The Lich's head and his crown were chopped into pieces, but neither Blaze nor Tan Xiao, who had just used [Shadow Pattern] to dodge the Lich's skills, showed any expressions of victory.

They looked solemnly at the fallen black book with serious expressions.

Because, the black book started turning the pages crazily again, and the moment it stopped, four words suddenly appeared.

Puzzle of the Dead.

The Lich's blood volume suddenly dropped by half. It seemed that he had sacrificed his own blood volume by activating this skill.

At the same time, all the undead on the battlefield stopped. They no longer sprinted madly towards the surrounding humans, but all retreated.

None of the players, including the local residents, let go of this unexpected good thing. They threw their skills at the retreating undead regardless of consumption. There were even more brave and skilled warriors and assassins who rushed forward and beat up the drowned dogs.

For a moment, broken bones were flying on the battlefield.

But those skeletons did not disappear, but all flew towards the Book of the Dead. All the undead on the ground began to move faster. They kept rushing towards the Book of the Dead, colliding together, turning into pieces of broken bones, and then began to reorganize and splice.

Blaze wanted to stop it, but found that an extremely powerful magic shield was generated.

Tan Xiao naturally noticed this unusual movement and wanted to use [Golden Wind] to dispel the shield.

Unfortunately, the magic shield is too huge. With Tan Xiao's current strength, he can only open a small opening. Although Blaze can enter, it is extremely easy for him to be caught in the jar.

Therefore, he did not act, and Tan Xiao also realized this and stopped casting the skill.

Under this crazy gathering, in less than ten minutes, a skeletal giant nearly a hundred meters tall appeared.

Hua Hua——

Two balls of scarlet fire ignited in its eye sockets, and it lowered its head to look down at the people who were gradually gathering.

You are really good at pushing me to this point! Very good! After you become my subordinates, I will train you well!

Its huge head turned towards Tan Xiao,

Especially you, I want to cultivate you well.

The lich's voice was particularly loud thanks to its huge size, making everyone around him notice Tan Xiao.

Feng Sheng? It's him!

He actually came? When did it happen?

Wow, it turns out that the skeleton just shriveled up because of Sir Feng Sheng.

That's awesome!


For a while, the battlefield was full of chatter, but they also understood that what was to come was a real hard battle.

Everyone present spontaneously began to organize an attack, with magicians and archers taking the lead.

Although the magic shield can resist physical attacks, it can only reduce part of the damage caused by magic, so it begins to slowly lose health.



After the battle between Lich and Blaze and the consumption of [King Puzzle] that activated the Book of the Dead, its health volume at this time was only 1/3, but it still had close to 120,000 health volume.

Under such single-digit or at most ten-digit attacks, the Lich was confident, because even this output could not keep up with his three-digit natural blood regeneration per second.

There is even a hint of teasing in its pupil fire that can vaguely detect emotions.

Hahaha! Starting from this city, the footsteps of the undead army will traverse this plane!

The Lich smiled and raised his finger. A scarlet ball of light formed at the tip of his finger. Everyone present felt the terrifying energy gathering.

At this moment, Tan Xiao raised his staff and tapped the skeletal giant transformed by the lich.


That's right, Tan Xiao was already ready to go. He was confident that his skill [Bitterness], which had recorded nearly 400,000 damage on the battlefield, could still clear the Lich's health bar even if the damage reduction brought by high levels and the resistance of the magic shield were deducted.

The next second, the scarlet ball of light suddenly disappeared, and the skeletal giant transformed from the lich staggered and took a step back.

It looked at Tan Xiao in disbelief, its eyes full of doubts.

Ah? This

Just as surprised as it was everyone present, including Judgment Knight Blaze.


I don’t know who was the first to say this. The whole place was in an uproar, and then there was overwhelming abuse.

Damn it! Feng Sheng is with the undead?

How can we fight this?

Okay, when the time comes, prepare to commit suicide.

Tan Xiao, the initiator of everything, was also stunned on the spot. He looked at his staff in disbelief.

Because, the Lich's blood was fully restored by Tan Xiao's skill.

After a brief silence, the lich burst into even more wild laughter,

Hahaha! I didn't expect that you are actually the warrior of our undead clan. You are hidden deep enough! I almost regarded you as my mortal enemy. Were you arranged by His Highness Nairul?

Seemingly realizing that there were still a group of disturbing humans around, the Lich smiled and said,

Wait for me, let me get rid of all these bugs around, and then we can catch up with you.

The lich seemed to have regarded Tan Xiao as its comrade-in-arms, and a larger scarlet blood ball formed on its fingertips. At the same time, a magic circle that could cover the entire battlefield was the skill [Fall of Stars].

At that moment, Tan Xiao suddenly remembered the two words he said to the lich when he encountered him for the first time in the dream,

Oh, it can't be released in a short time? That's right, it seems to be my clan's skill.

Who arranged you as a chess piece? But forget it, His Highness wants you to die, so go ahead and die. I will pretend that I don't know your true identity.

Only then did Tan Xiao realize that his staff skill [Bitterness] turned out to be a skill of the undead. The magic skill damage of the undead seems to be a skill that can help restore blood to creatures who are also undead. This is why The Lich will be flooded right when he should be doing massive damage.

He thought of the demon-hunting spider mother he had killed, of Shadow Fang, of Mimic Beast, and of the sudden appearance of the Lich when the Orcs besieged him.

Tan Xiao thought of a possibility. The orcs had formed an alliance with the undead, and the orcs were the biggest accomplices of the undead.

At this moment, a dazzling golden light appeared all over his body, and then it began to spread to his limbs, until his whole body was stained with strange gold, he rushed towards the lich,

let me help you!

As he spoke, he ignored the abuse and slander from the people around him and rushed towards the lich without hesitation.

The Lich thought that Tan Xiao wanted to use its protection to avoid the overwhelming skills of the surrounding humans, so naturally it would not treat this comrade badly who helped it regain its health.

But he narrowed his eyes slightly and thought with some confusion,

Why is this guy so similar to Liquid Gold Shadow?

Before it had time to delve deeper, after Tan Xiao activated [Liquid Gold Body], it had already collided with the Lich's body, turning into a ball of free golden light that wandered through the opponent's bones.

He wants to find the black book,

As long as you find something like that, you have a chance!

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