Wu returned to the city, and in a tea room in the Central Earl's Castle, the bloated Earl Kokot rarely stopped chewing, and quietly watched the report of the ruling knight in front of him.

Lord Earl, this is the book of the dead that was brought back after killing the lich this time.

Blaze took out the book with the black mist lingering around him. On the cover were four words written in dark red blood: Book of the Dead.

In the lower right corner of the book, there is also a scrawled title, Vertus.

Sir, after inspection, it is the artifact left by Vertus.

Kokot's eyes were full of fear. As one of the superiors who knew part of the continent's history, he had certainly heard of Viertus.

I don’t know how many years ago, Vertus was a person who stood at the pinnacle of magicians. In his later years, Veltus developed an unparalleled fear of death. He was afraid of falling into darkness forever. He betrayed his belief in the goddess of magic and turned himself into an undead creature using forbidden magic.

After becoming an undead creature, Viertus's vision seemed to become wider and his magical attainments further improved. However, he didn't know that his humanity was also losing bit by bit until it was completely annihilated.

At that time, the book he recorded magic became today's Book of the Dead.

Is there any way the priests can destroy this Book of the Dead?

Cocotte looked at the Book of the Dead and spoke seriously. Such an expression was obviously extremely rare on this count who usually seemed extremely lazy.

Not yet. Serra, the great priest of the temple, has set out to seek help from the southern bishop Sere. In addition, Serra suggested placing the Book of the Dead in the temple and suppressing its evil aura with the help of holy power.

Then do as he says.

Kokot had no intention of intervening and directly gave an affirmative answer. The disposal of the Book of the Dead is also a big trouble for him, and he is not good at dealing with such evil things. Sera gave such a temporary solution, which is the best for him.


Kokot moved his body and sat up straight.

Did you get the news?

I met the magician Sir Sherani mentioned. According to his information, the Great Magician Far Klein may be in the extremely cold tundra.

The aura on Cocotte's body fluctuated for a moment. He narrowed his eyes, as if his guess had come true, and a hint of murderous aura began to appear on his body.

I understand, go down. Give the Book of the Dead to the priests of the temple and let them deal with it according to Sera's wishes.

As you command! Your Majesty the Earl.

By the way, what's that magician's name?

Blaze, who was about to leave, heard Cocotte's question. He quickly stopped and turned around to answer respectfully,

His name is Feng Sheng. He is still a level 29 adventurer magician. He cannot withstand the teleportation from the altar, so he has not come back to the city for the time being.

Tell Sherani to keep an eye on him and let him come to see me when he reaches level 50.

Understood! Lord Count.

The castle's tea room returned to its original calm, but there was no exaggerated chewing sound in the past, only the sound of fingers tapping slowly on the table.

It seems that the owner of the room is planning something, and the magician Feng Sheng mentioned in this conversation is currently robbering on the Woz Highlands, and the targets of robbery are those poor orcs.

Ever since Tan Xiao came out of Fast City Prison one day ago, he brought the sober Lina to Wards Heights.

He didn't want to stay in the city and suffer criticism from everyone. Although a large number of people are still defending him, Tan Xiao still doesn't want to get too involved in such meaningless things.

So, he contacted Amu and asked him to temporarily live in his property, No. 13 Carter Street, and help him manage it.

Tan Xiao confidently brought Lina to explore the terrain of Woz Highlands and complete Rebecca's mission.

At the same time, because he misused the skill [Bitterness] to restore the Lich’s health during the battle, the reputation of Tan Xiao’s special item [Heart of the King] not only did not increase, but actually decreased a lot.

This inevitably made Tan Xiao's eyes darken. He cried out in his heart that he was wronged, but it was destined to not change any outcome.

Fortunately, after assisting Blaze in killing the lich, he received a lot of experience, which allowed Tan Xiao to reach Level 29, which was an unexpected surprise, not to mention the skill [Whisper of the Dead] he gained.

At this moment, Tan Xiao was lying on a giant fire ant king, heading towards the depths of the Woz Highlands.

I said, Brother Ant, your back is a bit irritating. How about I help you polish it?

The fire ant king's tentacles were swinging, as if to refute Tan Xiao's suggestion.

Tell me, why don't you listen to my advice? Hey.

Tan Xiao lay down on the Fire Ant King again, letting him carry him forward, while Lina behind him was conscientiously writing and drawing on a parchment, obviously recording the surrounding terrain.

This fire-eating ant king is the one that helped Tan Xiao find countless mineral veins before.

Tan Xiao crossed his hands and placed them on the back of his head. He lay on the back of the Fire Ant King and looked up at the cloudless blue sky, recalling the events of the past two days.

The Book of the Dead should be an important item for the undead, but why was it brought here by a lich in his early 100s?

He slowly closed his eyes. During the conversation with Blaze the day before, he learned some secrets of the undead.

It was something he had never been exposed to in his previous life, so it naturally aroused his interest. Tan Xiao also learned that there had once been a terrifying magician on these continents. He might have reached the stage of the Arcane Supreme, or he might be more powerful than the Arcane Supreme. His name was Vertus.

And because he touched the forbidden realm, he gained immortality with the help of the power of the dead, and was finally permanently banished to the Shadow Fall by the goddess of courage Freya.

Tan Xiao had never heard of Shadow Fall World, but he did know that Freya, the goddess of courage, was a deity worshiped by several nearby countries, including the Star Pulse Kingdom.

However, he was a little confused, did gods really exist in this world? At least he hadn't seen it in his previous life.

Suddenly, the fire ant king stopped suddenly, interrupting his thinking. Tan Xiao slowly opened his eyes and looked behind him. The corners of his mouth raised, showing an expression of joy.

Hey, I finally caught one, and I can finally practice my skills.

Tan Xiao looked at the orc boss in front of him with a level as high as Level 42. He didn't feel that his level was being suppressed at all, but looked happy.

He jumped off the Fire Ant King, whose body had begun to tremble slightly, and stretched.

Let me see who is the real Lord of Wards Heights.

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