Everything in Blaze's field of vision began to slow down. He had not experienced this moment of life and death for a long time.

In the past, I was able to turn disaster into good luck every time, but it seems that I can't do it this time.

I'm sorry, Count, I've let you down.

Just when Blaze was about to give up, a crisp voice sounded from a corner of the battlefield,

Golden Wind!

In an instant, a yellow halo enveloped the lich.

Puff puff puff——

The four layers of magic shields covering its body were all dispelled. Blaze's desperate eyes suddenly showed a look of surprise, and the Lich immediately distanced himself from Blaze after a moment of shock. This was the instinctive reaction brought to him by his years of fighting prowess.

However, how could a Judgment Knight as powerful as Blaze let go of such a golden opportunity?

The black blade flashed past and cut out an afterimage, like a black moon.

The Lich was caught off guard by this blow, and half of his body was severed. His left arm, starting from his collarbone, flew out along with the entire ribs.


Blaze clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction. If it were an ordinary creature, this slash would at least be able to seriously injure the opponent, but it would not be enough for a lich.

On the contrary, Blaze was unable to pursue him due to the impact of the two piercing blades just now and slowly fell to the ground. He could only allow the Lich to distance himself.

Two red lights flashed crazily in the eyes of the lich in mid-air. It was looking for the location of the magician who had just cast a spell to dispel the magic.

Where are the damn bedbugs hiding?

However, it did not find a trace. Its hand slowly reached into its empty chest and touched a book full of black mist.

As the initiator of everything, Tan Xiao was turning on mirage at this moment, hiding in the shadow of a building in the center of the battlefield.

Stealth equals invincibility?

He was originally prepared to counterattack the Lich Thunder, but at this moment he found that the opponent seemed to have no counterattack.

“Phew—fortunately there is Lina, otherwise we would be in big trouble this time.”

It turned out that just ten minutes ago, Tan Xiao had just woken up from real life, and when he went online, he saw Lina covered in bruises and a skeletal swamp snake.

Tan Xiao quickly released several basic attacks and killed him. He didn't dare to use his skills at home for fear of tearing the house apart.

However, he still underestimated the improvement in his abilities after absorbing the Shadow of Liquid Gold. His level reached L25, so that his subsequent basic attacks still sent smoke and dust everywhere in the room.

After Tan Xiao woke up, Lina couldn't hold on anymore and fell into a coma after she forced herself to talk about the current situation of the undead invasion.

Tan Xiao did not dare to delay, and immediately put Lina on his bed, and he immediately went out to the main battlefield in the north of the city.

Before leaving, he then released the Fire Serpent Summon, which shocked himself.

A three-headed flame python appeared next to the house. The blazing flames emitted a blue-purple light. It was obvious that the power of the skill had been greatly improved.

With this giant flame python entrenched around his house, Tan Xiao left with peace of mind, so now he was hiding in the shadows and attacking.

The Lich's retreat gave Blaze breathing room and allowed him to drink the advanced recovery potion.

The fine wounds on Blaze's body immediately returned to normal. He looked around, seeming to be looking for the magician who had just taken action.

The battle situation fell into a delicate situation, with the strongest Blaze and the Lich facing off from a distance.

The Lich did not dare to use spells to suppress Blaze, and Blaze was also taking advantage of the situation to accumulate strength. Both sides were looking for ways to break the situation.

Tan Xiao continued to activate the mirage to wander around the battlefield, and at the same time continued to release the skill [Earthline Surge], incinerating many undead legions that had been attracted to one place by cannon fodder players.

over there!

Lich and Blaze noticed the strange movement on the battlefield almost instantly, and rushed towards the direction of the [Earthline Surge]'s trajectory.

However, the Lich was trying to kill the bug that could only dispel magic, while Blaze was trying to contain the Lich and prevent it from succeeding.

You don't understand the value of counter-running at all.

Unexpectedly, Tan Xiao was already in the opposite direction of his skill [Earthline Surge]. Seeing Blaze and Lich rushing towards the direction he predicted, Tan Xiao breathed a sigh of relief.

This lich is quite upright.

The next moment, a dark beam of light directly enveloped Tan Xiao, and he stepped into the trap set by the lich in one step.

What the hell?

Tan Xiao couldn't help but curse, because his mirage skill instantly expired and his figure appeared on the battlefield.

Found you, little bug!

The lich in the distance sensed it immediately and laughed wildly.

Hahaha! Die!

The jet-black light pillar instantly condensed into substance, and the space was filled with rich death energy, and then turned into a sludge-like substance to wrap Tan Xiao tightly.

A dark book appeared in the Lich's right hand at some point. The pages turned quickly, and finally settled on one page, which read clearly,

The mud pit of the dead.

not good!

Blaze wanted to come back for help, but was once again entangled by the Lich with endless magical skills, and was unable to escape in a short time.

At that moment, many mud traps for the dead secretly laid by the lich on the battlefield suddenly appeared, and then turned into large mud snakes and rushed towards the position where Tan Xiao was trapped.

For a moment, a huge quagmire appeared on the battlefield, and all human and undead people, friendly and enemy, were involved in it.

If you sneak up on me, the damn bed bugs will rot in the mud.

The Lich began to feel happy again. It did not expect that it could so easily solve a magician who was in great danger to it.

This is the convenience of the artifact. The Lich looked at the Book of the Dead given in his hand. As one of the artifacts of the undead, its eyes were full of greed.

At this moment, Blaze actually seized the fleeting flaw and used the piercing blade to rush in front of the lich, intending to chop off its right arm so that it would lose control of the Book of the Dead.

He has realized that the reason why the Lich has been able to fight with ease until now is precisely because of this book, which seems to be a good alchemical treasure.


However, the magic shield that appeared in front of the Lich, just like in the previous battle,

I lied to you and deliberately exposed my flaws. Do you still take it seriously? Haha.

The Lich smiled and spoke, but the next second, its laughter suddenly stopped, and the magic shields on its body were once again dispersed like bubbles.

Blaze struck down with his sword, and the Lich's right hand was cut off instantly. The Book of the Dead also fell to the ground along with the broken bone.

The Lich looked in the direction of the mud well of the dead in disbelief. There was a group of black mist gradually forming, it was the magician just now.

The opponent's staff with a crimson crystal embedded in it was pointing at it, and a burst of golden energy spurted out, dispelling all its shields.

how come.?

In its eyes, Blaze's black blade was rapidly enlarging, and it never expected that the magician just now was not dead.

The Lich's upper and lower jaw began to tremble violently, not because of fear of death, but because it was summoning the Book of the Dead.

In that case, hey hey hey.

It let out a sinister laugh, and Blaze's black blade had already struck its head.

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