Aura Hunter

Chapter 704

"Now Mr. Butcher will inject the seeds of the abyss into you, so please don't have any psychological resistance to this, because these are different from the usual abyss materials, they will not make you lose yourself or break the contract with the labyrinth relics, but It can directly give you the power of the abyss, which is powerful and immortal."

After Mikun's face doesn't change these lies, the behind-the-scenes Jettiskuki gathered his heart and breathed In front of the summon, there were more than 3,000 space fissures the size of a fingernail, and each fissure fit the body of a clown in the square.

Then, the butcher hunter used the power of Aura to send the seeds of the abyss out of the space rift in turn, and stabbed them into the body of every crazy clown in the square at the same time.

The whole process went on silently, fast as lightning.

As soon as the seed of the abyss came into contact with the crazy clown, it burrowed into everyone's body like a leech, and the clowns only felt a slight tingling and coolness.

Most of them gladly accepted the gift of the abyss, allowing the power of the abyss to merge with their body and mind, while a small number of people have feelings for the seeds of the abyss because of their past impressions of the abyss. Dread and doubts, but in the end, he still took the initiative to open his heart to the abyss in the face of the dean.

Seeing that the subordinates obediently obeyed his orders, the dean's fingers were again focused on the armrest of the throne.

Then, a few days ago, the 108 pitch-black beacon ashlars that he sent people to arrange at different locations in the Ash Bone Castle sensed Mi Kun's spiritual impulse, and instantly appeared on the surface. Countless twisted and circling black light patterns burst out one after another, bursting out turbid and dazzling black light, causing the large-scale building groups outside the Central Region of Ash Bone Castle to suffer a devastating blow in an instant, and then shattered and collapsed into pieces. Staggered.

Boom ——————!

So the clowns didn't care about their physical and mental mutation, and looked up at the castle all around the ruins filled with black mist.

Then, one after another, the dark and twisted figures slowly emerged from the other side of the black mist. They have a neat and uniform appearance. The upper body is similar to a human shape, and the lower body is similar to an octopus. The height is three meters long.

The huge head has different-colored eyes that are densely packed like a honeycomb; the arms like two branches are extremely slender, the proportions are not aesthetically pleasing, and there are countless dark blades inlaid between the skins ; On the lower body, there are hundreds of thick and sticky disgusting tentacles floating, the whole body swaying and suspending in the air, and the whole body exudes a distorted appearance and a terrifying aura.

They come from the first group of the abyss body species - the abyss tracers. They were densely packed around the four edges of the Central Region of the Ash Bone Castle in the blink of an eye, and their overall number even broke through. The threshold of the total number of 10,000 heads has transformed into a terrifying abyss monster army.

After the abyss-seeker appeared, another group of towering giant silhouettes soon emerged from the thick black fog surrounding the ruins of the castle.

These creatures have pitch-black bodies of different scales. The smallest ones are over 30 meters tall, while the largest ones directly cross the threshold of 100 meters and step out of the black mist. Each step is enough to bring violent vibrations to the earth.

The four sturdy limbs are surrounded by countless blood vessels the size of stone pillars, which look like four strange towers surrounded by vines, and the top of the uneven cliffs It is connected with dozens of large and small sharp horn heads, and a pair of huge eyeballs are silently flashing a gloomy and turbid blue luster.

They are the second group of the abyss body species - abyss titans. There are more than a hundred of them. Since they appeared in the black mist, they have quietly stood on the edge of the castle. The area is like hundreds of huge and twisted towers of flesh and blood, quietly overlooking this battlefield that is about to fall into the fire sea.

The collective arrival of more than 10,000 abyss seekers and more than 100 abyss titans made the overwhelming majority mad clowns assembled on the square immediately shocked to the point of panic.

Although everyone has been working on dealing with the abyss all these years, even so, the clowns are the first time in their lives to witness the abyss army with such an exaggerated scale and realm, so each one looks different. Yi's face still froze or twitched uncontrollably, unabashedly expressing the instinctive fear in everyone's heart.

However, the abyss side did not show any intention of attacking the Joyous Theater after appearing, just quietly watching the nervous clown group, standing in the castle square like a reliable guard. around.

At the same time, Mikun announced in a loud voice:

"Everyone don't be impatient, these abyss body species are now your allies, so they won't be. The third type of abyss body species is still on the way, and it will take a while to show up."

After listening to the dean's speech, the crazy clowns were silent for a moment, and then they all came together. Trapped in a hysterical orgy.

"Wow, such an outrageous abyss army has really become our side--!"

"My God, this is too strong Well, it seems that we haven't been busy in the past few years—!"

"And these are not all! So it seems that the group of Aura hunters simply came over to die on their own initiative. , I'll play later, hehe hahahaha!"

The clowns screamed in excitement, cheered with enthusiasm, and danced with weapons, like a group of people taking drugs before the apocalypse The madmen above, but they don't know that their behavior of accepting the seeds of the abyss has already caused their lives to be pushed into an irreversible death situation by the dean.

"Well, thank you for your cooperation, the hunters will come here soon, so please prepare for the hospitality now."

Mi Kun's tone is free and easy. After he finished speaking, Jettiskaki immediately closed the space rift, and let the naive and stupid cannon fodder enjoy the last carnival party of his life between the squares.

"hehe, Mr. Mikun, you lied about which you are not twitching your eyes or blinking your eyes, and you just sent all those unlucky bastards into Fire Pit, it's worse than me~ "

Jetiskki sighed with admiration.

"It's just a toy, use it when you need it, and throw it away when you need it."

Mi Kun took off the mask used to hide his nature, showing his flat smile.

"But I still want to know, why did you confirm that only the hunting group came? What if the church and holy light really ignored the threat of the abyss and all came together?"

Jetiskki pondered for a moment, then asked this question.

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