After driving the outsiders away, the atmosphere between the two Pokemon did not ease much. Eevee didn't know what to say, and a few words provoked Pikachu's anger, and no matter how much Ash comforted him on the side, Pikachu refused to show a little kindness.

Just when Ash was at a loss, the sound of a tree branch rubbing against something suddenly sounded behind him. He turned his head in confusion to see a muscular four-legged Pokemon appear in front of him, with brown fur covering most of its torso and a large brown nose. The most eye-catching thing is the pair of large ring-shaped horns, Ash subconsciously stared at the pair of corners for a while, and his brain became groggy, as if he was about to be sucked into the black bead in the middle.

"Horn ........."

Ash recognized the Pokemon in front of him as the Horned Deer, but it was too late. His eyes turned white, and he only felt sleepiness rushing to his brain, and finally the word "deer" fell down dizzily before he could say it.

He was joined by Eevee, who was facing the Horned Deer.

Pikachu didn't look back, and naturally wasn't affected by hypnosis. Just hearing what Ash seemed to mutter, Ibu and the trainer on the side in front of him fell to the ground in response, and they were really frightened. But it still quickly jumped around, and although it panicked when it found out that it was a startled deer, it was also a lot more relieved.

... At least Pokemon, and nothing else.

Without waiting for Pikachu to ask, the deer barked twice, motioning for it to turn its head to look at where they had come from.

The Horned Deer doesn't seem to have malicious intent... Pikachu turned his head to look and saw a pinch of orange hair swaying in the middle of the bushes. Sensing Pikachu's gaze shifting, the handful of hair shook sharply and shrank back a little.

“... Pickup.... Pikachu probably guessed who it was, and sighed helplessly.

Unsurprisingly, the bush struggled slightly. After a while, a pichu with an orange wind towel rolled out of it. Pichu didn't seem happy when he came out, and ran back into the bushes to pull something, and struggled like this for a while, only to hear the sound of Pokémon coming out of the Poké Ball, and then "Luka", and finally rolled out of the grass to the accompaniment of a wail.

Pichu jumped away unfriendly, lest he slam it at a wheel.

Lucario, who kicked his trainer out of the grass, also walked out slowly. It folded its arms in a helpless look, then nodded to the deer over there, thanked him again, and the deer slowly walked back into the forest.

After the startled deer left, he slowly climbed up towards this. He rubbed his buttocks, which had been kicked by Lucario, and was about to complain about something, but was interrupted by Lucario.

Lucario shouted twice with a look of disgust: "Luka, Luka!".

Pikachu could hear it clearly, Lucario was teaching his trainer a lesson, "You said to be prepared to go into the ravine." And Asaya subtly understood the content of Lucario's lesson, and didn't dare to say anything in a weak heart, looking left and right, trying to find something to distract Lucario's attention, but suddenly saw Ash lying next to Pikachu, sleeping Masaka.

Chao was stunned for two seconds, and then shouted in disbelief, "... ? ! Wait a minute, what's going on ? "

When I asked the passing deer for help, I didn't expect to hurt others by mistake! . Lucario expressed frustration and convincing to his trainer, and slapped his hand on his face humanely.


When Ash woke up, his brain was still a little dizzy. When he felt something around him poke his waist again and again, the young man just thought that Pikachu was a rare naughty, twisted his body uncomfortably, turned over and changed his position to prepare to continue sleeping, and by the way, he also took the "Pikachu" on the side into his arms.

"Pikachu, don't make a fuss... I'll sleep for another ten minutes....

But the "Pikachu" in his arms seemed to be a little unhappy, and struggled harder, as if he was still shouting something "Ash, wake up and let go of me"... And so on.

... Hey, can Pikachu talk?

Ash frowned suspiciously in the dream, but was quickly relieved: This is in a dream, so it's not surprising that Pikachu can talk.

"What time is it, don't sleep!

"Pikachu" seems to have finally reached the peak of his anger, and after hearing a shout of complaint that is louder than angry, Ash feels as if his face has been grabbed by something twice, and after the other party squeezes it hard, he rubs it very unceremoniously.

"Wow, wow, wow!

At this moment, Ash immediately came to his senses. He snapped up from the couch and woke up to see the sky outside Pokémon Center, with the sun hanging in the gap between the tall buildings in the distance, mercilessly announcing that it was indeed not the time to sleep peacefully.

"It's morning (*Asa).... Ash rubbed his eyes and yawned.

"If you remember me, don't worry about me calling Pikachu. Chao

(*Asa) sighed and rubbed his neck... His head was grabbed by Ash in his arms just now, and he was dragged to death, and he didn't know what Ash ate long, and his physical fitness - so much strength.

Ash blinked suspiciously, looked at Chao, and for a moment couldn't understand what Chao was suddenly saying: "I'm talking about it's early-poof. "

... What a terrible homophonic joke. Chao's name is purely "morning", and the pronunciation is exactly the same in neon, so much so that just now Chao subconsciously thought that Ash was shouting about himself instead of referring to the weather.

Chaoya quickly reacted, compared to him, he was usually laughed at like this. He pouted in exasperation, and quickly lost his breath again. He stood up with his hands on his knees and asked, "Are you alright?" - Ah, I'll leave Ievee's words to Miss Joy, and Pikachu and they are also undergoing health checkups over there. "

Ahh Ibrahimovic ! . Ash then remembered what had happened before he passed out: he saw the Horned Deer and was hit by the other party's hypnotism, so he fell unconscious.

"I asked for the Horned Deer......... Hawkers, you see that Eevee has an ordinary personality and is a bit bad...... Anyway, I don't think it's so easy to convince Ibrahim, and I think it would be better to bring it over with a little force. Seeing that Ash seemed to have finally come to his senses, Chao quickly explained and apologized, "... But I didn't expect you to be tricked by Ash, so I had to drag you all the way over. "

I'm really embarrassed! " Finally, he folded his hands and apologized sincerely.

"No, no, no, it's okay. - But is that Horned Deer a Pokemon? I didn't seem to see it yesterday.

Seeing that Chao was so apologetic, Ash was also a little unhappy, and hurriedly waved his hand to show that he didn't care. Thinking of the calm demeanor of the startled deer, I can't help but have some doubts in my heart: If it is a wild Pokemon, the character is too docile... When he was in the Sinnoh region, he was tossed by the wild herd of frightened deer.

Chao shook his head and replied in a normal way: "My companion can count on both hands, Lucario, you actually know them all...

"Isn't that amazing! " Ash immediately bounced up from the couch and looked at Asahi excitedly, "It's so natural to be able to find help from other wild Pokemon... You see, even the Pokemon rangers need the help of the cursor!

Asahi winked suspiciously, puzzled by Ash's surprise: "Isn't it weird? Pokemon aren't really bad guys, they can be friends as long as they communicate well. "

Eh...—Ming and Ming dynasties were so afraid of Pokemon


Xiao Zhi sighed with some regret for Yu Chao's blandness.

It's a pity, it's a pity, what are you doing with nothing to poke it! Towards · The face of the thousand needlefish suddenly bulged again, and he stared at Ash with great dissatisfaction, and complained angrily: "That's another story——... I can't remember the specifics! Chao

was so angry that it seemed to be true and false along the way, and Ash also knew that Chao was just talking, and at the moment he just smoothed the hair along the steps, and smiled and apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. "

Just as the two teenagers were arguing, suddenly, there were more subtle but noisy sounds in the Pokemon center. The teenagers subconsciously turned their heads to look in the direction where the voice came from, and saw that it was coming from the backstage of the Pokemon Center.

Before they could realize what was happening, a brown shadow jumped out from behind the door of the Pokemon Center.

The figure was no more than a few dozen centimeters tall, swishing between the table and the ground, nimble and so fast that it was hard to see. But when its shadow swept past Ash's side, there was a slight pause, but it was only for a moment, and it quickly jumped out.

It was only for a moment that Ash saw what it was. It was an Eevee, and as expected, it was the fierce Eevee they had brought with them.



Pikachu also chased after him. It was visibly happy to see Ash standing there in its entirety, and jumped on Ash's shoulder at once.

Immediately afterward, Pikachu realized that it was not the time to be happy, and pointed to the door and screamed eagerly.

"I know, hurry up and catch up with Ibu... Not sure what to expect. Ash

understands Pikachu's concerns: If such an aggressive Eevee is allowed to run around the city... It's disturbing to think about.

He turned his head and said hello to Chao, casually explaining that he was going to catch up with Eevee, and without waiting for Chao to answer, he immediately chased out.

"Hey, Ash - wait a minute! .

Shouting, he tried to catch up, but quickly retracted his leg with a wince... Pichu wasn't staying by his side, and Lucario, who was always on the side, hadn't come out of the Pokemon Center yet. It's not like he didn't bring other Pokemon, but if he didn't say a word, Lucario might not stay here and wait for him to ..........

Asa didn't hesitate for long, because before Ash could take two steps, Pichu and Lucario chased after him, and even Miss Joy followed.

"Miss Joey, what's going on?"

Seeing Miss Joy running out of breath, Chao hurriedly reached out to support the other party, and asked.

Miss Joy took two deep breaths, and as soon as she calmed down a little, she quickly explained anxiously, "That Eevee woke up in the middle of treatment, and Pikachu chased him out. Now I have to hurry up and bring Ibu back, its body hasn't fully recovered yet! "

... Sure enough, that Ievee won't be so peaceful. Asaha frowned unexpectedly, but in order to appease Miss Joy, he patted the other party on the back and said, "Ash-that Pikachu's trainer has chased him out. The Pokemon Center needs someone to watch too, so leave it to us here. "

What Chao said also makes sense. Miss Joy hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Since it was the kids who brought that Eevee here, maybe they have their own way of subduing Ievee, right?

Instead of retracting Lucario, Asa patted it on the back. Lucario, who has a waveguide, is still good at finding people, and I'll ask Pokkiss if he can find it from the air later—and ask the passing bird Pokemon by the way.

Looking down quickly, thinking about a feasible plan, Miss Joy on the side seemed to have finally eased up. She glanced at the thinking teenager and suddenly exclaimed in surprise: "Ah! Are you the youngest son of Dr. Akaza ? "

“... ? It's me—"

Chao was stunned for a moment, and then agreed.

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