Aura Hunter

Chapter 689

Tomorrow is so clear, the sun is so bright, and yet Waymon feels the air is far colder than it used to be.

"I originally thought that when everyone got together in the square, we would be able to set off immediately, but didn't expect to have to wait like this..."

Being this This feeling made him a little uncomfortable, and he immediately turned his head to chat with his companions, which was also a method he used to relieve the pressure on the spot.

"It's not surprising, after all, the scale of the crowd involved is so large, and the church has to ensure that the transmission process is foolproof, so the on-site preparation work there must be piled up."

Eriga Te responded solemnly.

Ferrona lightly sighed, complaining impatiently:

"But, to be honest, it's really disconcerting to be standing here all the time... Weimon, please bring up some interesting topic for this Young Lady."

Weamon frowned at her in confusion.

"You think I'm a comedian, how can these things come to me?"

Xia emphasized calmly:

"Also It doesn't have to be a joke."

Weamon squinted and pouted for a while, but couldn't think of a casual topic to discuss at this serious moment.

", I can't do it."

Ou Ke came forward and took over the words.

"Otherwise, let's talk about where to go after the war?"

"I saw a tourist attraction on the west coast of holy light in a travel magazine before, the name seems to be It's called Crab Claw Beach, in short, a crab claw-shaped bay landform."

"There are both cyan seas, golden beaches, and shops specializing in night barbecues. It's pretty good, right?"

Erigat asked curiously:

"It's a tourist attraction by the sea...but its Sea Territory should be directly The one leading to the holy light Great Wall and the Maze Wall, right? Can the safety of such a place be accepted by the local church government and developed as a play place? Never heard of similar examples before.”

Ou Ke nodded explained:

"It was established half a year ago, and it is the first seaside entertainment venue in the whole holy light pure land. Although this period was temporarily closed due to the current turmoil, it will definitely be later. There are still opportunities to open up, so when all the problems are resolved, we can form a group to go to the beach and have a good time~”

Firona listened, and then showed an interested smile.

"Sounds really good...if we have this opportunity in the future...don't miss it."

Everyone follows along He chuckled lightly, and Shia was no exception.

However, her eyes could not help revealing a little sadness and sadness.

After all, it is not only a question of whether all members of the Squad will return from this trip, but even whether the entire holy light pure land can continue after the whole is an unknown.

Hearing that the topic has progressed to this point, Ye Chen, as Captain, wants to get involved, so as to make his teammates relax as much as possible.

As a result, just as his lips opened, the heart in his chest froze.


With a muffled sound, the world in front of the bloodsmith hunter began a familiar mutation.

The filthy blackness emerges without warning, polluting the sun shone brightly sky.

The previously warm air became bitingly cold at this moment. Just taking a light inhalation made Ye Chen feel as if his trachea and lungs were about to freeze on the spot.

The next second, he felt like his abdomen had become a punctured balloon, withering at an unbelievable speed on the spot, and then aroused in his mind. A feeling of hunger that penetrated deep into the bone marrow and pierced the heart made Ye Chen's eyes swell with countless bloodshots silently.

The world in front of the bloodsmith hunter began to spin.

At the same time, the colleagues and comrades beside him and all directions turned into steaming dishes at this moment, exuding tempting meat towards Ye Chen's nose and mouth delicious.

So he immediately stretched out his hands to cover his face, frowned, gritted his teeth, and forcibly suppressed these bizarre hallucinations with his strong psychological qualities.

The sky becomes sun shone brightly again, the air becomes warm and hectic again, and the belly becomes hard and full again.

With the lessons learned from the past, the bloodsmith hunter has the words at hand for the means of spiritual self-recovery, so it only took five seconds for him to force the world in his eyes with willpower. restore it to its original appearance.

This is exactly why Ye Chen passed the pre-war mental state assessment.

His mental symptoms of unknown origin are serious, but for now, Ye Chen can still suppress it steadily for the time being.

Of course, the time is only temporary, Ye Chen can also clearly feel that every time this symptom recurs, the effect it brings will be significantly worse.

In Ye Chen's opinion, after this annihilation of the butcher clown, he may no longer be able to stop the trend of this mutation.

And at that time, it will also be Ye Chen's self-termination, or the final moment of asking others to execute him...

Ou Ke turned his head and found Ye Chen suddenly lowered his head and covered his face, and then asked without hesitation:

"Ye Chen, what's wrong with you?"

Ye Chen put down the palm covering his face to regain his calm With an expression on his face, he replied to Ouke:

"It's okay, but my eyes are suddenly a little sore."

Xia asked with a slightly worried look in her eyes:

"Now the war is imminent, everything needs to be paid attention to, didn't you rest yesterday?"

"No, I rested well, maybe my eyes are open for too long, it's not a big problem at all. ”

Ye Chen responded calmly, returning the topic to its original direction by the way.

"I think the idea of traveling is a good idea. If there is a chance in the future, let's go to the beach together."

Wei Meng and the others did not see Captain's mental outlook. I was tired, so I didn't say anything, and turned to talk about the original relaxed topic.

Only Ou Ke stared at Ye Chen quietly, and when Ye Chen returned a line of sight to her, Ou Ke took his sight back.

So after some chatting and chatting before the battle, the mental state of the entire group of Dawning Squad was much more comfortable, and other Master Hunters also carried out similar relaxation behaviors in the team, which made Hunter Square feel more relaxed. The atmosphere between them is no longer as dignified and depressing as it was at the beginning.

After less than ten minutes, the old eyes of High Priest Bühler finally flashed a bright holy light.

Then, he made a loud announcement with a voice full of power, which lifted the hearts of everyone present.

"The church is ready, now the hunter's teleportation process will begin!"

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