Aura Hunter

Chapter 845

Just before Lu Zhi and Ferona faced off head-to-head, Ferusa, who was blown away by Ferona's shot, also started his own actions early.

Felusa first tried his best to stabilize his "War chariot"'s retreating momentum in the air, and then quickly turned his head to look at the "Silent Killing Barrier" in the distance.

He knew that the guy who just shot himself and saved Weimon was undoubtedly the hunter who rushed to the scene to support him.

However, Feluza was not like Lu Zhi, who was worried about "the number of opponents" and "decision of one's own side" and many other issues for a while because of the sudden accident in front of him.

After seeing the muzzle of the "Silent Killing Barrier" and turning to fire at another of his accomplices, Ferusa immediately turned his eyes to the valley not far away on the other side.

That's where Waymon fell.

Although he just fell straight to the ground from a height of 100 meters, the trifling height of 100 meters does not pose much threat to the flesh of the 5th layer nightmare realm.

So, Weimon, who killed Comodore, is still safe.

Ferusa realized this fact, and his breathing suddenly became heavy.

(This mouse one after another teased us all over the place, and even killed Comodore, no matter what, we must not let him go today!)

(Since the hunter who interfered with me before has now turned to fight with Lu Zhi, then I should act according to the previous plan now!)

(While this mouse can't move, quickly kill him Kill it with the supplementary knife, and then think about what to do after that!)

Thinking of this, Ferusa immediately made up his mind, so the rhinoceros beast pupils hidden under the armor flickered. ruthless baleful aura.

Boom ——————!

With its roaring engine, swiftly turning crawler, and full of killing intent, "War Chariot" once again turned into a silver-gray meteor, rushing towards the valley where Weimon fell. Forge ahead!

Meanwhile, on a flat field in the valley, Wemon was lying on his back at the bottom of a cracked rock pit.

He looked up at the death war chariot swooping down from the horizon again, without saying a word, his face was calm, his breath was steady, as if everything was under his control.

Then, before Ferusa reached the valley where Weimon was located, the front then is the route of the "War Chariot", a mighty black iron light suddenly erupted.


Seeing this, Ferusa turned pale in fright again, and immediately realized that the hunters who came to support Weimon were not only snipers from afar that one!

And at the same time as the Rhino Clown's expression changed dramatically, the light tide of the black iron converged and solidified, and immediately changed into a sturdy and majestic head, wearing iron armor, complete limbs, and the height remained at 30. The meter-scale steel giant is the "Iron Hex Giant Statue" that Errigat transformed into!

Seeing such a huge monster standing on the ground in an instant, and guarding the place where Weimon is standing tall and straight, there were countless wavering waves in Ferusa's heart.

Now that there is another hunter intervening to intervene, Ferusa immediately became hesitant about the idea of killing Weimon, which led to the charging momentum of "War Chariot". slowed down a lot.

However, immediately afterward, Errigat controlled the "Iron Giant Statue" and aimed at the "War chariot" and made an unexpected move for Ferusa.

I saw the "Iron Giant Statue" extending the hand towards the "War chariot", then tilted his head and shook his palm back.

"Come and fight with me."

At this moment, Errigat seemed to be using body language, very arrogantly moved towards Ferusa's order.


Felusa's expression was stunned, and then, a pair of beast pupils instantly burst into violent blood.

(This guy... is actually underestimating me!?)

This move by Errigat instantly angered Ferusa, and made the latter a good friend The nature of war was so ignited that Ferusa immediately put all his worries and concerns behind him.

(His! For so many years, no one has dared to take the initiative to ask me to fight head-on!)

(It’s really a person who fears nothing in Heaven or Earth because of his big body idiot!)

(Okay! Since you are not so afraid of death, then I will accept this challenge!)

(Today, let me personally teach you what It's the ultimate strength!)

(Look at me, Ferusa doesn't completely grind the pile of steel you are proud of into a smashed piece of steel————!)

Felusa roared in his mind with red eyes, and immediately accepted Errigat's challenge letter, and immediately pushed the engine power of the "War Chariot" to the limit, and the whole war chariot set off an unprecedented mighty momentum. , turned into a monstrous silver-gray meteor, moved towards the front of the "Iron Giant Statue" madly!

Seeing that the war-loving Ferusa succeeded in taking the bait, Errigat's "Iron Armor giant statue" immediately lowered its center of gravity, raised its arms slightly, and thus completed the resistance to the "War chariot" defensive stance.

Then, the two giants pursuing power finally ushered in the ultimate confrontation of meet force with force between this vast volcanic land.

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