Aura Hunter

Chapter 690

As soon as High Priest said this, the audience instantly fell silent.

And the elders of the teleportation priest battallion immediately stretched out their hands, opening their mouths and chanting in obscure voices.

hua hua wow—!

I saw bursts of dazzling holy light gushing out from between their white robes, and then connected to each other in a circle at the edge of Hunter Square, and finally quickly merged into a dazzling and magnificent ring space Tunnel, capable of stable teleportation on a scale of hundreds of people at the same time, is the higher-order form of the "Holy Light Gate".

Seeing this scene finally came, Kuize, leaning on a cane, immediately gave the hunters the instructions to set off with a calm expression.

"Okay, then everyone, let's go now."

So, under the quiet watch of other members of the hunting group, the Master hunter group just followed the leader and " Behind the extreme hunters, stride proudly ahead, stepping into the shining ring door in an orderly manner.

The space has undergone a mysterious folding transition under the action of holy light, and then, a brand-new world appeared in front of Ye Chen's eyes.

This is a pure white god Holy City state, surrounded by mountains and sea, with distinct layers.

High-rise buildings exuding a modern and prosperous industrial atmosphere are row upon row on the lower floor, dome towers, auditoriums, and monastery that reflect the devout style of the classical church rise and fall one after another on the middle floor, while on the upper floor stands a pure white building. The splendid cathedral intersected with gold, and the surrounding of the church is connected with white-body golden-edged spires one after another, making it look like a church town separated from the middle and lower floors, which is the central headquarters of the holy light church.

A large number of streets are intertwined between the upper and lower parts of the city, and are embellished by countless colorful flowers and trees. Under the eternal holy light, there is a cloud of modern industrial technology.

This is the core capital of holy light pure land, a city that combines theological and scientific styles, holy light city.

The hunter battallion who collectively passed through the "gate of holy light", followed by a central cross square located in the top church city.

Ye Chen turned to observe the scene all around.

White stone bricks are found in every corner here, the edges and square corners stand in great numbers with colorful flowers and trees, an old marble high platform is located in the center, there are not too many decorations apart from this.

Compared with the Hunter's Square at the top of the hunter, this cross square belonging to the holy light church is obviously much larger. There are obviously thousands of white-robed priests who are already waiting quietly around the square, but the hunters are not. The collective arrival of a regiment of thousands of troops still did not make it crowded.

And between the Bafang Ring Road, which is far from the Cross Square, is full of fully armed holy light Knight battallion. Their total number exceeds tens of thousands. Firm, vigorous, and like the Master hunter group, it is the elite battle strength of the holy light church.

And further back from the Cross Square, which is also the central part of the church's core area, stands a towering ancient minaret.

A huge beam of light emanated from the top of the spire, and then went straight to a radiant palace suspended beyond the sky.

That is the abode of Saint God Anglino Ande - holy light.

For thousands of years, this huge beam of light has served as a bridge between gods and human beings, and this holy temple has announced the true existence of the Holy Spirit to the world.

At this moment, a huge and holy river of light has flowed out from the divine residence, and then slowly condensed into a huge and dazzling four-man starlight array in the vast sky.

Obviously, at the is Saint God's casting site, the light array is still a bit blurry and has not yet been fully formed, but it seems that all processes can be completed soon.

Ye Chen then looked up at the high marble platform on the Cross Square.

There, the two leaders of Hunter and Knight have completed the official meeting of the operation with their respective Peak battle strengths.

Kui Ze, the leader of the hunting group, leaned on a cane and looked calm.

Following him were the eight seats of the "Extreme Hunt" headed by Alpedis.

And standing in front of him was a line of Knights in pure platinum-rimmed armor.

The leader was another old man of the same age as Kuize. His tall body was covered with a set of heavy armor, and he was born with a reserved and majestic face. A little less profound, but at the same time a little more perseverance.

Even if they are not insiders of the church, all the hunters present are well aware of the identity of this person. It is the supreme Knight of the church, who is second only to Archbishop - Amentine.

And following behind Amentine, is the battle strength ceiling of holy light Knight—the six slaves of the 『Original Knight』.

So Ye Chen and his companions looked carefully, and their curious eyes fell one by one among the six elemental Knights from left to right.

First of all, a woman wearing wind-patterned light armor. She has fresh and clean short hair. She looks young and pretty, looks serious and dignified, and has a slender and long body. She is placed in the ordinary Knight team. It is already outstanding, but it is the most petite one in the team of the same level. It is the Storm Knight, Nia, who met the Dawn Squad from a distance a few months ago.

Then there is another man, with a tall and straight back also wearing a close-fitting light armor, but the pattern all over its surface has become an ice pattern, and the straight long hair falls on the shoulders, delicious and pretty. The facial features and the aura of harmless to humans and animals seem to be out of tune with the people around him, and it is also the Frost Knight-Lu Shifu who met with the Dawn Squad not long ago.

Except for the two "Yuanqi" who had a relationship, the remaining four "Yuanqi" was the first time Ye Chen and the others witnessed it with their own eyes.

In third place is a middle-aged man.

He is wearing a set of heavy armor with stone patterns, his hairless head is shining brightly, his huge body seems to be breaking through the armor on the surface, and his tough facial features with sharp edges and corners like rocks reveal a little bit. Si's ferocious temperament, at first glance, looks like the typical tough guy who is known for his strength and flesh, but he is one of the "Earth Knights", the center of the earth Knight - Delaf.

The fourth is also a middle-aged male.

Long under the slightly curly hair is a gentle facial features with beard, compared with the previous one, it is like a kind middle-aged uncle, radiating from the inside out With a cordial aura, wearing a set of heavy wood-grained armor, he is one of the "Original Knights", the Felicity Knight - Felicis.

The next fifth is another young woman, the Thunder Knight in the "Yuan Qi" - Zhu Liqin.

She has a tall stature that is not inferior to that of a man, and her strong limbs are wrapped in a medium-sized armor with thunderous patterns, but her facial features are as delicate as that of a noble lady, and her long bright hair is tied behind her head. , the solemn eyes flashed with cold light, as if ready to transform into violent lightning at any time to burn all the enemies in front of him.

The last one in the "Yuanqi" queue, his appearance and temperament are completely different from the others.

From the silhouette of his burly body and sturdy shoulders, it can be seen that this is a male, but the facial features are covered by a silver face mask, and at the same time it is wrapped Wearing a sturdy white cloth long scarf.

The pure white heavy armor is embellished by fire rune, which is the last ride of vitality, the blazing Knight - Bonoven.

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