Aura Hunter

Chapter 650

Ye Chen swept his eyes from the relics one after another with a serious look. However, in the first 97 list, although he saw all kinds of high-quality fifth-order labyrinth relics, he still could not find it. It's the best option to make yourself so bright that you can make up your mind on the spot without the slightest hesitation.

As a result, Ye Chen can only hope for the last relic at the end of the list of illustrations.

Its name is "Swallowing the Lord Painted Python".

Even for an unfathomable labyrinth relic, such a name is extremely bizarre.

It is mainly because of the word "swallowing the Lord", which really reveals a strong meaning of ominous bad luck.

However, Ye Chen didn't care about this, and instead glanced at the details column of the table.

"Swallowing the Lord Drawing Python", a mount-type fifth-order labyrinth relic, the relic's characteristics are extremely special, usually with baby snakes as the main form, it needs to be fed with the power of Aura on time, and a certain amount of Aura will be injected in a short time. In the future, the power can make the body huge, and then swallow the contractor into the body, share the three senses of hearing, sound, smell and smell with the contractor, and follow the instructions of the contractor to perform various actions, apart from this, and can also connect the contractor's thinking by connecting To transform into something imagined by the contractor, so as to realize the "realization" attack.

Need to feed on time? pet? And this type of maze relic?

After reading the introduction of the last labyrinth relic, Ye Chen's face was immediately filled with surprise and puzzlement, and then found that only its storage location was not officially marked on the relic's illustration, so he immediately put it away. Tommy called over.

"Mr. Tommy, where is the containment room for this "Drawing Python"? Can you take me to see it?"

Tommy's face was stunned when he heard this The ground responded: "Of course, but this one you mentioned is the most wonderful relic in our Relic Hall. Don't the ninety or so fifth-order relics in the front meet your wishes?"

Ye Chen explained in a flat tone: "I really didn't find anything I was particularly satisfied with, so I want to see it all with my own eyes before making a decision."

Tommy nodded and said with a wry smile. Thinking that the other party is indeed the Captain of the Dawning Squad, this vision is really terrifying...

So, under the leadership of Tommy, Ye Chen quickly came to the fifth-order maze The deepest part of the containment area.

The relic storage room that exists here is completely different from the indoor scenery in front. It is more like a mini garden, paved with lawns, shrubs, flower fields and other beautiful things, exuding the beauty of nature. breath.

Through the clean glass window, Ye Chen immediately caught a glimpse of a small snake curled up and crawling among the flowers and leaves inside. is sleeping.

Seeing such a peculiar situation, Ye Chen asked Tommy curiously: "Is that 'Swallowing the Lord and Drawing Python'? Does it still have a lifeform in a state of no owner? Zheng? Do you need to set up such an exquisite scene?"

Tommy explained earnestly: "No, Mr. Ye Chen, you misunderstood. This little fellow has always been sleeping like this in our place. state, just like a hibernating snake, it will never wake up unless someone tries to make a contract with it. The scenes in front of you are just that its previous owner cherished it too much, so he deliberately ordered us to arrange it as In this way, the cost is not much anyway, so we just did it."

Ye Chen hearing this, with a strange expression, involuntarily sighed: "I feel that this labyrinth relic and its previous owner are the same. It's very unique..."

Tommy agreed with a smile: "Exactly! And it's not simple to sign a contract with this little fellow. Afterwards, dozens of Master hunters tried to make a contract with it, but in the end they failed. How should I put it, you have to come up with something that can arouse its interest, just like using food to attract animals... ."

Ye Chen looked a little confused. "Food? Labyrinth relics are powered by the power of Aura, right? Do you mean to let me tempt it with the power of Aura?"

Tommy replied uncertainly: " The power of Aura alone is not enough, but I don't know the details, you can only find out for yourself."

Ye Chen nodded thoughtfully, and saw Tommy take out a remote control The device was pressed lightly, and the wall on Ye Chen's side opened a small door on its own, showing him a winding and narrow passage leading to the mini garden.

Ye Chen stepped into it without hesitation, walked out of the passage, and immediately felt the powerful energy stance that enveloped the entire garden and originated from the relics of the fifth-order labyrinth, just like howling invisible eyes wind and torrential rain usually press head-on at oneself immediately.

Ye Chen calmly used the power of Aura in his body, using it as a barrier to compete with the relic stance, his body was calm and steady, without the slightest panic.

After feeling the existence and power of Ye Chen, the little snake immediately opened his big bright and bright eyes, stuck his head out of the grass, and quietly looked at Ye Chen's appearance.

The bloodsmith hunter looked at him for a moment, and when he saw that the little snake was not like the labyrinth relics in the past, he took the initiative to approach him, and he raised his hand to condense a group of sparkling, pure Aura. The power light ball, I want to use this to attract the interest of the little snake.

However, in the face of Ye Chen's attitude, the little snake remained unmoved, and just continued to stare at him from a distance, as if not so easy to be seduced.

"It really is a different kind of outlier..."

Ye Chen sighed in his heart, stood there, thought for a moment, and then started from A few smears of crimson blood flowed from the summon in the palm of his hand, and he quickly added the energy light ball to transform it into a small "body of pure blood".

As a result, just after Ye Chen made this move, the little snake seemed to smell something from it, and immediately showed a look of surprise, twisting his small figure and moving towards Ye Chen Climb up quickly.

Seeing this, Ye Chen leaned over and half-squatted, and placed the blood-colored light ball in his hand on the grass smoothly, and then he was nibbled at by the little snake with glowing eyes. It's like tasting a sweet apple...

Tommy outside the tempered glass wall witnessed this scene, and the whole person was shocked speechless.

This method of Ye Chen has also been performed by other Master hunters before, but Tommy didn't understand that the blue snake only had a soft spot for him, as if Ye Chen's blood was particularly delicious generally.

While the little snake was digging into the blood-colored light ball, several slender and bright light filaments also extended from its body surface and were tightly connected to Ye Chen's body. At the same time, it is obvious that he has recognized his master qualification.

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