Aura Hunter

Chapter 705

“Not like that, because I know these organizations too well, they wouldn’t do that.”

Mi Kun replied at a moderate pace.

"Furthermore, if the situation you mentioned really happens, I can leave at any time, not only those hunters can't stop it, but even Harvey Jordan and Anglino Ander can stop it. I can't stop."

Jettiskoki's face was startled, and then he shook his head with a stunned expression:

"Hehe, Mr. Mikun, what you said is really domineering. , I can't understand how you do it at all."

Mi Kun is still peaceful.

"These are just some of my achievements in pursuit of my goals, nothing to mention."

Jetiskki asked curiously:

"What goal?"

Mikun replied in a flat voice:

"Absolute power."

Jetiskoji's expression was a little bit Disappointed, he originally thought that the dean would give him more surprises today.

"This is really an extremely ordinary pursuit. I believe that everyone in this world yearns for this kind of power more or less?"

Mi Kun added Description:

"Unlike those losers who give up halfway or die in the middle, I'm very close to the finish line."

Jetiskki's expression froze, his originally disappointed face Then came the renewed interest.

"What kind of end point?"

Mi Kun gave the answer flatly:

"Almighty and omnipotent, in layman's terms, it is God."

So Butcher Hunter was shocked speechless.

"And the war that is about to happen next is a step for me to become a god, so I didn't choose to escape."

Mi Kun continued to state with calm eyes However, between the peaceful eyebrows, there is a gradually rising anger, first a trace, then two traces, and finally thousands of traces.

"For hunters, the best sacrifice for growth is always the hunter himself."

"So, the Aura hunting group is my sacrifice."

"It's okay for those 'Extreme Hunters', or the old head..."

"As long as they dare to come, then they will all be buried here."

" p>

"I will use this final fight to prove that my efforts in the last ages are not in vain. I will use the head of the Aura hunter Peak battle strength as a stepping stone to continue to evolve."

"After the hunting group is eliminated, then there is the church."

"After the church is eliminated, there is the holy light and the abyss."

"I will take these two half-knowledges. The half-powerful false gods are all hunted down."

"Then, I will become the true Sovereign of this world of consciousness."

"I will replace the 『 Aura 』."

Speaking of this, Mi Kun's face was expressionless, but it looked like a Ghost God exuding a breathtaking terrifying pressure, and the air pressure in the entire hall began. With a sharp rise, the tables and chairs began to shatter, and the stone pillars began to shake, as if the entire world was shaking because of this man's declaration.

The butcher hunter sucked in a breath of cold air, his limbs began to tremble slightly, and his throat couldn't help swallowing saliva.

If this had come out of someone else's mouth, Jettiskuki would have snort disdainfully snort it as a mental disorder joke.

However, when the speaker became the dean in front of Jettiskoki, Jettiskoki could no longer despise and underestimate him.

If it is this man who has passed the test of thousands of years... Maybe it is really possible to reach the end of the nightmare and reach the realm of Supreme God!

Thinking of this, Jettiskok immediately bit his lip excitedly, just about to send his warm applause for Mi Kun, but suddenly realized something, a pair of gray eyes instantly changed. It is angular, crystal clear and near-transparent, as if looking at the distant emptiness.

And Mikun's calm eyes also sank suddenly in this brief moment. Unlike Jettiskaki, he can spy on the entire world just by his own perception. strange.

Then Jettiskuki shrugged helplessly and waved his hands:

"They have already come, it seems that our small talk can only end like this."


Mi Kun gently nominates.

"Well, everything that needs to be said has been said, and it's time to end."

Jetiskki stretched out his hand and pressed the hunter's triangular hat on his head, while saying to Mi Kun was extremely bold in asking another question.

"By the way, Mr. Mikun, I want to ask one last question... Didn't you take the idea of "divine object" from my hand?"

Mi Kun explained calmly:

"I can't hold it anymore. If there is a chance in the future, I will naturally pick it up, along with the entire "Revelation"."

Jetiskki pouted and said with emotion:

"It sounds terrifying, at that time, I will definitely hand over my baby, so please keep me alive. ."

Mi Kun was laughed, and the emotion between his faces was obviously a little higher.

"As long as you stop being smart, you can say anything."

"Come on, Jettiskuki, do whatever you want, but at least for now Don't stay here."

"Otherwise your skeleton doesn't exist."

Jetiskki got up and left his seat, then bowed his head to Mikun.


"Then, Mr. Mikun..."

"We will meet again if fated."


Mi Kun also stood up from his throne, threw the camouflage mask in his hand at his feet, and straightened his sturdy neck.

"Well, if fated will meet again."

The simple farewell came to an end, the butcher hunter squinted and created a space rift in front of him, and immediately without The slightest hesitation stepped into it, and disappeared into the spacious and cold hall.

Mi Kun strode down the steps of the throne, and at the same time reached out and summon out a slender thing.

It is a javelin nearly two meters in length and glowing with brass luster. Its surface is coiled with countless tree branches, silently exuding the vigorous Life Aura.

First Rank Spear-Type Labyrinth Relic, "Through Tree Spear", is a low-level relic weapon that "can prolong the piercing attack and can repair itself".

This is what this brass javelin should be.

It's just that in the hands of the relic hunter Mi Kun, it has evolved from the original unknown to the overbearing tyrant who controls the dive force.

sixth rank spear-type maze relic, "The Spear of the Oath", the effect of the relic is "As long as you aim at the enemy and throw, then this spear will definitely 'hit the enemy, penetrate the enemy, and kill the enemy', These three endings will become an absolute reality under the oath of cause and effect, and nothing will change."

The relic hunter stride proudly ahead to the center of the hall, and then firmly grasped the "spear of the oath". Raise it across your shoulders.

Ten seconds passed, and the void ten meters in front of Mikun, just as Mikun expected, created something from nothing burst out a dazzling pure white holy light.

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