Aura Hunter

Chapter 636

If it is said that Wei Meng, as the acting Captain of this mission, made the most unsuccessful decision today, ignoring the problem of the upper wind of the cliff and rashly investigating the abyss werewolf to reveal his position, then what he did today The wisest decision to make is not to immediately expose his labyrinth relics after the battle with the Abyssal Werewolf.

After all, the abyssal werewolf has a powerful sense of smell, so for it in excellent condition, any deception of the entire group of dawn is almost equivalent to useless.

If Weimon activates the effect of "Phantom Seal" at the beginning, not only will he not be able to achieve obvious results, but it will also waste a precious potential advantage.

Also, the backlash speed-up contest with Ou Ke, as well as the ultra-wide-area offensive that was forced to display afterwards, greatly weakened the abyss werewolf's sensory skills.

And the Rat Lord Hunter saw the perfect opportunity for this extremely rare, and immediately played his trump card decisively.

Through the "Phantom Seal", using the mouse as the carrier, a series of lifelike phantom illusions, such as Oke's disability, seven swords broken, and relics damaged, are simulated. Weimon is like a rigorous scheme and deep foresight The superb trickster, who completely deceived the abyss werewolf at this most critical moment, just took advantage of its carelessness and laxness to win a perfect beheading opportunity for Ou Ke.

Of course, lip gun hunters and Iron Fist hunters contributed equally to this process.

Although Firona and Errigat, one was blind, the other had a broken hand, both suffered heavy injuries, but their extremely tenacious psychological qualities made them unable to be defeated by the pain, and they were only in a coma for a short time. The two didn't even need Shia's treatment, and immediately woke up on their own initiative before the enemy launched the last full moon ultimate move.

Then, in the face of the abyss werewolf's almost destroying heaven extinguishing earth-like terrorist offensive, Ferona opened her bloody eyes that she was unwilling to admit defeat, and immediately summon out a "camouflage flying carpet" to carry everyone around her up, And Errigat also desperately launched the "Explosive Shoulder Armor" while grasping the flying carpet, exchanging hysterical mental consumption for the terrifying impetus beyond the speed of sound.

It was with the solidarity and cooperation of the two at the critical moment that the four hunters below the battlefield were able to barely withdraw from the werewolf's full moon raging range immediately, thus helping Shia continue to hold on to her heart. The "Blessing Scepter" exerts healing protection on Oke, while Wei Meng can activate the "Phantom Seal" in time after the black light dissipates to create the illusion of Oke's injury and defeat.

Otherwise, the abyss werewolf would definitely be on guard against the Sakura-haired hunter.

Even though Oke has completely surpassed it in terms of speed, all of this is only a temporary situation after all, and I want to completely kill the abyss during the effect of the "slender sword body". The powerful cunning monster will still be a difficult thing for Ou Ke.

Therefore, at this moment, the bloody wolf's head and the amputated body falling from the night sky are the symbol of victory that every young hunter present has jointly fought for with their respective contributions.

As the main hero of the team, after dividing the abyss werewolf into two, Ou Ke did not feel slack because of the sight in front of him, but continued to dive on the "guard circle", extremely Carefully check the opponent's corpse in the air.

It wasn't until she witnessed the huge core of the abyss shattering and disintegrating in front of her, with all the dark flesh and blood on the surface of the corpse scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, that she was completely relieved.


Ou Ke took a deep breath involuntarily, with blood on his face and a satisfied look, he said softly to himself:

"It's been a long time since I've been so happy."

The voice fell, I saw her figure turn over, and the whole person lost all strength like this, together with the "guardian circle" under her feet. Huan' moved towards the ground below and fell.

Firona on the edge of the pothole saw this situation with her only one eye left, and immediately squeezed out the little spirit strength left in her body, and controlled the flying carpet to quickly rush to the bottom of Oke. , and then took her down steadily with the man and the weapon, and then landed in front of his entire group at a gentle speed.

Looking at Ou Ke lying motionless on the blanket, just silently blinking his fiery-red eyes, the snow-white skin surface is slowly emerging with dazzling blood droplets, Wei Meng's face Immediately away from the original joy of victory, he turned to ask her nervously:

"Oke, how are you feeling now!?"

Oke Turning his head slowly, he swept his eyes one after another across the worried faces of his teammates. He did not choose to answer Weimon's question, but asked in a hoarse voice: "hehe, Weimon, I didn't I'll lie to you, everyone is alive now..."

Although her expression still looked so leisurely, her voice had become weak and weak.

Hearing Ou Ke's words, Wei Meng was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes were full of emotion and admiration.

Then he responded with a wry smile in a trembling tone:

" really didn't lie to me."

"Thanks to you , all of us have indeed successfully survived this catastrophe."

"Oke, you are so amazing, it's fortunate that you are here."

Oke listens, slightlyly smiled.

Then, she closed her heavy eyelids, and her whole body fell into a coma.

Seeing this, Wei Meng frowned, then turned to Shia and asked:

"Shiya, what is Oke's current situation... ."

Sia replied with a dignified expression:

"The skeleton of her limbs has basically been comminuted and fractured, and the muscle fibers are almost torn. The internal organs are also damaged, and it will not last long.”

The tone was quickly explained, and Shia immediately turned her head and issued a stern urging to Ferona and Errigat on the other side. :

"The two of you lie down next to Ou Ke, and I will treat you with your injuries."

Erigat with a broken arm, hearing this startled, immediately With a serious expression, he questioned:

"You treat the three of us at the same time alone? Will this be too heavy a burden? I've already stopped the bleeding on my shoulder, so I don't really mind waiting a little longer. Yes."

And the blind Firona also agreed with a fearless expression:

"Yes, the consequences for both of us are at most only disability, but we must not let Ou Ke is gone, so you should concentrate on treating her alone!"

As a result, the next second, Shia's angry scolding rushed into the ears of the two, Firona and Errigat were startled on the spot.

"Don't talk nonsense about the wounded! Now! Immediately! Lie down for me!"

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