Aura Hunter

Chapter 614

While kneeling and struggling between the pools, the bloodsmith hunter recalled many people and things from the past in his mind.

He remembered the prey that had died under his knife in the past...

This is the achievement of his life so far.

He remembered the people who passed away in front of him in the past...

That is the regret he has carried in his life so far.

Recalling the various times in the past, Ye Chen's heart immediately resounded with the previous oath.

I will move on.

Don't forget hatred, don't forget sadness, don't forget your heart...

Even if it is doomed in the end, it is not now.

Then, as if in response to the firm determination of the bloodsmith hunter, a crisp and pleasant cracking sound immediately resounded deep in his heart.


And when this voice came out, Ye Chen's heart was like seeing the sun, dizziness, nausea, tingling, doubts, suffocation and a series of extremely painful feelings, immediately at this moment disappeared .

However, despite suddenly getting rid of the endless pain, Ye Chen also lost the physical sense of being alive in the past, and lost all perception except vision.

So he slowly lowered his head and looked towards his body.

I saw the skin on the top and bottom of the body. Now the previous expansion has stopped, and countless dry and cracked cracks have emerged, just like burnt pottery.

Seeing this, Ye Chen raised his hands subconsciously again, trying to carefully observe the strangeness on its surface.

Who knows, his left hand has just been raised, and the dry skin on it turned into lime on the wall, and then fell off in large swaths.


First a crunch, then ten crunch, and then a hundred more crunch.

Crack clap clap clap clap!

From palm to shoulder...

From shoulder to torso...

From torso to limbs And the head...

Finally, the left half of Ye Chen's whole fleshy body just took off the human shell, and then showed an unprecedented new form in front of his eyes... ...

This is an undulating liquid body.

It does not have a clear human shape, it is more like a blood-colored liquid that has been deliberately pulled out of the shape of hands and feet, and its surface is also marked with the outline of weapons with countless blades and bullets.

Compared with the pure blood body condensed from the pool water by Ye Chen before, the texture of this dark red blood body is more radiant, and at the same time, the power of Aura contained within It was condensed to a whole new level, and it could not be controlled stably at all, so that Ye Chen, the holder, felt an unprecedented terrifying oppression force.


Looking down at his brand new body, Ye Chen's brain immediately fell into a blank space of astonishment.

"What is this...?"


"What the hell am I.... ..what has become?"

His only remaining right face was full of dull colors.

If the series of situations that happened in the past nightmare, from start to finish, made Ye Chen feel incomprehensible, then the weirdness and madness shown in this round of nightmares are beyond doubt. And bring his small and ignorant thought reed into a new realm that has never been seen before.

The perception of cognition suffered a comprehensive impact, and Ye Chen, who lost his physical sense, then raised his half-human half-blood image with the mood of having one's hair stand on end. The monster's face, wanting to stare at the huge silhouette that exists beyond the fog again, so as to search for more clues about all this, as well as more truth lurking in it.

However, when Ye Chen moved his gaze upward, he found that the gray giant shadow had disappeared unconsciously between him and disappeared without a trace.

Not only that, but even the mist that had permeated in before quietly retreated to the edge of the blood pool.

At this moment, the entire dream world has been completely emptied, completely restored to its original state, and even the blood pool has returned from the original pitch black to the earliest bright red.

Turn his head to look at calm and tranquil in all directions, Ye Chen's face froze for a moment, and then he breathed a long sigh of relief.


Although the bloodsmith hunter still can't understand the meaning behind all of this, analysing the current situation, Most of the time I have successfully survived the trials and tribulations of this Fifth Layer nightmare...

Even if this dream crossing process is full of more twists and turns than in the past, even now Ye Chen is still a half-human, half-blooded, half-dead bizarre posture, but as long as the dream comes to an end, as long as he can successfully return to reality, then everything about him will be able to return to its original state, and he will be able to control a deeper level. The power of nightmares.

So, for the bloodsmith hunters, all this is still a great event worthy of warm celebration.

"I don't know how long I need to stay here before I can wait for the dream to end..."

Although my heart is full of joy of realm breakthrough, Ye Chen still stood on the edge of the blood pool with a calm expression, and began to think about the current situation as a dreamer.

"Based on my past experience, every time I completed a maze nightmare in the past, I would suddenly wake up and return to reality..."

"It's just that this The situation of time is completely different..."

"Obviously I have survived the nightmare test, but why did I still not wake up like I did before, instead I continued to stay here? ”

At this point, half of Ye Chen’s face is particularly confused, thinking is it possible that the higher the level of the nightmare realm, the success of Transcending Tribulation is not enough, on the contrary, it is necessary to deliberately find awakening The way...

However, just when the bloodsmith hunter felt unimaginable about it, and inadvertently swept his eyes to the bottom of the blood pool...

All his thoughts were interrupted again.

The mutation of the body created a chaotic state of mind, and the chaotic state of mind confuses Ye Chen's thinking.

Therefore, after discovering that the blood pool had returned to a bright red and healthy color, he assumed that the strange abyss had disappeared with it...

However, Ye Chen got it wrong.

It didn't go away.

The building made up of corpses from the abyss...

The old church that holds the deepest weight in Ye Chen's heart.... ..

At this moment, it sank and lay quietly at the bottom of this blood-red pool!

Even if the entire spiritual world is restored to its original state, this abyss thing still stubbornly remains in front of Ye Chen's eyes!




Gazing at this most unexpected existence, realizing that the situation is still out of his control, Ye Chen sucked in a breath of cold air, The originally calm state of mind immediately became tense again at this moment.

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