Aura Hunter

Chapter 884

No matter what Ou Ke grows up to, Fente can always feel a pattern in her movements and moves.

That is a law that is buried deep in a person's soul and cannot be eliminated in this lifetime.

Apart from this, Fente also has top-level physical and mental innate talent, rich experience accumulated over the years, and a solid foundation for reaching the 5th layer nightmare realm earlier than Ou Ke.

So, even if Ou Ke's strength is terrifying, even if Ou Ke's current skill speed is actually slightly more than Fente's trend... Combining the above powerful advantages in one Fente of the body, in the face of Ou Ke's Swift Wind Rainstorm's turns of attack, from start to finish, he was able to calmly hold his own position.

So, in the next 3 minutes or less, one person and one insect fought from the sky to the ground, and from the ground back to the sky, fighting directly for more than hundreds of thousands of rounds in one breath. !

During the period, Ou Ke's every move aimed at the vital point of the fatal attack was either dodged by Fente, or blocked by Fente with the sword array.

After such a long and fierce collision of blades, the blades in both hands will inevitably collapse and shatter.

However, on Oke's side, Yuanri's long sword was broken, and she could only take out a spare replacement from the hunter's black ring, and there was always an upper limit on the reserve of weapons.

On Fente's side, the worm's eye long sword is broken, she only needs to move towards the other still intact worm's eye long sword and pour the power of Aura, the latter will be like the Queen of Insect. With a brand-new kind, Defente doesn't need to worry about running out of weapons at all.

And this is another strong point of the labyrinth relic of "insect nest Jianyu".

Its performance in terms of battery life is really top!

Oke's Yuanri long sword is always a man-made thing, and naturally it cannot be mentioned on equal terms with it!

At the same time, Oke's many violent offensives, from start to finish, were also stopped by Fente with the defense of not one drop of water can leak out one after another!

Ok only needs to hit the opponent's key point once, and Ou Ke has the hope of killing Fente in one hit...

But Ou Ke has never seen this opportunity .

Fente's focus on defense has no weak spot to be found!

Oke is really fast and really strong.

However, as Ou Ke's sword technique instructor in the past, Fente's strength has not decreased at all, and he is also fast and strong!

In front of this former adoptive mother, Ou Ke's skill and speed, which he is proud of, can no longer be as effective as against other enemies in the past!


When the sword dance attacked Fente's head again, but was forcibly resisted by the new "insect nest sword rain" from the other party's summon out of thin air, Ouke finally realized that "Jiang is still old and spicy." "The truth.

Even though her strength had grown so much before, beheading the rest of the crazy clowns can be said to have the words at hand, however, at this moment, facing Fente's difficult to overcome Ou Ke still feels the long-lost hardship.

(No, it's hard to find a breakthrough for a while.)

(She is too familiar with my movements.)

(She shouldn't be here anymore A waste of time.)

After such a calm and careful thought, Ou Ke immediately decided to change the target of his action, and the "Scarlet Silk Feet" wrapped around the snow-white feet immediately burst into light, and the whole person was like this Disappeared in front of Fente with a crimson brilliance.

Witnessing this scene, Fente's expression changed, thinking that Ou Ke was ready to move to his back to perform a surprise attack again, so he hurriedly swayed forward with a cautious attitude.

As a result, Fente immediately discovered that this was not the case, because there was no silhouette of Oko around.

(Huh? Where did Momo go? Did she run away?)

Fente looked around in confusion.

Immediately, in the distant sky dozens of kilometers away, she caught a glimpse of a red light of cherry blossoms that was swooping down rapidly.

At this moment, its direction points directly to the surface source of the sky-high purple light!

(Oops! She pointed the finger at Dunke and Saiinsaiai!)

Seeing this, Fente instantly understood what Oke was thinking, and her expression immediately Getting nervous, he hurriedly leaned over and chased away at full speed towards where the purple light stood.

On the other side of the battlefield, Dunke was still sitting quietly with his eyes closed, concentrating on fighting for the control of the Rubik's Cube world.

As for Saiin Saiai, who was guarding next to him, he was still looking up at the battle between Fente and Oke in the distant sky, but suddenly found that Oke moved to him without warning. The sky on this side suddenly shortened the distance between the two sides to only a few kilometers remaining. It seems that the plan is to start the most strategically important Dunke first.

Sain Saiai knew the truth of "When Dunke dies, he will most likely be buried with him", so he immediately took away the leisure of being a spectator and turned into a serious fighting stance.

I saw the ring iron he held in his right hand suddenly glow, and then, a fiery red brand appeared on Saiin Saiai's chest through the clothes.

At the same time, Saiin Saiai's chapped lips hidden on the inside of Fangzheng's iron helmet also opened suddenly, obviously preparing to use his ability spell in advance.

It's just that from the very beginning, Oke has heard key information about the appearance and abilities of the three backbone clowns from senior Kadaisy.

And at the moment when he saw Saiin Saiai's tall and thin tree-like figure, the cape like a wanderer, and the iconic iron helmet similar to a cage, Oke was impressed. Wake up, Saiin Saiai is exactly the one that Kadaisy mentioned before...

The control system ability person who separates the body and consciousness of others by chanting words!

Anyone, once completely immersed in Saiin Saiai's spellcasting effect, will instantly cut off all contact with the outside world, and the whole person is equivalent to becoming a lamb to be slaughtered directly in reality!

Only in terms of such a threat of ability, Saiin Saiai is enough to be on an equal footing with the other two theater backbones!

Therefore, without the slightest hesitation, Oke used the power of Aura in his body to block the ear canal, forcibly blocked his auditory nerve center, and then changed Saiin Saiai's silhouette into a Where his sword edge is pointing, he intends to completely deal with this thorny prey with a sense of stripping others before dealing with Dunke.

Setting a clear and clear hunting order, Oke's speed suddenly increased to a more terrifying speed, and in less than a second, he jumped a full five kilometers in an instant. The high altitude distance between!

Before Saiin Saiai's chapped lips hidden under the iron helmet could be fully opened, she, who was transformed into a dazzling streamer, had already flashed above the former's head in one fell swoop!

Oke will not give Saiin Saiai a chance to cast spells!

Whoosh ——————————————————!

Before a series of deafening sounds of breaking the sound barrier could be heard, the seven wisps of cherry red sword glow will tear up Saiin Saiai's whole body in one fell swoop!

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