Aura Hunter

Chapter 645

His heartbeat begins to speed up imagining the other person's supple skin.

Imagine the other party's warm blood, and his breathing began to quicken.

In the end, a drop of drool filled with fanatical desire slid out of the corner of the bloodsmith hunter's open mouth.

With bloodshot eyes and hungry eyes, Ye Chen's body subconsciously moved towards Oke's hospital bed two steps closer.

Wait until the shadow of the whole person completely covers the sleeping face of the other party...

Ye Chen's trembling arms immediately stretched out slowly. .....

Then, put the quilt on her body for Oke.

Completing this simple action, Ye Chen immediately turned around and left the ward.

He lightly closed the door, then turned to look around, and found that the corridor of the inpatient building, which should have been bright, was actually plunged into an empty and darkened darkness at this time.

All light fixtures are unfathomable mysteriously.

Darkness, mixed with a bit of chill, entrenched on both sides of the promenade.

Vaguely, innumerable vague outlines float and swim in it, their shapes are uncertain, their colors are unknown, and they are constantly sending thousands of terrifying low voices into the air, and at the same time. moved towards Ye Chen here slowly...

Faced with such a sudden and strange scene, the bloodsmith hunter took a deep breath, then endured the hunger and cold in his body, turned around and sat down with a calm expression Sitting on the bench beside him, he pressed his forehead hard with his thumb, which contained the power of dazzling Aura.

Through firm willpower and concentration in one point, he quickly managed to extract his sanity from the chaos.

After that, the darkness surrounding both sides of the field of vision quickly receded, and the bass entwined between the ears quickly disappeared, and the hunger and cold that hit Ye Chen's brain earlier The sense of connection is also expelled by the world that has become clear again.

In this way, the corridor was restored to its original appearance, and the lights were still working normally in front of Ye Chen's eyes. At the same time, he could occasionally see the silhouette of the nurses on duty on both sides. .

Seeing this, Ye Chen reached out and touched his abdomen again, and then found the feeling of fullness before the mutation.

The shriveled and emaciated look similar to a famine refugee is now disappeared, as if it were an illusion of nothingness and never really became a reality.

Successfully restored his body and spirit to normal, Ye Chen exhaled in relief.

It has been five full days since the breakthrough to the Fifth Layer nightmare, during which Ye Chen was never disturbed by the baby's cry.

However, his heart is very clear, with the new breakthrough of nightmare realm, this kind of strangeness that haunts him all year round will not end here, but may also be moved towards a worse direction. produce qualitative change.

Therefore, Ye Chen has already made psychological preparations for the current change.

If the cries of the baby brought about by the last round of nightmares only interfered with his hearing and vision, then the symptoms of mental disturbance brought about by this round of nightmares directly stimulated Ye Chen to " warm and satiety" instinct.

This is the basis of desire for every creature to exist, so it is easier to induce Ye Chen to do all "extraordinary" behaviors. The severity and terrifying of its symptoms are undoubtedly far greater than those of the past Simple baby "cry".

However, fortunately, Ye Chen is still able to firmly control this symptom in the palm of his hand, and is far from being reduced to a runaway end for the time being.

"Hold on a little longer..."

Then, he clenched his hands into fists, as if giving the final order to himself.

"In any case, at least we have to hold on until... The Butcher Clown annihilation operation officially begins."

Sit quietly on the corridor bench for a long time, confirming After returning to normal, Ye Chen immediately turned around and returned to Ou Ke's ward, and continued to silently wait for her dream crossing.


Three days passed by.

In the dull morning of the fourth day, Ye Chen slowly got up from the folding bed, and was still sleepy.

However, in the next second, he was hugged tightly by a soft figure pressing down from the side.


Ye Chen looked stunned, turned his head to look, and found that the person hugging him was Oke, who had been lying on the hospital bed for ten days.

At this moment, the plaster that was originally wrapped around her limbs had been completely removed by herself, and the clear body temperature was transmitted to Ye Chen's mind through the thin clothes, accompanied by has Several points of slight tremors covering the body.

Faced with this situation, Ye Chen was silent for a while, then whispered:

"Congratulations on your success."

Ou Ke Ting After all, he immediately hugged Ye Chen tighter, as if he was confirming whether he really returned to reality through personal contact with him.

Ye Chen didn't resist, sitting on the folding bed, letting Ouke hug him for a while.

It didn't take long for her to unbutton Ye Chen's arm, but then she started unbuttoning her hospital gown.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing this, Ye Chen's expression suddenly changed, and then he hurriedly warned:

"This is a hospital !"

As a result, Ou Ke responded calmly:

"I know, but I can't bear it anymore, sorry."

When the voice fell, she immediately threw Ye Chen down.

Faced with such abrupt demands, Ye Chen immediately wanted to stop Ou Ke's nonsense, but she immediately felt a sense of tension and unease filling her body. That nightmare was completely calming down, so now it may be the solution that Oke desperately needs to relieve stress.

Thinking at this point, Ye Chen lightly sighed, and then reluctantly whispered warning repeatedly in her ear:

"At least keep quiet."

Ou Ke nodded in high spirits, and immediately blocked Ye Chen's lips.

Then, the whole ward immediately rang out with the shaking and vibrating sound of the narrow folding bed.


It wasn't until the sun was shining outside the ward window that the abrupt intimacy between the two came to an end.

Ou Ke lowered his head and carefully cleaned up the scene, and then lifted the head with a messy face, showing Ye Chen a pair of bright eyes that regained his calm.

Ye Chen, on the other hand, was flushing and wearily sorting out his clothes.

Fortunately, the previous symptoms did not recur in the middle.

He rejoiced inwardly as he fastened the buttons of his shirt.

Then, the two sat face to face, and after a moment of silence, Ou Ke showed Ye Chen a bitter smile, and then said with lingering fears:

“ I thought I wasn't human anymore."

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