Aura Hunter

Chapter 629

Abyss Werewolf's ejection action in the air is like a tortuous black thunderbolt, breaking through the sound barrier in an instant.

Firona didn't see anything clearly, only to notice that when she subconsciously blinked her eyes, a long dark shadow appeared on the edge of her field of vision, which instilled a gust of air into her nose. Strong bloody smell.

The heart of the lip gun hunter jumped at this moment, and was immediately motivated by the survival instinct. Together with the four light machine guns beside him, he shot at the shadow angrily.

In the face of Ferona's close-range firepower, the abyss werewolf just bent down with a calm face, and dashed forward with a vigorous lunge to avoid the swept of the overwhelming majority ammunition. Then, at the small price of multiple bruises on his body, he came up to Ferona in one fell swoop, and then swept the sharp dewclaws across the left side of her face.


Accompanied by the ruthless swipe of the black wolf claws, a hot and acrid feeling immediately penetrated Firona's forehead, left eye, and left face, making her so in this brief moment Impressively lost the entire field of vision on the left half.


Firona, who was blinded on the spot, took a few steps back in shock. In the remaining narrow field of vision, it was the abyss werewolf full of images. A twisted smile of excitement and joy.

Then, she tenaciously opened her mouth and exhaled anger, and immediately raised the queen bee sniper in her hand again, wanting to continue to fire back at this hateful monster.

The next second, the other party turned around and swept a whip at Ferona.

Firona couldn't dodge in time, so she could only move all four of the previous light machine guns to her side as a shield, and then she could only helplessly watch the powerful abyss werewolf. Turning over and kicking, she directly kicked her light machine gun array into a pile of deformed scrap iron, and its strength penetrated into Ferona's waist and abdomen, and instantly kicked her whole body into the sky.


silhouette flying, blood falling.

A few seconds later, Ferona fell heavily to the ground, stopped moving, and stopped uttering a sound.

Everything happened so suddenly.

Weamon had just arrived at Errigat's side with a broken arm, and Ferona on the other side was already blind.

The mutation of the situation simply does not allow him, the acting Captain, to get the slightest chance of reaction and rescue.

Looking up at the abyss werewolf licking the blood on the tip of his claws happily, Wei Meng's face instantly paled, and the whole person stopped all movements immediately.

In this way, the three main teams of Sakurafa, Iron Fist, and Lip Gun of the Dawning Squad all suffered in turn in the hands of the abyss werewolf.

And the desperate resistance that the three of them made together, in the end, only caused some insignificant injuries to the body of the abyss werewolf...

The difference between the two sides is really too big.

It's so big that Wei Meng's face is ashes, and he can no longer see any hope of winning.

Then, realizing that reality was almost dead, he subconsciously turned his head and looked towards Shia behind him.

Today's Healing Finger Hunter is still holding the "Scepter of Blessing", trying his best to cast healing spells on his wounded comrades.

However, in Weimon's view, all this is already in vain.

He has lost hope of victory.

So what can I do next?

Weamon's brain began to think rapidly in the face of life and death.

As long as Shia with the healing power is still there, the rest of the team will be saved.

Well then, let's make the bait yourself to attract the attention of the abyss werewolves, in exchange for everyone's time to escape, right?

No...with its outrageous skills that go beyond the speed of sound, even if you drive the Spirit Yu to the limit, you will probably not be able to last for half a minute...

At this time of trifling, let alone let everyone evacuate, it is impossible to let Shia go alone...


Is it really because of one of my command mistakes that everyone had to die here?

And at the same time that these questions appeared one after another in Wei Meng's mind, the abyss werewolf immediately launched his own actions again.

It did not rush to make up for Ferona and Errigat who lost their battle strength, but swaggered towards Shia, who was still treating her teammates in the middle of the snow.

It seems that this abyssman seems to be enjoying the current situation very much, and does not want this bloody fight between the snow and the moon to come to an end so early, his mentality Just like a wild cat will probably play around with a mouse before it eats it.

Wei Meng frowned, even though he still couldn't think of the breakthrough of this dead end, his body was still moving at full speed at this moment.

The right hand holds the chain hook and the scythe, the left hand holds the swirl shell, and there are thousands of fierce-looking biting mice around. Yu pointed to the hunter in front of him, and used body language to make such a declaration to the abyss werewolf:

If you want to touch her, just step over my corpse first.

Faced with such a situation, the abyss werewolf grinned suddenly, locking the blood-red beast pupils of Wei Meng's figure, which flashed a more frenzied and excited bloodthirsty color.

The next second, its figure turned into an afterimage of explosive sound, and moved towards Wei Meng directly and quickly.


Weamon opened his mouth and let out a sigh of anger, forgetting everything at the moment, and then reluctantly used his eye socket cracked "spiritual eyes" Captured the moment when the abyss werewolf flashed in front of him.

The next moment, the group of biting rats rushed up, covering the entire silhouette of the abyss werewolf in overwhelming numbers.

Then, accompanied by two whistling dark claw lights, the dense group of mice was torn out a blood-colored mouth by it.

Then, Wei Meng's chain hook scythe suddenly threw out, slashing the head of the abyss werewolf drilled out of the corpse of the rat group with all his strength.

However, with just a flick of the left hand, the abyss werewolf firmly grasped Wei Meng's scythe, pointed it out with the right hand, and then stabbed Wei Meng's heart like a sharp sword.

Wei Meng held the swirl shotgun in his remaining left hand, and aimed at the abyss werewolf's fingertips and fired at close range. The hot and powerful shrapnel burst forward with the dazzling gun flame, and smashed the abyss werewolf on the spot. five fingers of the right hand.

In the end, all of this was expected by the abyss werewolf, and I saw it bent the injured arm without the slightest hesitation, and then smashed Weimon's with an elbow with sharp bone spines. face.

It turns out that the finger is just a feint, and the elbow is the real killer.

This abyss werewolf... is really cunning to the extreme.

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