Aura Hunter

Chapter 828

Seeing this, Errigat's pupils suddenly dilated, and his heart skipped a beat.

It wasn't until this moment that he truly understood the opponent's means.

That is the ability essence that is the least compatible with Errigat.

At the same time, the corners of Nobolik's mouth rose to the cheekbones, and the whole face was extremely distorted, obviously feeling extremely proud and happy that his plan had succeeded.

With bloodthirsty and fanaticism in his eyes, he finally burst into laughter:

"Let's eat your own fruit---------!"

In the end, the majestic fists gathered by Noblek were absorbed by the concave mirror technique, and the "180-degree sharp turn" and "no energy loss" were used as the basis for counterattack, and immediately moved towards Errigat himself. The full amount is reflected back!

Erigat's attack of destroying heaven extinguishing earth, which brought together many external forces, was reversed by Noblek, thus turning the severely injured object into himself!

Boom ———————————————————————————————————————!

Accompanied by the sound of steel clashing with Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry, the "Iron Armor Giant Statue", which was 100% backlashed by its own violent power, immediately ushered in twisted arms, broken torso, and skulls. The tragic end of the explosion.

If the defensive power of the "Iron Armor Giant Statue" is compared to the strongest shield of Errigat, the attack power released by the "unyielding steel heart" is compared to the strongest spear of Errigat. ......

Then, at this moment, the result presented to Errigat is undoubtedly the victory of the spear, and an overwhelming victory.

As the strongest shield, the original mighty and domineering 50-meter giant half-body not only collapsed and fell apart in all directions, but was also blown away by the ruthless steel Iron Fist. After reaching the sky with a height of 100 meters, it flew backwards for an exaggerated distance of up to three kilometers, and finally, like a shattered meteorite, crashed into the open ground on the other side of the desert, causing a scene that was enough to shake the whole. The shocking shock of the desert foundation.

Boom ——————————————————!

Nobolik put down his arms, removed the concave mirror, and looked at the magnificent sand waves rising into the sky three kilometers away from the desert. His facial features were quite surprised and shocked in addition to being satisfied. .


(Such a huge and heavy body can be blasted so far in one breath...)


(How terrifying is the formidable power of this kid's blow just now...)

(But, fortunately, these are all for me Completely useless.)

(Who told me that I was the natural enemy of a guy with high attack and heavy defense like you~)

Nobolik looked half surprised and half happy Thinking like this, he quickly flew to the center of the earthquake where the dust storm was rising.

At the same time, in a shattered pit at the far end of the desert, the shattered "Iron Armor Giant Statue" turned into countless black iron particles and dissipated. Errigat fell from midair and fell to the bottom of the bunker for the second time.

The "Iron Giant Statue" was destroyed by its own power to the extent of disintegration, and the main body of Errigat was also severely injured. The surface of the steel parts such as the head, torso, limbs There are large and small fine cracks all over the body, and the internal organs in the body are also shaken as painful as a river overturned.

As for the steel right arm that launched the attack, the damage was the most serious. Obvious skeleton deflection, although it has not yet reached the point of being unable to move, but the next battle is no longer useful.

"pu uh...!"

Erigart fell to the ground with a mouthful of blood from the damaged internal organs, and then turned his head Looking at the black iron right hand that he had temporarily scrapped, his sweaty face was covered with a thick color of pain and anxiety.

After suffering such a heavy injury, Errigat finally fully understood the enemy's abilities and characteristics.

Nobolik's Life Source Aura technique uses both arms as a medium, and then casts a summon energy concave mirror that has the effect of absorbing and reflecting.

Aside from the ability of the weird and unpredictable Sixth Layer Nightmare realm, all external offensives originating from the 5th Layer Nightmare and the realm under it, Nobolik can use this energy concave mirror to destroy the realm. It absorbs 100% defense in an instant, and then targets a specific direction for 100% reflection attack without any energy loss.

This also means that Nobolik can be immune to all attacks from those of the same realm, and make them 100% turn on the attackers themselves. Weak or weak rule-based abilities.

However, although the effect of this reflection technique is rogue, it also has many drawbacks.

First, because it does not have any attack ability, it can only rely on the enemy's attack to retaliate, so it can usually only be in a passive state, and once the enemy sees through its essence in time, it will inevitably be attacked everywhere. beware.

Secondly, due to its existence itself will cause a lot of spiritual consumption to Nobolik, and this spiritual consumption will usher in a sharp doubling over time, so Nobolik cannot last long. Time continues to display, and it is often only possible to display it at the moment when it is about to be attacked, so that it will not be exhausted. This also has high requirements on Nobolik's response.

And Nobolik's labyrinth relic was the silver ring of laser agate that originally surrounded him. It was called "Aurora Agate", and it was a fifth-order attack type labyrinth relic.

Like what Errigat had encountered before, the ability of these silver agate rings is to emit fiery rays of light and controllable whips, apart from this, the killing effects of the rays or whips will also With the shortening of the distance ushered in an exponential doubling.

And after starting with this powerful maze relic, Nobolik was able to fully fill the obvious disadvantage of his ability Innate's lack of initiative.

However, different from the information originally displayed by Nobolik, this labyrinth relic called "Aurora Agate" was actually originally a matching equipment composed of eight identical silver rings.

As for the reason why Nobolik chose to summarize them in two at first, in order to confuse Errigat's thinking through this behavior and the words that followed, he led him step by step to produce "" The misunderstanding of Nobolik's Aura effect is to split the relics of the labyrinth, which leads to omissions and carelessness about his true unique skills.

And this also shows the cunning nature of Nobolik. His ability belongs to a double-edged sword with a high upper limit and a very low lower limit. The scourge of the shortcomings of ability, the reason is because his mind is alert enough.

For what type of enemy, what method to take, and how to ensure that his double-edged sword can always point to the most appropriate angle, Nobolik has an exceptionally sophisticated experience in this field. , so even in the Peak group in the Happy Theater, his strength and status are also among the best.

For what type of enemy, what method to take, and how to ensure that his double-edged sword can always point to the most appropriate angle, Nobolik has an exceptionally sophisticated experience in this field. , so even in the Peak group in the Happy Theater, his strength and status are also among the best.

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