Aura Hunter

Chapter 829


Erigat wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then used the still intact left arm Supporting his body alone, he staggered up from the ground.

If he hadn't noticed the abnormality in time and had urgently curbed the energy output of the "unyielding steel heart" to the 30% threshold, then Errigat's injury would have been directly aggravated several times. , not to mention falling to the ground and unable to move, even sudden death on the spot is very likely.

It's not that Errigat didn't expect Nobolik to have the potential of other trump cards in his hands, but he just thought Nobolik would be impossible to take his Iron Fist blow head-on no matter what.

However, the reality after that is that fiercely slaps Errigat in the face.

In front of Nobolik's Aura technique, which "absorbs 100% and then reflects external attacks", no matter how powerful Erigat can perform, Nobolik can return it all back. It can be said that it is deal with a man as he deals with you, so Deerigat now has to fall into a terrible situation where his whole body is bleeding, his internal organs are damaged, and his right arm is scrapped. .


Erigat clutched his chest, his eyes were hideous, and he was sweating like rain, breathing and thinking.

(This clown has such an outrageous spell ability...)

(This way, all my subsequent attacks are basically for him Neither worked...)

(Too bad... this type of enemy is too bad for me...)

Thinking of this, Errigat suddenly felt that the situation was gloomy.

If you are someone who is proficient in long-range attack methods, then even if you encounter a reflex like Noblek, you will have a chance to react and dodge. Have a chance to fight it.

However, once it is replaced by a person with the ability to fight with melee attacks like Errigat, then Noblek's spell is equivalent to a barrier full of lances, no matter whether Errigat How fierce is Rigat's charge, all his strength will eventually be turned into the help of Lance, and eventually pierce his body in turn.

And even if Errigat changed its course of action now, turning a single thrust attack into a short, flat and fast blitz that depends on speed, Noble can attack and defend, and it will also increase the formidable power according to the distance. Aurora Onyx," also does not leave many exploitable loopholes for Errigat.

At this moment, Errigat has encountered the most terrifying enemy in his life!

Nobolik seems to be the nemesis of all melee specialists, and it is completely equal to the natural enemy that Errigat should not encounter!

With the dizziness of the brain, the pain in the five internal organs, and the severe injury of the right arm, Errigat has not defeated Noblek's probability in the slightest!

(I have no chance of winning this battle.)

(Even if you continue to fight, it will only be a matter of time.)

(Can only find a way to escape.)

Erigart looked at the broken and twisted right hand and completely recognized the cruel reality in front of him. At the same time, a mystifying voice came from Suddenly above his head came.

"Steel boy, that punch you just made was really terrifying~"

Erigato immediately raised his cracked steel face and looked at Noblek, who was sitting cross-legged. Silhouette at high altitude.

"Fortunately, it was me who met you. If it were another guy, I'm afraid no one could withstand your terrifying brute force."

"Change In other words, you are really unlucky."

"You just came to this Rubik's Cube, and you were the first to meet such a clueless opponent like me, he he he!"


Erigat kept his mouth shut and adjusted his breath to make it calm again.

"I remember you said just now that this battle isn't going to be long, right?"

Noblek touched his forehead with his hand, frivolously taunted:

"And now I have to admit that your prophecy is indeed right!"

"In your stupid and arrogant plan to strike a certain kill on me, but instead hurt yourself After being reduced to this incomplete state... I really don't need to spend much effort to clean up you completely!"

"From a certain point of view, little devil , you are quite prescient, hahahahaha ——————!"

Erigat ignored Noborik's sarcasm, but kicked his feet hard on the ground, and the whole person was just like that. Soaring into the sky, trying to escape from here at full speed.

"Idiot, do you still think you can go now!?"

Nobolik laughed wildly, and immediately took off at full speed with Errigat, apparently without the slightest Let go of his plans.

The two of them chased after me in the high altitude of the desert, dragging out two trails of light, one after the other.

However, Errigat was seriously injured after all, so he could only be continuously shortened by Noblek, and he had no strength to escape the latter's palm.

"The choice I gave you just now is actually my last tolerance!"

"But you rejected it arrogantly!"

"If that's the case, then let me bear the consequences!"

Nobolik hissed and said with a smile excitedly:

"'Aurora Agate'! ”

Then the eight sides of the "Aurora Agate" surrounding him shot out eight fiery light whips at the same time, aiming at Errigat's back as a howling wind and torrential rain. 's pursuit.

shua shua shua shua shua!

Erigat dodged back and forth in the sky, up and down, left and right, desperately avoiding the swift pursuit of these light whips.

However, the injury to his internal organs made it difficult for him to show the movement method as flexible as he was at first. Therefore, a few minutes later, Errigat's back was fiercely hit by one of the agate whips. .


Accompanied by a piercing sound like an explosion, Errigat was blasted into the distant surface desert once again by Noblek, causing a monstrous sandstorm.


Erigat crawled up from the sunken bunker in an embarrassed manner.

The steel back, the clothes were shattered, and there was another black mark.

Although Errigat's body is still attached to the protective film of the "unyielding steel heart", it will not be hit hard by the long-range offensive of these light whips for a while, but as long as it can't escape from Noblek If you wait for the ending of Errigat in front of you, there is still only one way to go...

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