Aura Hunter

Chapter 649

Because of the official confirmation of participating in the "Butcher Clown Annihilation Plan", all members of the Dawn Squad have subsequently obtained the qualifications to enter the Hall of Relics to exchange for the highest-level relics.

In the afternoon, Ye Chen's entire group arrived at the upper level of the Hunter's Peak, passed the strict inspection by the security personnel with the documents, and then walked into the spacious octagonal reception hall of the Relic Hall together. hall.

Relic Palace Lord Chief-In-Charge Tommy received the application notification for the Dawn Squad in advance, so he had been waiting here for a long time, and saw the youngest Master Rank group members in the hunting group from a distance After arriving, Tommy immediately stepped forward with admiration and greeted Ye Chen and the others politely.

"Dear Breaking Squad, Welcome to the Hall of Relics."

"Hello, Mr. Tommy."

Ye Chen is equally polite He greeted him in return, briefly looked around the reception hall, and then asked Tommy, "Are there any other Master hunters who came here to pick relics like us today?"

Tang Mi shook his head with a smile and replied, "No, the only visitors to the Hall of Relics are you youngsters, because those Master hunters in need have already come two days ago."

Ooke hearing this , his expression suddenly complained with a little dissatisfaction: "It means that the good ones have been picked out? Are we just here to pick up the rest? This is really uncomfortable."

Tommy hurriedly explained: "Oh, dear Miss Yingfa, don't think about this, because each hunter's action style is different, so the relics you choose will naturally be completely different. In the same way, we still have nearly 100 fifth-order labyrinth relics preserved here, all of which are of new quality and excellent performance effects. In any case, at least they are enough for the five of you to choose carefully.”

Ye Chen answered with satisfaction: "Well, since that's the case, then ask Mr. Tommy to lead the way. Today, the five of us will choose together, and the time is limited, so you don't have to do a single pair for us like before. One's relics are introduced."

Tommy nodded replied in high spirits: "Okay, these are the list of the fifth-order labyrinth relics we have here, here, you have a copy, when the time comes Just follow its description and guidelines to select the relic, and I will take you to the corresponding containment area now."

Dawning squad entire group took the list of illustrations handed by Tommy in turn, and opened the title page to read After a few glances at the densely packed form and handwriting, he followed Tommy through the heavily guarded passage of the Relic Hall, and soon arrived at the deepest and most central relic storage area in the Relic Hall.

After that, Ye Chen and the six people dispersed among the containment areas, each of them looking for the real body of the relics in the containment window while confirming the information of the relics in their hands... ...

Erigat went around for a while and arrived at one of the containment windows. He saw a thick steel column standing inside the pure white cube room, and above the steel column was suspended Heart-shaped iron stone, the size of which is only about the size of a palm, with a pure black lustre all over the body,

"unyielding steel heart", a fifth-order parasitic maze relic, its effect is to penetrate deep into the body of the contractor and fuse together with its flesh and blood. , which can significantly improve the contractor's tenacious degree and self-recovery power, and at the same time, it can also give the contractor the unique ability to temporarily absorb all physical damage and then convert it into its own attack power. Its damage absorption limit is the same as the contractor's own spirit strength. intensity related.

"It matches my Aura skill very well..."

Erigat stared at the heart-shaped iron stone in the window, while in his mind After thinking silently, he glanced at the other relics of the same rank on the list in the illustrated book. After a short period of evaluation, he immediately decided to exchange the "Burst Shoulder Armor" that he had used before, and replaced the treasure in front of him that was perfect for him. receive and use for oneself.

Firona came to the relic storage room on the other side according to the guide, turned her head to look inside, and then found six silver-gray steel plates hanging in the air between the steel columns of the same specification. Each side is about the same size as Ferona's body, and when they are closed together, they can obviously wrap her whole body firmly in it.

"Hidden Killing Barrier", a fifth-order armored labyrinth relic, the main effect is to float all around the contractor to provide all-round protection for it, and at the same time, it can accommodate, load, and strengthen the contractor's It is a long-range weapon, and adds a layer of invisible eye invisible powerful concealment effect to all its long-range offensive projectiles. The strengthening effect and the number of strengthening are limited by the contractor's spirit strength level.

"That's it!"

Firona's eyes lit up and she was delighted, so she determined the final outcome of today's trip without any hesitation, and then put the " Camouflage Flying Carpet” was left here in exchange.

Sia's eyes quickly browsed through the entire list of relics, but as an assistant for the treatment and positioning of the Dawn Squad, she was unable to find any item that was more than the current "Blessing Scepter". Auxiliary labyrinth relic that is more suitable for yourself.

Therefore, Shia then asked Tommy for the current fourth rank relic illustration book in the Relic Hall, and then went to the fourth rank relic storage area by herself to select, and finally locked her eyes on one of the gold earrings. maze relics.

"Golden Earrings", a fourth rank self-protection type labyrinth relic, can effectively increase the contractor's maximum use of spirit strength, and at the same time enable the contractor to enter a special defense state in a very short time, making Its own body is not affected by most physical attacks from the outside world.

"If I can add such a defensive measure, the rest of the team should not have to protect me as much as before."

So, I thought of sharing the pressure for my teammates. With such an idea, Shia finally chose to start with the body protection baby in front of her. In this way, as the 5th layer nightmare sensor, she will have two fourth rank labyrinth relics at the same time...

Wei Meng went back and forth between several relic storage windows, sometimes stopping to observe, sometimes pacing and thinking, and finally stopped in front of the most central relic storage room.

Floating at the top of the inner central steel column are nine dark green jade tokens, and between the jade tokens are vaguely connected strings of light like threads.

『Cut Face Formation』, Rank 5 Array type labyrinth relic, with nine jade tokens as Magic Talisman text, when the contractor has set up the rune and activated it, it can be aligned with the summon Formation The plane space connected by jade token is highly destructive to beam cutting. A Formation requires at least three jade tokens as the starting medium. The more jade tokens, the stronger the Formation formidable power.

"jade token, medium, Formation...well, compared to the other darlings, this one would be the perfect match for my rat colony..."

" p>

Wei Meng muttered to himself with a serious expression, and finally decided to let it replace the "Phantom Seal", which became his biggest trump card in this annihilation operation.

Ou Ke looks at this, looks at that, walks briskly and looks at ease, just like a young girl wandering the shopping street, and soon finds the most suitable one among the dazzling "commodities". The goal.

It was a pair of crimson ribbons that floated slowly in the air and fluttered gracefully. The splendid phantom of the lotus looks extremely beautiful and seductive.

"Scarlet Silk Feet", a fifth-order foot-shaped labyrinth relic, uses ribbons wrapped around the legs to provide the contractor with the ability to fly freely in the air, greatly improving the contractor's agility At the same time, it can also make lotus-shaped transmission beacons during the movement, so that the contractor can exchange his position with the crimson lotus anytime and anywhere. The maximum number of lotuses that can be maintained at the same time is based on the contractor's spirit strength upper limit. Decide.

"Yeah, it's both beautiful and practical, it's just like tailor-made for me... However, it seems to be most comfortable to use on bare feet... After that, I have to specially modify the style of the hunter suit. Can the pants be trimmed and shortened? As for the boots, I have to think about it..."

Ou Ke was in a happy mood. Thinking to himself, he wrote down the official name of the crimson ribbon in the window for his relic exchange table, and the "Guardian Ring" was in exchange, separated from Ou Ke, and stayed in the Hall of Relics. Waiting for the arrival of the next owner.

In this way, the rest of the Dawn Squad have chosen their new labyrinth relics in turn.

However, only the bloodsmith hunter, the Captain, has not made his own decision.

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