers. They raised their pistols and stared at the scene in front of them. The atmosphere was tense and solemn.

The leading policewoman Lu Yueting frowned and shouted loudly to Ye Ruxi: "Ruxi, come here quickly!!"

Ye Ruxi frowned slightly, and faced Chu Yi and said with embarrassment: "I'm sorry, they misunderstood. I will try my best to explain clearly."

Chu Yi nodded, but he didn't expect trouble to come.

Ye Ruxi rushed to Lu Yueting's side and explained innocently: "Sister Lu, he is the one who saved me. He drove away those evil people."

Officer Lu Yueting said solemnly: "Ye Ruxi, you are too young to understand the dangers of society. If those kidnappers were sent by him to kidnap you, they would then perform a heroic rescue of the beauty in an attempt to gain benefits from your Ye family. Woolen cloth?"

She turned to Chu Yi and said in a cold tone: "Come with us! Although you are not a kidnapper, you are also suspected of committing a crime."

Chu Yi looked at these ignorant people and felt helpless in his heart. He saved people, but was misunderstood as a criminal?

"Hey, I just came to this strange world, it's better to understand the situation first." Chu Yi secretly muttered in his heart. As a result, Chu Yi was taken by the police to the interrogation room in the H City Public Security Bureau.

In the interrogation room, Chu Yi's hands were tightly restrained by cold handcuffs, standing on a hard chair, silently waiting for the interrogation to begin.

Suddenly, a policewoman named Lu Yueting walked into the interrogation room, stared at Chu Yi sharply, and asked, "Please tell me your name."

Chu Yi was stunned for a moment, and then replied calmly: "My name is Chu Yi."

Lu Yueting raised her eyebrows slightly, and then asked: "Please tell me your gender."

Chu Yi took a deep breath and replied without hesitation: "I am a man."

Lu Yueting nodded slightly and continued to ask: "Have you ever used a name?"

Chu Yi's brows wrinkled slightly, and he replied with a hint of confusion: "No, my name has always been Chu Yi."

Lu Yueting's eyes were as sharp as an eagle, and then asked: "Please tell me your date of birth."

Chu Yi smiled slightly, and then replied hesitantly: "Well, I'm sorry, I forgot, it was too long ago."

Lu Yueting frowned and continued to ask: "Where do you live now?"

Chu Yi's eyes wandered for a moment, and then he answered frankly: "I live in Spark City now."

Lu Yueting nodded slightly, and then asked: "Please tell me your occupation."

Chu Yi smiled slightly, and then replied calmly: "Currently, I have no job."

Lu Yueting's eyes softened slightly, and then asked: "What is your education level?"

Chu Yi coughed slightly, and then replied frankly: "I only have a high school education."

Lu Yueting smiled slightly and finally asked: "Please tell me about your family situation."

Chu Yi was startled for a moment, and then replied with a warm smile: "My wife and I, we depend on each other for life."

Later, Lu Yueting continued to ask a series of questions. She stared at Chu Yi sharply, trying to uncover the mystery about him.

"Show me your ID card!" Lu Yueting's voice came coldly, revealing suspicion. Her eyes were full of unquestionable vigilance.

Chu Yi shook his head and replied with a wry smile: "I didn't." His answer was concise and clear, but it could not dispel Lu Yueting's inner doubts.

Lu Yueting frowned and asked, "Are you a gangster?" There was a hint of provocation in her tone that could not be ignored.

Chu Yi denied again: "I'm not a gangster! And do you think I look like a foreigner?" He tried to explain his identity in words, but it seemed to be in vain.

Lu Yueting's eyes stayed on Chu Yi's face, and after thinking for a moment, she said, "You really don't look like a foreigner." Despite this, she still had doubts about Chu Yi's doubts.

"There are too many doubts about you." Lu Yueting frowned, with a hint of doubt in her voice, "Currently I only know your name. As for the Spark City you mentioned, I conducted an investigation and found that this world Spark City does not exist in the world. You are lying." Her tone was full of confidence.

Chu Yi shrugged helplessly and spread his hands to express his helplessness. He obviously told the truth, but Lu Yueting has always been skeptical of his honesty.

"I've said what I need to say. Believe it or not, that's your business. Now, can I leave?" There was a hint of helplessness in Chu Yi's voice.

Lu Yueting shook her head and said, "Not yet. There are too many doubts about you and further investigation is needed." Just as her voice fell, suddenly, a cold air hit her neck, causing her body to tremble.

"You!" She quickly turned her head and found that Chu Yi was already standing beside her, with the God-killing Sword in his hand close to her neck. The cold blade made her feel the fragility of life.

Chu Yi asked coldly: "Now, can I leave?"

Lu Yueting suddenly felt shuddered, and she quickly reminded: "I am a policeman! What you do is illegal!" She tried to use her identity to stop Chu Yi's actions.

Chu Yi was unmoved. There was a trace of indifference and ridicule in his eyes. At the same time, the God-killing Sword pressed closer to Lu Yueting's neck, as if it might pierce her skin at any time.

"Hmph!!" Chu Yi snorted coldly, not caring about her identity as a police officer, "What does it matter?"

Lu Yueting felt an endless despair welling up in her heart. She understood that if she did not find a solution, her life would be in danger.

She clenched her teeth, with a perseverance shining in her eyes, and she said without showing any signs of weakness: "Chu Yi, who are you? How dare you act so boldly."

Chu Yi said calmly: "My identity is not important. What is important is that I saved people and you still want to interrogate me. I feel very dissatisfied, but I will not kill you, I just want to give you a warning." Not everyone can be offended by you!!"

After saying that, Chu Yi disappeared instantly. This turned out to be Chu Yi's Primordial Origin clone.

"Disappeared? How is this possible!!" Lu Yueting's eyes widened and she said in disbelief. She then dialed Ye Ruxi's phone number and said, "Ruxi! He disappeared out of thin air."

"What happened?" Ye Ruxi's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Lu Yueting told her everything that had just happened.

After hearing this, Ye Ruxi said with helplessness in her tone, "I've already told you that he is the one who saved me and there is no way he is with the kidnappers. Why don't you believe me?"

Lu Yueting bit her lips and said sheepishly: "I'm just worried that you will be deceived. The social atmosphere is so bad now. As the eldest lady of the Ye family, you must stay vigilant!"

At this moment, Chu Yi's body was quietly lurking in H City, observing everywhere, but found nothing special.

Then he decided to go back to the forest. However, when he returned there and looked around, he found no fluctuations in space.

Chu Yi suddenly felt his mind was in confusion, so he entered the Chaos Bead. In the chaotic world, Chu Yi saw Anna. She was floating cross-legged in the chaos, with a faint light emitting from her whole body, as if she was integrated with the heaven and earth.

Anna's long golden hair surrounded her, falling down to her waist like a waterfall, shining with a dazzling light like the sun.

Her face is like a finely crafted work of art, exquisitely beautiful. The exquisite curves outline a perfect figure, exuding charming allure. Her skin was as white and delicate as snow, as if it were a perfect work of art carved by time. Anna's body was surrounded by a rich aura, like an invisible air current flowing around her. Every bit of spiritual energy was absorbed into her body, making her cultivation continue to improve and become more concise.

This scene relieved Chu Yi's bad mood a lot, and then he couldn't wait to ask around: "Teacher Yuanshi, how can I return to the original world? Please give me some advice."

Not long after, Yuanshi Heavenly Venerable's figure gradually emerged, and he said mysteriously: "I already know your situation, and it is not difficult to go back."

Chu Yi's eyes lit up, and he asked excitedly: "Teacher, please teach me, what should I do?"

Yuanshi Heavenly Venerable smiled lightly and said: "The universe you are currently in is actually a parallel universe of the original universe."

Chu Yi was shocked after hearing this. It was indeed a parallel universe. His guess was correct, "Parallel universe? Does that mean I can travel back and forth?"

Yuanshi Heavenly Venerable nodded and said: "Yes, as long as you can master a trace of the law of space."

Chu Yi felt frustrated for a moment, and he said helplessly: "Teacher Yuanshi, that is the power of law! What's more, it is a powerful law like the law of space. I don't have that much time, please help me!"

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