Aura Hunter

Chapter 696

The dean replied at a moderate pace to Jettiskoji:

"As for the structure of the lightless world, the other party did not specifically explain it to me, so I and I You still don't know why it's the way it is."

"But, of course, as for the kindred and den you mentioned, there is no way, because those are just misunderstandings that we all have in the past. "

"The abyss... It is not a race or a group from beginning to end, but only refers to the existence of Harvey Jordan itself, and the world we have seen may not be It's just a part of Harvey Jordan."

Jetiskki listened, his entire face froze on the spot.

The dean's remark sounds very abstract, but it somehow inspired the butcher hunter.

Then, after a moment of silence, Jettiskuki asked again:

"Then what are those abyssal species we have seen in the past? Tracers, abyss titans, abyss broods... Aren't they the native creatures that only emerged from the abyss territory?"

The dean shook his head slightly and gave a calm tone. Response:

"No, they are just a group of physiological products metabolized by Harvey Jordan's body, which is the same as normal human beings who shed a certain amount of dander and hair every day."

"Because the existence of Harvey Jordan is too powerful, these metabolites of him also share a certain divine force and thinking, so they will grow into the abyss body species you exemplified later. ."

"In other words, for thousands of years, it has been entangled with the holy light church and the Aura hunting regiment...just a group of abandoned organizations in Harvey Jordan. ."

Jetiskki gently put out a breath after listening.


He wasn't too surprised by this, after all, the brain had received similar concepts before, and now it's just recalling them.


The butcher hunter picked up the glass, poured a few sips of red wine into his mouth, and then continued to ask the dean:

"Are these baby organs given to us by this terrifying god, also part of his body's metabolites?"

The dean shook his head again.

"No, these are Harvey Jordan's body organs."

Jetiskki's eyes were startled.


"What do you Harvey Jordan's body originally growing these things?"

"But they look too small, don't they? They don't match the huge illusory shadow we saw at the beginning."

The dean replies calmly:

"The illusory shadow may be an illusion."

"And Harvey Jordan's body may be a little baby."

"And now he divides his own organs It's given to us."

Hearing this, the butcher hunter's face froze, and the wine in the glass swayed a few ripples because of the surprised fingers.

"Mr. Dean..."

Jetiskki's eyes were full of disbelief.

"These were also told to you by Harvey Jordan himself?"

The Dean laughed softly.

"hehe, no, these all are my personal conjectures."

Jetiskki seemed to have heard something from it, but he felt that it would be pointless to investigate further. So he held the transparent wine glass in the air, shook it back and forth with his thoughts, and then drank the red wine inside.

"Well...if these are really part of the flesh and blood of the evil god, then what can each of them summon out of?"

Hope Holding the pale baby organ above his palm, the dean continued to explain in a plain tone:

"Nine 'apostles' carefully conceived by Harvey Jordan using his own organs."

"They each inherit a part of the divine force from the body, with different characteristics and abilities, but they are all powerful."

"In front of these "apostles", the original three types of abyss The main species is a pile of trash fish and cannon fodder."

Jetiskoji's eyes suddenly lit up slightly.

"How does it compare with the "Extreme Hunting" of the hunting group and the "Yuanqi" of the church?"

The dean replied without hesitation:

"The level of realm is about the same, so it's not surprising who wins and who loses."

Hearing this, Butcher Hunter suddenly came to his senses.

"Hey, this is really a luxurious makes our frontal battle strength stronger."

Dean There was no reply, his eyes were still staring at the nine baby organs with intense interest.

"Then, Mr. Dean, I have a few more questions to ask."

Jetiskki poured another round of red wine into the glass.

"Harvey Jordan...he has told you...why he is trapped in that lightless world, so he can't pass through the Aura labyrinth to personally erode the holy light pure land What?"

"According to what you just said, for thousands of years, the abyss has only been sending its own abandoned organizations and more fragmented infected objects to carry out various activities with the hunting group and the church. Not worth mentioning petty troubles..."

"Since he possesses such great magical power, who has the ability to limit his footsteps and isolate his body from time to time? To the outside of the labyrinth?"

The dean held the mask in one hand and responded with his head sideways:

"He didn't talk to me about this, but I personally feel that it is related to holy light It's related."

"Perhaps Anglino Ander and Harvey Jordan fought a long, long time ago."

"And the ever-changing Aura Labyrinth The strange area...may be the product born from their battle."

Jetiskki was shocked to hear this, although all this was still only the Dean's personal Guessing, but he thinks it is really possible that this is the case.

"Okay, one last question."

The butcher hunter put the empty glass on the table and continued to ask the silhouette on the throne:

"We have now established a guiding route for Harvey Jordan to traverse the maze, so how long will it take for him to come to the holy light pure land in person?"

The dean's tone doesn't care much. gave an answer:

"This is not certain, maybe a week, maybe a year, maybe a century, I'm afraid Harvey Jordan himself can't tell."

Jetti Skokie slowly nodded, and took out a new wine bottle from the hunter's black ring, and then responded to the dean with a leisurely expression: "Understood, putting it that way, it seems that our The holidays will continue."

However, what Butcher Hunter heard next was a rhetorical question from the dean with a smile.

"Isn't it right, Jettiskaki?"

The word blurted out by the man on the throne was extremely calm, but full of power, and spread throughout the entire hall in an instant. Stimulate the butcher hunter's brain.

"Next, isn't it your turn to act?"

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