Aura Hunter

Chapter 644

However, Ye Chen had just sat down to start autonomous cultivation, and immediately felt that something was wrong in the atmosphere in the ward.

Compared to when he left with Kuize just now, the air here is now unusually dull.

Even if Ye Chen opened the window to the maximum, he couldn't get rid of this feeling.

So he immediately looked around with a surprised look, looking around, but found nothing, and finally turned his attention to Oke, who was still sleeping.

He stretched out his hand to lightly touch the other's limb, and Ye Chen's fingertips immediately received a tingling feedback similar to that of an electric shock, which made his eyebrows suddenly become extremely surprised.

Nowadays, Oke is breathing steadily and his consciousness is sinking.

However, between the god meridian network of her limbs, there is the power of one after another Aura in it, like a dam-breaking flood, madly sweeping everywhere, rushing everywhere, as if it was in a Under the overturning of the catastrophe and natural disaster, he fled wildly.

After feeling this, Ye Chen immediately condensed the power of his Aura between the retinas, and through strengthening the visual perception to the extreme, only then did he find that Oke's body was silently released at this moment. An obscure but powerful energy stance, which caused the air to be filled with countless electromagnetic ripples, is obviously the fundamental source of the depressing atmosphere in the ward.


Faced with such a situation, Ye Chen's face was stunned for a moment, and he immediately realized the truth.

It turned out that Ou Ke was not enjoying an ordinary nap...

She had been in front of Ye Chen long before Kui Ze visited here. ......Escape directly into your own labyrinth dream.

At this moment, Yingfa hunters have entered the Fifth Layer dreamland, thus ushering in the fifth round of physical and mental baptism ceremony that thousands of active hunters dream of!

After realizing this, the bloodsmith hunter's eyes showed mixed emotions.

Faced with the current reality that Ou Ke has a chance to break through the new realm, Ye Chen couldn't help feeling happy and joyful for her.

However, at the same time, as someone who has just experienced all this, Ye Chen also knows that this fifth round of dreams is completely different from the previous four rounds in terms of weirdness and torture level. level.

Even willpower is so powerful and extraordinary that he almost fell into it. Since ancient times, the number of losers who are physically and mentally destroyed between the fifth threshold is the largest, so it will make Ye Chen was involuntarily worried for Ou Ke, and sincerely hoped that she could pass all these tests safely.


Taking a deep breath, Ye Chen then informed the hospital of Oke's condition and told them the next paragraph No more need to send nurses and nurses.

Although interference from the outside generally does not affect the realm breakthrough success rate of the dreamer, in order to guard against the unexpected, Ye Chen still has to ensure that the person who contacts Oke during this period Less is better.

The action quickly completed a series of insurance measures, Ye Chen sat back to the window again, quietly watching Ou Ke while breathing and sleeping, while unconsciously exuding enough air to suppress the entire ward The invisible energy of the...

Although Ye Chen has already learned about the physical posture of the nightmare sensor during the dream transition period, Ye Chen has already learned about it from books as early as the Academy period, but this is the first time for him Having witnessed such a living example with my own eyes, I felt a little nervous in my heart unconsciously.

Then, Ye Chen quickly remembered that Kuize turned around and looked around immediately after entering the ward, thinking that he had already discovered Oke's changes immediately.

"No wonder Mr. Quezer said that to me at the end... It turns out that he has already discovered this fact... But why didn't he tell me directly What? Just don’t think it’s necessary? Or do you want me to find out and be pleasantly surprised?”

Ye Chen looked puzzled, but quickly put these trivial matters behind. , and then continued to wait by Oke's side, while quietly continuing to use and practice self-power, while preventing uninvited guests from breaking into this ward and causing obstruction to Oke...

And Ye Chen's guard went straight from afternoon to night.

During the period, Ou Ke showed no sign of waking up.

Ye Chen, based on her previous experience, predicted that she would have to sleep for at least three days in one breath before she could return to reality.

"Ha... Anyway, it's time for me to rest."

Sitting by the window for half a day of self-training, Ye Chen's His face was full of exhaustion and haggard.

However, just as he was leaning down on the folding bed, ready to sleep and rest...

A sudden hunger strike was in this The brief moment suddenly hit Ye Chen's brain, causing his eyebrows to lock tightly due to the emergence of discomfort.

Subconsciously reached out and touched his abdomen, and immediately, Ye Chen's palm received a dry touch, as if he was a famine refugee who had not eaten for many days.


Faced with such a strange change, Ye Chen immediately sat up with a look of surprise.

A few hours ago, he clearly had a dinner, although the content was simple, but the portion was not large.

As a result, Ye Chen is now completely unable to find the slightest sense of satiety in his body...

There is nothing left!

Instead... just a hysterical stomach rumbling with hunger!

I'm so hungry!

Such desire emerged from the depths of the subconscious, Ye Chen immediately stood up straight from between the folding beds with an unbelievable expression.

Then the ward where the lights were turned off suddenly became darker, and at the same time, the air surrounding Ye Chen suddenly dropped to zero, and a gloomy chill immediately penetrated into the room. On his back, Ye Chen had goose bumps all over his body, having one's hair stand on end.

It's so cold!

The desire for an unfathomable mystery began to bombard the bloodsmith hunter's brain indiscriminately, causing him to suddenly feel dizzy, and his eyes were spinning, and he had no idea what happened to him.

So hungry, so cold, so hungry, so cold, so hungry, so cold!

However, Ye Chen's face was stunned when his bloodshot eyes full of shock and confusion shifted to the sleeping shadow on the hospital bed inadvertently.

Turn to look at Oke's fair and flawless neck...

He looked down at Oke's shattering face...

At this moment, Ye Chen's expression was like that of a refugee suffering from hunger and cold. In the darkness where he could not see his fingers, he suddenly realized that there was already a radiant crystal around him. Light delicacies...

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