On the other side, Ash and Pikachu emerged from the bushes.

Eevee was well protected, and there were not a few leaves hanging on his body. However, in the process of walking through the bushes, there are always branches rubbing against each other, and in the commotion, Ibu is somewhat disturbed. Its ears twitched slightly.

“... He.......


, who had just woken up, was clearly not awake in his head. It lay in Ash's arms, staggering to get up, but it couldn't do it because it had just woken up, and it fell down again with a "snap". Its small and cute head was buried in the fluffy fluff of its hairy neck, with tears hanging from its eyes that had just woken up, and its ears drooped a little aggrieved and confused.

If there were other people around, they might have fainted by Eevee. It's a pity that Ash seems to have a "Pink Bubble Shielding Device" by his side, he looked at Eevee's weak appearance, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, thinking that he understood Eevee's intentions, and comforted: "Don't be afraid! When you get to the Pokemon Center, you can recover! "

Ibrahim: ....

Ibu is no longer acting, Ibu is no longer pretending. Although there is still some pain in the body, what makes it unbearable more than this is the appearance that it has to rely on others to act. It glanced at Ash with an unkind face, and threw a shadow ball at Ash without warning.


Ash yelled, let go of his hand uncontrollably, and fell to the ground in one fell swoop. Fortunately, Eevee didn't exert much effort just now, and Ash only felt a little pain in his face, and then it was gone.



Seeing that his trainer was injured, Pikachu hurriedly jumped in front of Ash.

It looked at Ash worriedly, and only breathed a sigh of relief when Ash wiped his face and waved his hand to say "It's okay". Then it turned to face Eevee, its hair standing on end, and the electric cheeks on its cheeks "crackled" with electric sparks, and roared menacingly at Eevee.

Seeing that Pikachu was almost about to fight with Ebugan, Ash hurriedly got up from the ground, stepped forward to stop and appease Pikachu: "Pikachu! It's okay! Ibrahimovic might just be more vigilant, you see, I'm okay, right?

Although Pikachu was still uneasy, he listened to his trainer's instructions and slowly put away his hostility.

After calming Pikachu, Ash took a deep breath. To show that he was not hostile, he opened his arms to expose his abdomen, and then he cautiously approached Ievee, whispering as he approached, "It's okay... We're not bad people... We-"

Before Ash could finish speaking, the grass on the side suddenly began to squirm. The sudden change made everyone present subconsciously turn their heads to see the direction over there, so in front of everyone's eyes, a small upright shadow suddenly burst out of it.

More than any other detail, the glittering gold coin on the visitor's forehead is more eye-catching. Meow Meow jumped out of the grass handsomely with a shiny gold cat coin on her head, and then landed lightly on the ground.

"Meow meow

! ".

Although it would not be on his own if he really fought, Ash still put on a posture of preparing for battle. He looked back nervously behind him—but they were some distance away now, even if he couldn't turn his head to see that way.

"Meow haha! I expected this scene to happen, and Meow hid early! Meow Meow wiped her chin triumphantly and humanly, because she was proud of her foresight, and her tail couldn't help but wagged, "The little ghost head No. 2 is difficult to do, in order to prevent that kid from making any trouble, Meow hid early~"

Actually left a back hand in advance... How come Team Rocket hasn't seen such a clever thing before? . Ash bit his lip in anguish - when he let him go first, he was still thinking, "Ah, so there is still an option not to fight Team Rocket", but he didn't expect to be predicted by the other side first.

Without waiting for Ash to respond, Meowth turned around, and the claws hidden in the flesh pad were all exposed, and then walked into Eevee step by step and threateningly: "Hmph, you can't escape the palm of our Rocket Team now, get caught, you annoying Eevee Meow! Eat me crazy scratch!

Meowmeow's claws suddenly became a little sharper, and even the cold light of the forest reflected on them. Ibu just wanted to run away, but because of the injury on his hind leg, he stumbled again when he tried to start. Seeing Meowmeow's claws coming straight at him, he gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, making a gesture ready to take on this move.

"Pikachu! Iron tail!

Pikachu answered, and it struggled to its feet from the ground, a cold light flashing from its tail behind it, and then gradually becoming a metallic tint. Dragging his blade-sharp tail, Pikachu spun in the air, and with the inertia of rotation, his tail pumped Meowmeow's body, knocking Meowth away for a long distance.

"Eevee, are you alright!

Pikachu stands between Meowth and Eevee, in a protective posture. And Ash also took the opportunity to run from the side to Ibu's side and asked with concern.

With Pikachu's time to go, Eevee struggled to his feet. It shook the hair off its body, but put on a posture that was more ferocious than Pikachu, and before Ash could react, Eevee suddenly rushed forward and used a ram on Pikachu! .

Ash was taken aback, he didn't even react to anything, and only instinctively subconsciously shouted: "Pikachu !



Pikachu turned his head in confusion, only to find a fluffy brown pom-pom ball slamming into it. Pikachu had a look of surprise on his face, and then subconsciously jumped to the side, dodging Eevee's impact.

Ibu didn't hit anyone this time, but after running less than two steps on the ground, his feet fell again, and his whole body fell to the ground weightlessly, making a muffled sound.

Seeing this, Pikachu's anger had not yet risen, and he hurriedly ran up to see the condition of this wounded man who was not at all restless.

Eevee struggled to get back to his feet. But its fury still doesn't seem to have stopped, still standing its hair on end, and it growls menacingly at Pikachu. Pikachu was afraid that the other party was injured, so he could only take two steps back in distress, and at the same time "Pikapi" called out, trying to make the other party unguard.

— but that seemed to make Ievee even angrier.

I only heard Eevee yelling at Pikachu a few times, and I didn't know what to say. Ash only saw that Pikachu was not calm in an instant, and angrily yelled at Eevee in displeasure.

"Damn... Damn Pikachu... Even if you usually make trouble, you want to get in the way of Meow Meow at this time-"

Just when Eevee and Pikachu confronted each other, Meow Meow never knew which mountain came out of nowhere. It grinds its claws and fiercely -

"Pikachu!" "Ibui! The

two Pokemon turned their heads to look at Meowth in unison, their faces very bad. Meow Meow hasn't said anything yet - he can't even turn around when he sees the bad situation, a 100,000 volts on the left and a shadow ball on the right, the two Pokemon who are about to start the war of the century have become extremely tacit at this moment, and they have teamed up to drive this halfway misguided entrant out of sight.

The only thing that can be said to be a good thing - or not a good thing - is that as Meowth flies through the air with her chin in her hands in a pensive state, she suddenly notices several familiar figures emerging from below.

"Haha, meow, what a coincidence. Kojiro smiled awkwardly.

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