Aura Hunter

Chapter 628


At the same time that the abyss werewolf with no difficulty neutralized the Weimon biting rat group, Errigat, who had been knocked unconscious by its kick, has recovered quickly under the healing of Shia jade green brilliance After regaining consciousness, he attacked the monster's back again with a killing intent on his face.

The abyss werewolf was keenly aware of Errigat's approach, turned his body, waved his arm, and immediately released the extremely ferocious dark claw light again, and moved towards Erigat in the form of a dark sea tide. Rigat's whole body overturned.

Facing such a terrifying scene, Errigat's face did not show the slightest fear, only the "burst shoulder armor" on both sides of his shoulders immediately flashed a burst of dazzling fire, followed by It released a roaring and powerful propulsive force, which instantly raised the momentum of Errigat's charge to the limit.

Then, obtained the ultimate strength increase in this sprint state, a hard and huge steel fist, and then carried a violent and majestic Aura power, aiming at the dark claws of the abyss werewolf The light burst out suddenly.

Wow ——————!

Iron Fist made direct contact with Light Claw, and a chilly pain rushed from the punch to Errigat's brain, causing his brows to furrow involuntarily.

However, even so, the hunter's fist wind still smashed the werewolf's claw in one fell swoop, and reluctantly won a victory in the power struggle.

Seeing such a result, the abyss werewolf's beast pupils changed slightly. He didn't seem to think that Errigat would really be able to break his counterattack, and Errigat rushed to the abyss werewolf without the slightest hesitation In front of him, the 2nd uppercut that is full of extreme power is aimed at its waist and abdomen, which is threw away.

At the same time, the new round of sniping launched by Ferona also struck again, and the ten lip-printed bullets hit the abyss werewolf's vital points along different trajectories.

At this moment, the lip gun hunter and the Iron Fist hunter successfully displayed a tacit cooperation, and at the same moment they launched an extremely critical front and back attack on this monster!

However, it backfired.

At this moment, the young hunters still underestimate the strength of the abyss monster in front of them.

Different from the abyss titan that the entire group of Dawning Squad dealt with before, the power of the abyss werewolf is not as arrogant and powerful as the former, nor can it display a set of exaggerated offensives with a range comparable to destroying heaven extinguishing earth. .

On the contrary, its power turns into another foundational point.


Both attack speed and skill.

Then, facing the front and rear double-teams of Ferona and Errigat, this abyss werewolf showed a set of defensive moves that the hunters completely unexpected.

I saw it threw away its own arms before Errigat's fist was approaching, and its wolf paws immediately turned into bone-encrusted maggots and stuck between Errigat's arms.

Although the abyss werewolf's arms shattered most of the flesh and skin on the spot under the violent impact of Errigat's desperate punch, he also shattered Errigat. His arm joints were buckled in time, and at the same time, his wolf feet slashed towards Errigat's ankles like razors, ignoring his terrifying weight and stripping his lower plate balance on the spot.


Dawn's entire group's face was full of disbelief at this moment.

In the next second, through such a smooth set of Jiu-Jitsu moves, the abyss werewolf not only neatly deflected Errigat's uppercut, but also used a skillful technique of four-two punches. Errigat's entire Iron Body was twisted to his side, and even used him as a human shield, covering his back to a large extent, forcing Ferona to change the trajectory of the lip print bullet to avoid it. Injured a partner by mistake.

And at the same time as Firona was rushing in, the abyss werewolf was even more aware of the opportunity and smashed Errigat's entire body into the snow behind him with a ferocious sideways fall. .

Boom ——————!

The ground shook and the slush flew.

Besides being shocked, Errigat immediately felt that his internal organs were also beginning to overturn, and then he opened his mouth and spurted out a mouthful of bright red blood.

At this moment, not only Errigat himself, but also Weimon, Shia, Ferona and the rest of the people present were all started.

Because the attitude of the abyss werewolf just now seems to them not like a savage beast...

On the contrary...more like Be a Jiu-Jitsu Grandmaster!

Even the theater clowns who haven't lost their minds, the entire group of Dawning Squad can't believe that the werewolves from this group of crazy people have the ability to make such flawless tricks.

This damned abyss infected person, who is the sacred predecessor...

In this short moment, the minds of elite hunters are all Similar doubts emerged involuntarily:

Is he really just a crazy clown! ?

Sia continued to intensify the treatment, Wei Meng immediately picked up the swirl cannonball, and Firona manipulated the lip print bullet that had just temporarily changed lanes and continued to launch another attack on the target's body. round siege.

As a result, before everyone started to move further, the abyss werewolf who firmly twisted Errigat's arm quickly swept his razor-sharp claws over Errigat's shoulders. .


A sharp and harsh iron slashing sound followed.

Therefore, the abyss werewolf cut off Errigat's strong steel arm so neatly, and then tore it off completely.


Erigat's face froze instantly.

Then, blood like a fountain started frantically sputtering out from the cross section of his shoulder, accompanied by his painful screams, which stimulated Shia, Weimon, and Fei. Rona's eyes and ears made the faces of the three of them immediately covered with an incredible thick haze.

"Uh ——————!"

Listening to the heart-piercing screams of her companions, Shia's heart was twisted, and Weimon and Ferona's The expression became extremely angry.

Wei Meng immediately moved towards the abyss werewolf and dashed forward, while holding the swirl cannonball and firing at it violently, while swinging the chain hook sickle and throwing it at it, at the same time it was summon out more The group of biting mice seems to be trying to force the abyss werewolf away from Errigat.

And Ferona's lip print bullets target different parts of the abyss werewolf and launch a fierce attack together.

As a result, I saw the legs of the abyss werewolf suddenly kicked to the ground, but he didn't mind taking the initiative to leave Errigat's side, and the whole person jumped into the sky to avoid a series of offensives from Weimon. , and then displayed its "spiritual air" skill again, quickly ejecting up, down, left, and right in the air, not only leaving Ferona's lip print bullets far behind, but also immediately moved towards Ferona herself!

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