Looking at the darkness in his field of vision and the striking countdown time in the center, Tan Xiao knew that he should have fallen into a coma.


Fortunately, he was only unconscious for three hours. Tan Xiao took off his helmet and lay on the bed without getting up.

The orcs are colluding with the undead, and the king of the Star Pulse Kingdom also has problems. There are more and more things involved behind this...

Tan Xiao sighed. He thought he could upgrade as soon as possible in this life to cope with the huge changes in the future.

However, he did not expect that the change would come earlier than he imagined, and even the undead that did not appear in the previous life suddenly appeared.

Maybe it's because of the good mantra.

He realized the first unusual thing he had encountered in this life.

Shan Ju unexpectedly changed into the orc camp, and her gender also became female.

Thinking of this, he suddenly got up and went to cook himself a bowl of instant noodles.

First fill your stomach and then talk.

Ten minutes later, a bowl of luxurious instant noodles covered with thick shrimp skin, two eggs, half a cabbage and several slices of luncheon meat fried until golden brown was brought to his computer desk.

As he opened the forum, preparing to learn about Fast City's follow-up progress before eating, he was surprised to see his ID appear on the entire page, and a title attracted his attention.

Fast City's meticulous work, human traitor, Feng Sheng


Tan Xiao scratched his head in embarrassment. He remembered that the Lich who was instantly full of health after releasing [Bitterness] did indeed smell a bit like a traitor.

He took a sip of instant noodles and quickly clicked on the post.

What the hell? Are you no longer a human being?

As soon as he opened the post, he saw the eye-catching content inside.

Xin Zuofengsheng has been kidnapped by the super powerful NPC, Judgment Knight Blaze, and sent to the Fast City underground prison.

Did everyone see it? This is the fate of the wallflower!

I usually look awesome and coax me, but at critical moments I immediately surrender to the enemy...

Tan Xiao didn't care about the abuse of these players, but he was a little tearful about the fact that he was imprisoned in the underground prison by the Judgment Knight.

I don't know how long I will be detained this time, shit!

In his previous life, he was imprisoned in the early stages of the game because of conflicts with other players in the city.

What it's like being in prison and not being able to do anything

, not very pleasant.

Tan Xiao recalled the days when he spent time with water rats and white lice every day.

It has to be said that the evolution of carbon-based life has some convergence. Even though it's a magical world, the rat creatures and insects in the prison are still so earthy and disgusting.

Tan Xiao ate while browsing the forum.

Nowadays, players have been divided into two groups. One group is still trying its best to defend Tan Xiao, and the other group scolds Tan Xiao completely and wants to get rid of him quickly. They have almost labeled him as a black person in the gaming industry.

You mean you've become the public enemy of the entire city?

Tan Xiao also heard a message from between the lines of these players. His reputation in Fast City seemed to be plummeting.

Even his property, 13 Carter Street, was surrounded.

I don't know how Lina is doing...

After finishing his last mouthful of instant noodles, he quickly returned to bed and put on his helmet.

It's almost time to wake up. Let me see what's going on.



Tan Xiao slowly opened his eyes, and the familiar buzzing of flying insects and the cry of water rats filled the room.

The damp underground cell was filled with the smell of decay, and the walls were covered with slippery moss.

It smells so familiar...

Tan Xiao stood up and stepped on the ground, which was covered with cold muddy water.

Remove all the staffs from me?

Tan Xiao found that the equipment on his body was still there, but the Crystal Eye Spider Staff had been confiscated.

At this moment, he found that his level had reached Lv29, and he had been promoted to level four again.

At the same time, after assisting in killing the Lich, he gained a brand new skill, [Whisper of the Dead].

[Whisper of the Dead] can temporarily drive the target to kill, lasts for one hour, and has a 24-hour cooldown.

In other words, if he gets this skill at the stage of killing Joshua's Wing, then he can briefly control Joshua's Wing.

Before he could study the skills carefully, he heard rapid footsteps in the cell.

Then there was the sound of dense footsteps again, and several figures appeared at the door of his cell.

Blaze and Sherani came together, followed by a group of priests, and they didn't know what they were guarding against.

Tan Xiao had long known the reason for his arrest on the forum, and looked at Sherani and Blaze without saying a word.

Seeing Tan Xiao's calm reaction, Xielani's face became a little tense. He took a step forward and said,

Sorry, Sir Feng Sheng, due to your performance on the battlefield, we have to take you back to the cell.

Sherani glanced at Blaze behind him and continued,

Your staff has been identified by the priest team, and it does have the aura of undead skills. So...

Sherani hesitated to speak, but finally decided to speak.

So you need to cooperate with the investigation.

no problem.

Naturally, Tan Xiao didn't have any resistance and immediately agreed.

This surprised Sherani, who thought it would cause great dissatisfaction to Tan Xiao, and the scene fell into silence for a while.

Then let's go upstairs.

Blaze was the first to break the calm and make a decision.

So, a large group of people surrounded Tan Xiao and headed to the secret room above the prison.

Explain why you have undead skills.

Sherani spoke straight to the point.

This skill was obtained from the demon-hunting spider mother of the orc tribe. I didn't know that it was a skill of the undead. I didn't even know that the undead could recover blood when they received damage of the same attribute.

Tan Xiao thought for a moment and continued,

I suspect that the orcs have colluded with the undead.

Well, is there any way to prove it?


The priests present all looked at their colleagues. They did not expect that Tan Xiao would give such an answer directly to Blaze.

They glanced at Blaze with their peripheral vision.

Thinking he would go into a rage.

Hahaha, interesting junior!

Blaze, uncharacteristically, laughed heartily and continued to speak,

If you dare to be so direct, I will believe you.

As Blaze, who had fought side by side with Tan Xiao, he naturally knew that Tan Xiao was the key to killing the lich. He had doubts about Tan Xiao, but not much.

Especially when he got the equipment left by the Lich, the Book of the Dead, which was obviously an extremely important item for the undead.

I came to you this time. The matter of the undead is just one of them. There is one more thing I want to confirm with you.

Blaze continued to speak,

I heard that you are the one who knows the news that Count Cocot wants to know? You know what I'm talking about, right?

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