Aura Hunter

Chapter 637

After working together for so many years, it was the first time that Ferona and Errigat had seen Shia, who had a mild temperament, become so angry, so their faces were full of shock.

"Hey, don't linger, don't hurry up and listen to the doctor!"

Seeing this, Wei Meng, who was crouching beside him, also opened his mouth and urged.


Firona and Errigat looked at each other in blank dismay, and then lay down obediently on Oko's sides, I dare not continue to challenge Shia's patience.

When the three main wounded in the team were all settled, the more the hunter pointed, the more he grasped the "Blessing Scepter", and released different concentrations of energy between the bodies of the three of Oke. jade green radiance.

While bringing Errigat’s broken arm back to the shoulder, Firona’s broken eyeball was quickly restored to its original shape, while the messy muscles, skeletons, organs, and nerves in Oke’s body were completely restored. Returning to the original position...

With the powerful healing power and the powerful brain doing three things at the same time, Shia healed the three people at the same time. serious injury.

Looking at the entire group of active hunters, there are nearly 100 hunters who are team healers with similar positioning to Shia. However, multiple emergency operations such as this kind of unreasonable difficulty are among the elite hunters. Only Shia has the ability to make it happen.

In terms of healing skills alone, she has been able to catch up with the master hunters. She is a rare Peak talent in the field of healing. I don't know how many times she has helped Dawn Squad over the past few years. Dangerous difficulties.

So, what Shia needs to do now is to reproduce the results of the past again.

For her, all this was tiring, but not difficult!

And after seeing Shia closed her eyes, completely ignoring her injury state, and focusing all her attention on treating her teammates, Weimon then took out the gauze and cautiously smeared the part of her cheek. blood between.

Completing such a simple care, Wei Meng immediately stood up straight and looked up at all directions of the snow field.

Under the current situation, the Rat Lord Hunter has become the last battle strength of the team, and the important task of maintaining the safety of the scene naturally falls on his head.

Of course, Wei Meng knew this very well in his heart, so after confirming that Ou Ke completely beheaded the abyss werewolf, he immediately dispatched his own reconnaissance rat group, so that the There is a vast snow field, and any disturbance within a kilometer radius cannot escape his eyes.

Well, I haven't seen anything similar to the abyss chaser for the time being.

Even if the clown corpses that I found earlier were resurrected by the abyss, it would be difficult to imitate the terrifying skills of the werewolf and follow them all the way here in a short period of time.

We are safe now, for now.

Thinking of this, Wei Meng let out a long sigh of relief, and then walked to the edge of the pit previously smashed by the abyss werewolf while maintaining the surveillance of the rats.

He lowered his head and swept his gaze to the lowest point of the pit, where Wei Meng immediately saw the head, torso, amputated limbs and other scattered and lifeless bloody things.

The dark flesh that parasitized them inside and out has followed the core of the abyss and completely died out, making the appearance of this werewolf corpse now as pale as gray.

After suffering untold hardships, this monster was successfully killed. I hope the intelligence and spills of war it has on it can be worthy of our efforts...

With this thought in mind, Wei Meng then jumped off the edge of the pit and descended along the smooth semi-circular slope. He soon arrived at the place where the corpses of the abyss werewolf were distributed, and then carefully observed the scene. situation.

I saw the head of the other party that was cut off by Ou Ke. It was half-human and half-wolf just now, but now it has completely turned into a human head.

Most of the skin and flesh on it, along with the bones of the face, were pierced through several large holes, and even the brain tissue was dug out most of the time, apparently eaten by the parasitic abyss flesh and blood. excavated.

Wei Meng couldn't recognize the human appearance of the abyss infected person, and swept his eyes to the slender torso on the other side, and then saw a clown onesie in dark blue tone, but its surface had nine Chengdu has been dyed red with blood.

The Rat Lord Hunter walked to the torso, crouched down, and searched for a while, but found nothing useful.

However, when he swept his gaze to one of the werewolf's broken arms on the ground behind him, and then saw a bracelet-like thing at his wrist, Wei Meng's eyes immediately lit up.

Weamon knew that, like the black rings that every hunter in the Aura gang had, every clown at the Pleasure Theater had similar storage gear, so if this abyss werewolf really What precious spills of war are there, it must only be hidden in these bags printed with Space Rune.

So he stepped forward without hesitation, and immediately picked up the bloody severed arm.

As a result, Wei Meng's face immediately froze when the distance got closer.

Because, although the surface of the bracelet on this arm is constantly scratched and worn, and the color is half black and half gray, it still makes Wei Meng feel an extremely abrupt sense of familiarity at this moment. .

He then turned the bracelet down, and immediately saw a broken circular watch on its underside.

Reflecting such a thing into the retina, Wei Meng's heart jumped, and immediately with an incredible expression, he quickly summoned all the things stored in the bracelet to the ground.

Food, water, clothing, weapons, and all kinds of twisted human art...

Waemon's horrified gazes don't matter in these Quickly passed through the things, and soon saw a thin iron piece connected by an iron chain in the last row of the props.

He stretched out his slightly trembling arm and slowly raised this light thing to his eyes.

I saw this line of handwriting clearly engraved on it:

"1960 Issue - Moon Wolf Hunter - Manfwo"

I witnessed this scene in front of me , Weimon involuntarily sucked in a cold breath.


At this moment, the Rat Lord Hunter finally came to his senses.

Why is this abyss werewolf not only crazy and gluttonous, but also has the standard specifications like a textbook, flawless, and even the superb fighting skills that even the elite hunters like Weymon have ashamed of being inferior.. ....

It turns out...

It used to be the senior of everyone...

It used to be Is a member of the hunting group!

Moonwolf Hunter Manfvor...

Weamon was very impressed with the name.

Because, he was the tenth place in the Master Hunter Career Contribution List among the active hunter groups three years ago...

Super-standard Master hunter.

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