Aura Hunter

Chapter 695

It is noon on the fourth day of returning to the Underworld from the Abyss of Purgatory.

Jetiskki is still unable to determine whether the huge illusory shadow he saw that day was the deity of the evil god Harvey Jordan.

However, he was quite clear about one thing.

That is, after going through that journey of worshipping gods, my body soon underwent obvious changes, the wrinkles of the skin increased day by day, the texture of the muscles was obviously atrophied, and the whole person felt like a Just like ageing by decades.

Jetiskki doesn't know if these phenomena are affected by the environment of the Abyss World, but he knows that his body won't last long now.

However, he wasn't worried about it.

Because, Jettiskoki knows, the perfect gift that someone promises to make just for him is coming soon.

The Butcher Hunter blinked his eyes lightly, and countless light patterns flickered on the surface of his eyes, making the Butcher Hunter's pair of eyeballs look like two pieces in this brief moment. The spherical prism of crystal clear and near-transparent contains unsolvable mysteries.

And this is the "divine object" held by Jettiskaki and fused with him many years ago, and it is also the last piece of the "Revelation" puzzle.

『divine object』48 - Conductive prism.

As if observing the distant space, Jettiskaki stared at the air for a long time, and then his eyes returned to normal.

The Butcher Hunter then turned to look at the other holder of the "divine object" above the throne.

It is very different from Jettiskaki, who has been sinking in the will of the past three days.

It was clear that the dean could not reach the periphery of the labyrinth without Jettiskuki's help, which meant that he, like Jettiskuki, was the first time to visit that strange and dangerous dark abyss, but The dean didn't seem to care at all about it.

As a holder selected by the "divine object", with such obvious differences in psychological quality, it is inevitable that Jettiskuki's self-esteem will be frustrated.

After all, from the perspective of human time, he who has survived in the labyrinth for three hundred years can already be called an old man among old men. As a result, in front of the dean, he actually It's more like a hairless brat who is not deep in the world and makes a fuss about nothing...

"Perhaps this is the eternally impossible gap between the Fifth Layer dream and the Sixth Layer dream?"

Jetiskoji sighed helplessly in his heart, then picked up the wine bottle on the round table, and filled his empty glass with another round of purple wine.

While the butcher hunter was tasting the wine, the dean on the throne opened his palm and quietly observed a series of tiny dark things floating above his palm.

On that day's trip to worship God, the dean and the butcher gave the Abyss a great help with their "divine object" power, and the Abyss would not have abandoned one's benefactor after achieving one's goal for them. "divine object" had a bad intention, but returned a gift to the two of them before leaving.

And this "gift of the abyss" is divided into three things.

The first gift was a dark plant larger than a human.

There is a large meat ball hanging from the end of the plant. The surface of the meat ball is covered with densely packed fruits. Each fruit is dark and full of pimples. Its shape is similar to a triangle, and its size is only a finger. The size, the total number is about 10,000, and it is named "Seed of the Abyss".

There is a very high concentration of abyssal factors inside these fruits. As long as they are picked and injected into someone's body, they will immediately enter the countdown to being eroded by the abyss infection. If the infected person himself If there is no resistance to the abyss, then the assimilation step will be completed in an instant, so that the infected will have the power of the abyss.

In this way, as long as the dean and the butcher have that intention, they can completely turn the three thousand clowns battle strength that has been expanded in the Happy Theater into an army of infected abyss.

The second gift is a total of one hundred and eight pitch-black ashlars.

These props are the teleportation beacons of the abyss. As long as they are placed in a certain place, and then activated by the power of Aura, the huge army constructed by the abyss body species will be The numerous barriers of the breakthrough space, with the setting location of the pitch black ashlar as the destination, fall directly from the sky, acting as a powerful support for the Joy Theater in emergency situations.

Such a method can't help but remind Jettiskoji of his hunter career before he betrayed the hunting group. At that time, the holy light church also used similar methods to send hunters to the execution location of the mission. , so naturally, Jetiskoji felt a strong sense of sight, and then secretly produced some kind of bold conjecture in his heart...

As for the final The third gift is nine bizarre human organs.

A finger, a toe, an intestine, a liver, a trachea, a nose, a corner of a lip, an ear, an eyeball.

They are tiny, fuzzy in outline, pale in color, as if they came from the larvae of babies, and look like a pile of white beans in the palm of an adult.

Jettiskoji vaguely remembers that these bauble are also some kind of medium used to summon abyss reinforcements, but instinctively forgot their use principle, background origin, summon object and a series of more specific Information.

The dean himself is very interested in these baby organs.

In the past three days, he has not left the throne from start to finish, but has been quietly observing these pale little things floating in his palm, as if he was hooked by them. It is still immersed in it to this day.

So Jettiskuki poured another sip of red wine into his mouth, and then he couldn't help but said to his collaborator on the throne:

"Mr. After staring at them for three days and three nights, are these little things so attractive?"

The dean glanced at him slightly, and the answer he gave was extremely brief.


Jetiskki raised his eyebrows upwards, then confessed his doubts.

"Actually...I can't remember the 'most of the content' of the communication with the abyss. It's probably because the body's self-protection mechanism works, so, Mr. Dean, would you mind clarifying my doubts?"

The dean agreed calmly and nodded.

"Okay, just ask."

Jetiskki chuckled twice, then asked with a serious expression:

"I first What I want to know is, what kind of environment is that dark world?"

"Why have we not encountered other abyss creatures except for the illusory shadow similar to Harvey Jordan What about it?"

"Is it really the territory of the abyss? As the creatures with the most powerful reproduction and regeneration, why don't their lair be filled with their own clan like the gregarious Insect?"

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