Aura Hunter

Chapter 885

Sainsai knew the truth of "When Dunke dies, he will most likely be buried with him", so he immediately took away the leisurely spectator and entered a serious fighting stance.

I saw the ring iron he held in his right hand suddenly glow, and then, a fiery red brand appeared on Saiin Saiai's chest through the clothes.

In addition, this strong and strange energy aura also extended from Saiin Saiai's body towards the back, like a tarp, encompassing the silhouette of Dunke hanging in the air. Shared his power with his comrades.

At the same time, Saiin Saiai's chapped lips hidden on the inside of Fangzheng's iron helmet also opened suddenly, obviously preparing to use his ability spell in advance.

It's just that from the very beginning, Oke has heard key information about the appearance and abilities of the three backbone clowns from senior Kadaisy.

And at the moment when he saw Saiin Saiai's tall and thin tree-like figure, the cape like a wanderer, and the iconic iron helmet similar to a cage, Oke was impressed. Wake up, Saiin Saiai is exactly the one that Kadaisy mentioned before...

The control system ability person who separates the body and consciousness of others by chanting words!

Anyone, once completely immersed in Saiin Saiai's spellcasting effect, will instantly cut off all contact with the outside world, and the whole person is equivalent to becoming a lamb to be slaughtered directly in reality!

Only in terms of such a threat of ability, Saiin Saiai is enough to be on an equal footing with the other two theater backbones!

Therefore, without the slightest hesitation, Oke used the power of Aura in his body to block the ear canal, forcibly blocked his auditory nerve center, and then turned Saiin Saiai's silhouette into himself. Where the sword edge refers to, I intend to completely solve this tricky prey with a sense of stripping others before solving Dunke.

Setting a clear and clear hunting order, Oke's speed suddenly increased to a more terrifying speed, and in less than a second, he jumped a full five kilometers in an instant. The high altitude distance between!

Before Saiin Saiai's chapped lips hidden under the iron helmet could be fully opened, she, who was transformed into a dazzling streamer, had already flashed above the former's head in one fell swoop!

Sainsai's head is close at hand!

Oke won't give Saiin Saiai the chance to recite the scriptures and cast spells!

Whoosh ——————————————————!

Therefore, with a series of deafening sound barrier breaking sounds, Heaven and Earth suddenly rang out, and the Sakura Hair Hunter shortened the distance between the two parties to a trifling distance of one meter!

However, just before the sword glow of the seven smears of cherry red was about to chop up Saiin Saiai's whole body...

Oke's The momentum suddenly fell into a strange stagnation.

Her blade slowed down.

Her hair has slowed down.

Her pace slowed down.

It's almost as if the videotape was suddenly slowed down countless times...

Oke's attack was directly blocked from the original five times the speed of sound. It was instantly reduced to an absurd level of one meter per second, and it looked like his body was suddenly frozen in front of Saiin Saiai!


Faced with such a sudden reversal of the situation, Ou Ke's pupils dilated suddenly, his expression changed drastically, and he didn't understand what happened to his body at all.

As for Saiin Saiai, who was standing in front of her, she opened her indifferent one eye, held out the burning brand on her chest, and then raised her hands at a moderate pace to the point where it burned. The red soldering iron stretched out at Oke's body.

He looks so calm...

He doesn't seem to have any strength at all...

However, even if Oko's eyes can clearly understand these details, her body is completely unable to keep up with the thoughts of her brain, neither can she slash at Saiin Saiai with her sword, nor can she stop her footsteps urgently!

Oke, whose body was flying slowly in the air like a snail, was instantly filled with shock and consternation on his frozen face.

(He "stripped" my speed away from me!?)

Then, Ou Ke watched helplessly as Saiin Saiai's soldering iron faced him at a gentle speed Reaching out, I suddenly felt a Death Aura that was strong enough to penetrate the pores!

At this moment, I intuitively told Oke that if she was touched by this weird iron, even if it was just a single blow, she would end up either dead or disabled!

However, fortunately, the hunter of cherry hair left a hand for himself in advance, and left a crimson virtual lotus on the way to prevent emergencies.

So at the moment when he felt something strange in his body, Ou Ke subconsciously activated the relic effect of "Scarlet Silk Feet".

Nowadays, this insurance measure seems to be a life saver for her.

So, in the next second, Ou Ke's body, which was frozen in place, so narrowly avoided the soldering iron that Saiin Saiai stretched out, and instantly disappeared in front of Saiin Saiai's eyes, which made Saiin Sai'e. Insaiai's hot red soldering iron was immediately empty.


Seeing the prey escaped instantly, Saiin Saiai couldn't help but click his tongue.

"The ability to move in space is really troublesome."

At the same time, Ou Ke flashed a hundred meters away in one breath.

After that, her body immediately returned to its original state, getting rid of the original snail-like slowness.

Seeing this, Ou Ke's eyes changed, and his brain quickly sorted out the situation in front of him.

(As soon as our distance is widened, my body regains its mobility... It seems that "distance" is the casting condition for him to slow me down just now.)

(This kind of deceleration ability has never been heard from Kadaisi senior before, and it must have something to do with the brand on his chest and the iron in his hand...)

(putting it that way, that soldering iron is the labyrinth relic he holds? And the slowing phenomenon just now is the effect of the relic ability he activated?)

(No... not right.'s not that simple.)

(In the moment just now, in addition to the slowing down of the body's speed, I could clearly feel a strange and extremely terrifying force from his slow movements Feeling.)

(If I was really touched by that soldering iron, I would definitely be finished on the spot.)

(It was obvious that there was no action at all, but it was still able to release such horror The coercion...)

(What kind of power principle does the soldering iron in his hand contain?)

Reluctantly from Saiin Saiai's hand After escaping the catastrophe, Ou Ke suddenly had a clearer understanding of the former's ability information, and his eyes became very dignified.

Just a single moment of confrontation was enough for Ou Ke to fully realize that this soldering iron clown seemed to be scrawny, thin, and not much muscle, but in fact it was extremely dangerous.

Different from Fente, who has a high-profile, straightforward, and tough fighting style, Saiin Saiai is a low-key type of deep hidden, full of dangerous mysteries, and can even pass the "distance". Shorten to forcibly disarm Oko's most powerful weapon - "speed".

For the Sakura-haired hunters who mainly focus on melee combat, the existence of Saiin Saiai is obviously worse than that of Fente!

These two guys are really worthy of being the backbone members of the Happy Theater, all of them are monsters among monsters!

Even though Oke has overcome countless desperate situations in the past, in her eyes now, she wants to be obstructed by Fente and Saiin Saiai by the strength of oneself. The next solution to Dunge is obviously impossible!

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