Aura Hunter

Chapter 615

The old church made of the flesh and blood of the abyss has not disappeared.

It still lies at the bottom of the blood pool, and the dark and old building outline is particularly dazzling in the red blood.

Ye Chen doesn't know what the abyss incarnates into this thing in the end?

However, a keen intuition stimulated his brain in this brief moment.

After completing the nightmare test, the reason why I didn't return to reality as quickly as in the past must have an inseparable relationship with this abyss thing!

As a result, Ye Chen immediately raised his right arm, which was still controllable.

He intends to condense a cluster of pure blood as he did at the beginning, and with the power of the violent blood thunder, he will destroy this old church hidden at the bottom of the blood pool in one fell swoop.

As a result, just when Ye Chen's attack intentions were revealed, the abyss thing locked by him acted first!

Under the impetus of a burst of dark energy, the entire ruined and huge church ruins, ignoring its own huge weight, broke through the water surface of the blood pool in one fell swoop.

crash-bang ——————!

In an instant, blood splashed, the waves surged, and the airflow was scattered.

The sudden and violent impact directly sent the bloodsmith hunter flying to a height of 100 meters, and then fiercely fell back into the blood-red pool water.


With the sound of water again, Ye Chen, who fell between the blood and water, immediately tried to get up at full speed, but fell back again.

Although the half-human half-liquid body made him feel no pain, it also greatly reduced his control over the body, resulting in Ye Chen now just like a A patient who has just got out of bed and walked without adequate rehabilitation training simply cannot retrieve his normal orthopedic hand.


After struggling in place for a long time but couldn't see any improvement, Ye Chen finally realized that he was no different from being paralyzed. So he could only give up these meaningless behaviors, and looked up at the mist-filled place in front of him.

When the thick water mist gradually dissipated, the dark and dilapidated church slowly appeared in front of Ye Chen's eyes.

Ye Chen took a deep breath with a solemn face, while waiting for the next move of this abyss thing, while accumulating the little power left in his body, he made the final preparations for a desperate fight.

Then, inside the closed black wooden door of the old church, a brisk footstep sounded suddenly, and then unabashedly resounded in Ye Chen's ears.

Da, da, da.

Hearing such a sudden movement, Ye Chen's face suddenly oozes a few drops of cold sweat.

There's who...comes this way.

He could clearly hear that this kind of footstep sound was similar to the sound of leather shoes touching the ground, and judging from its volume and frequency, the weight of the person who sent the footsteps would not be too high. From an adult man, it is more like a woman or a child.

What's going on...

What kind of situation is I facing now...

All of this, Is it really all just the embodiment of my Heart Demon?

Ye Chen was horrified, confused, and confused, but could not know the real answer.

Listening to the sound of footsteps inside the church door becoming clearer, the sweat on the right half of his face became more and more, while the blood on the left half began to rise and fall frantically. Going up is like instinctively avoiding something in fear.

However, after shaking for a short while, Ye Chen regained his calm with his strong psychological qualities.

He has given up thinking now, so he condensed all the remaining spirit strength between the still movable right half of his body.

Ye Chen has already made up his mind that no matter what will appear in front of him in the future, he will make a desperate final counterattack to the opponent.

In any case, bloodsmith hunters will never sit still!

Afterwards, the dark door of the old church was gently pushed open after all.

As the door slowly opened, a dark passage was revealed.

Ye Chen didn't see any silhouette inside the open door.

However, in the next second, the bloodsmith hunter's teeth and lips trembled violently involuntarily.

An extremely gloomy chill rushed down his back from behind.

A salty smell peculiar to seawater penetrated into his nose and mouth from behind.

Ye Chen turned his head back in astonishment.

Then, the bloodsmith hunter saw a young boy standing behind him in top secret.

He was wearing a white shirt and plaid shorts, with thick black natural curly hair, and a bright and innocent smile on his tender delicious and pretty face.

Judging from his appearance, the boy's age is only in his early ten years at most.

Ye Chen doesn't know him and doesn't understand why he appears in his dreams.

However, Ye Chen could feel an extremely uncoordinated sense of disobedience from the young man.

As if I knew him from a long time ago...

apart from this, the young man stood with his hands behind his back with a smile on his face. Although he came out of the church transformed from the abyss, he did not show Ye Chen the way the previous monsters did. any hostility.

Faced with such a situation, Ye Chen continued to secretly accumulate the power of Aura in his body to a more concentrated level, while holding the idea of delaying time, he asked the teenager a question:

"Who are you?"

The teenager giggled after hearing this, and then responded kindly to Ye Chen with an immature childish voice:

"Sorry, Big Brother, I don't know."

Ye Chen's eyes suddenly sank slightly.

"You don't know who you are? Then why did you find me?"

The teenager heard this, his expression instantly became a little confused, and then he made a funny tone. Response:

"Looking for you?"

"Big Brother, are you saying the opposite?"

"Is it. No. Yes. You Do you want to move? Come and find me?"

Ye Chen was stunned, then turned over in the blood and looked at him in front of him. The strange young man, but he couldn't see the slightest sign of lying on the other's face.

He didn't even understand what the weird kid who came out of the abyss corpse was talking about, but he was still planning to continue chatting with the other party, so as to improve himself as much as possible. After Danger Land counterattacked. success rate.

So, Ye Chen then forced his composure again, and asked in a plain tone:

"What's your relationship with the abyss?"

Nameless After listening to the boy, he tilted his head strangely again.

"Abyss...what is it?"

"Wait a minute...I'm kind of impressed with the word.... ...."

"It's just...I can't remember for a while..."

"Maybe because I just woke up Why..."

"Big Brother, can you explain to me what it means first?"

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