Aura Hunter

Chapter 844

Faced with the invisible attack of the "Hidden Killing Barrier", Lu Zhi barely predicted the trajectory of the invisible ballistic through the energy fluctuations between the atmosphere, and immediately retreated in the right direction, in order to meet the sharp rushing Stealth bullets pass by.

And at the moment of successfully dodging the bullet, many questions appeared in Lu Zhi's mind.

Why did Weimon's support arrive just in time at the crucial moment when he was dying?

Is Weimont simply walking the lucky dog excrement, or is it all in his plan?

And how many hunters are currently here to support Weimon?

Can I handle it with the rest of myself and Ferusa?

In the current situation, should I continue to fight, or just flee?

In a short period of time, Lu Zhi thought a lot.

However, his body immediately made a decision.

In any case, you can't go wrong with a counterattack first to test the opponent's reality.

With this thought in mind, Lu Zhi then raised his palm wearing the "Spread Finger Tiger", and immediately aimed at the location of Ferona and launched a fierce and decisive sniper counterattack.

whiz whiz whiz whiz sou!

A series of extremely fierce air-breaking sounds suddenly resounded in the sky.

Before this, the ten fingers attached to the relic effect of "Spreading Finger Tigers" were moved towards the "Hidden Killing Barrier" in the distance with a momentum that was faster than lightning.

In the face of Lu Zhi's deadly return gift that leaped thousands of meters away like lightning, Firona did not choose to block recklessly, but drove the "Hidden Killing Barrier" moved towards the side without the slightest hesitation. .

Obviously, she has already grasped the information of Lu Zhi's extremely lethal single-point offensive capability in advance, so she will not foolishly greet the clown's finger penetration technique on the spot.

Witnessing Ferona's evasive action from a distance, Lu Zhi immediately saw at a glance that the mobility of 'Hidden Killing Barrier' was not flexible. Labyrinth relic in "Defense".

As a result, Lu Zhi's heart suddenly showed some confidence and certainty.

(Within the same realm, in front of me, any "defense" is useless...because my fingers can penetrate everything one after another.)

( And even if the opponent's long-range attack has its own invisibility effect, you can avoid them in advance through air fluctuations...)

( long as you can get closer long as you can make sure your fingers hit each other completely...)

(Then, no matter how thick and solid the fortress in front of you is, no matter how thick and strong the fortress is, no matter how the hunters inside No matter how well you hide it, it will be instantly pierced and disintegrated by my fingers!)

(Therefore, this is not the time to run away at all!)

(I should take the opportunity to take a breath It's just right to fight back!)

(Because I am the nemesis of this type of heavy anti-slow type ability————!)

Thinking of this, Lu The pheasant's shaky face was once again calm and ruthless.

Hands slammed, fingertips loaded, leaning forward, lowering center of gravity.

Lu pheasant did just that, moved towards Ferona, approached all the way, until she was completely shredded through the chasing preparations.

As a result, this careless move that was too taken for granted later became the fuse that pushed Lu Zhi to the cliff.

Lu Zhi thought that he had completely avoided the invisible sniper of the "Hidden Killing Barrier", so he temporarily let go of the vigilance behind him and focused his attention on the attack at hand.

As a result, the reality is that the invisible bullet made a sharp 180-degree turn immediately after passing by Lu Zhi.

Lu Zhi only saw the fact that Filona's long-range attack had "invisibility", but she didn't know that Filona could also freely manipulate and change the "travel route" of the bullet.

And the lack of this key information directly led to the end of the showdown between snipers.

Just as Lu Zhi was about to move towards Firona and swept out...

A hot metal tip penetrated him one step ahead of time. The flesh and bones of the back then completely swept through Lu Zhi's limbs and bones in just a short moment, causing Lu Zhi to instantly lose control of the entire body under the severe pain.

That is the effect caused by the "vacuum bullet" directly penetrating the target's flesh.

So, at this moment, Lu Zhi's face turned white first, then became extremely ferocious, and then he couldn't help but raise his head to spurt a large mouthful of blood.

"pu uh!"

Looking at the rain of red blood spraying from his throat, Lu Zhi's face was full of pale shock and confusion.


He didn't understand what happened to him.

It was exactly the same as the previous experience and reaction of Noblek.

He didn't even know whether the hunter sniper who fired at him in the "Hidden Killing Barrier" in the distance was a man or a woman, and what he looked like!

In contrast to Lu Zhi's stunned expression, Ferona, who was lurking inside the "Silent Killing Barrier", calmly controlled the "Silent Killing Barrier" to turn quickly, thus avoiding Lu one after another. The pheasant counterattacked with many fingers before, and then whispered:

"Put the bullseye."

At the same time, the "vacuum bullet" did not give Lu pheasant much thought or remorse. time.

From the moment when the invisible and sharp pointed bullet penetrated into Lu pheasant's body in one breath...

What awaits the finger clown is destined to be only vague violence. Killed.

The next moment, the surrounding air pressure suddenly dropped to zero.

A ten-meter-diameter spherical vacuum zone was created out of it, and then Lu Zhi's entire twisted body was swallowed in one bite.

Then, with the fiery power of Aura swept across the entire vacuum from between the warheads, Lu Zhi's silhouette was completely engulfed in a blast of heaven shaking, earth shattering.

Boom —————————————————————————————————!

A magnificent mushroom cloud appeared in the sky above the volcano.

With countless questions in his mind, Lu Zhi's whole body was scattered ashes and dispersed smoke under the monstrous firelight after all, and he ended up with a demise similar to Noblek.

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