Attribute restraint? Sorry, I am a full magician

Chapter 41: Soldiers never tire of deceit

In the next few days, Tan Xiao did not go to the golden cave to look for the Liquid Gold Shadow again.

It's not that he doesn't want to, it's true that he doesn't dare.

Level 32, he was indeed a little Karami in his previous life. But when we encounter it in the early stage of the game, we have to remove the word pull. For Tan Xiao, it can be regarded as a little Cammy.

The level of this liquid gold shadow is not high. I am afraid that the moment it was born, it encountered its lifelong pursuit [solidified magic crystal], and it could be regarded as the chosen one.

Therefore, it may have been staying in this cave for hundreds of years, or even thousands of years, waiting for the [Solidized Magic Crystal] to take shape. Only occasionally, orcs or humans would wander in and be killed by it, slowly raising it to Level 32.

Tan Xiao was probably the first person in Wards Heights to be able to escape from it.

At this moment, the cautious movements of the fire ant king seemed to indicate that some fire ants had strayed in and left behind certain pheromones that only it could identify, warning it not to enter.

After escaping from the Liquid Gold Shadow, Tan Xiao spent a lot of time having cross-species friendly communication with the Fire Ant King.

The good thing is that the Fire Ant King can finally help Tan Xiao find countless rich mines that he didn't know were distributed according to Tan Xiao's request. At the same time, he can also provide labor, which is the fire ant colony, to help transport the mineral deposits.

The bad thing is that Tan Xiao was squeezed dry, not even a drop was left.

The intense use of [Fire Attack] made his MP unable to sustain even with the blessing of Lina's [Magic Energy Recovery], and in the end he had to rely on drugs to maintain it.

However, the final harvest far exceeded Tan Xiao's imagination. With the help of the size of the fire ant colony and the overall coordination of the ant king, the mineral collection that originally took at least half a month to complete was completed in three days.

After Tan Xiao returned to Fast Village, when the Adventurer's Guild handed over the task, the staff of those guilds were shocked.

There were so many mineral deposits that the guild even shut down for two days just to count the materials that Tan Xiao had paid.

Due to the special situation of Fast Village at this time, these materials are urgently needed for urban development, so the rewards given are particularly generous. The large amount of experience points and gold coin rewards brought Tan Xiao's level to L20, and his wealth also reached an astonishing 10,000 pieces of Mammon Gold.

If this isn't intuitive enough, let's look at it from another perspective.

I made 0.6 small goals in five days. I would like to ask you how to deal with it?

However, at this time, Tan Xiao didn't care whether the 0.6 small goal was a small goal. He only thinks about one thing, and that is to get the Liquid Gold Shadow and get the solidifying magic crystal.

After all, once you get the solidified magic crystal, as long as you find a suitable forging master, he can declare that he is walking sideways in the physical world before reaching Lv200, that is, before becoming a secret mage, and you don't need to worry about the physical resistance blessing being dispelled. .

As long as he is hit by a physical attack and his blood is deducted a little more, it is disrespectful to his skill [Magic Matrix].

As for after completing the third job transfer and becoming an arcane mage, the levels of other races encountered were getting higher and higher. At that time, who had any unpredictable skills that could cause pure damage and break through his physical resistance? It's time.

Leave your future worries to your future self.

Tan Xiao was in a daze at the two things in front of him, an iron sword and a branch.

Let me give it a try first. If it works, then it's great!

He also has a hexagonal prism on hand, which he bought from Sherani at a high price. It is a magic prop called [Breaking Confinement].

The effect of [Broken Imprisonment] is extremely strong and can imprison any species below level 50. However, it also has an extremely harsh condition for use, that is, it must be swallowed by the target creature before it can use the target creature's body as the base point to shatter the prism. Create a powerful barrier for the cage.

Otherwise, the effect will be greatly reduced, and it may even be difficult to imprison a Level 10 orc.

This is also the reason why Sherani is willing to sell this prop, as the conditions for use are basically impossible to achieve.

Want the target creature to swallow this hexagonal prism? So I would like to ask the other party, is this old man tired of living with arsenic? Eat something that is obviously a foreign object?

Just an hour later, with the sound of a branch breaking, Tan Xiao rushed out of the house at No. 13 Carter Street and headed straight for Wards Heights.

Your Excellency Feng Sheng!

Lina didn't know why, she didn't know what Tan Xiao was doing. She saw him waving his hand from a distance, and Lina understood it.

It seems there is something urgent.

She closed the door that Tan Xiao had not had time to close, and continued to take care of the small house.

However, when she closed the door, she caught a glimpse of the two things on the table in Tan Xiao's room. Doubt flashed in her eyes, but she didn't think much about it. She felt that it must be another new thing that Tan Xiao had tinkered with.

The wind blew against the windows, and the rain drifted towards Tan Xiao's room and hit the table.

It also hit the broken iron sword and the bent branches, but the broken iron sword was full of burrs, so it was more like a wooden sword than an iron sword.

But the clear sound of raindrops on the sword seemed to prove that the material of this sword was even better than ordinary iron swords.

One day later, Wards Heights was still the same familiar golden pothole.

Tan Xiao, who hurriedly arrived here, held a crystal-eyed spider staff, lit a fireball and moved forward slowly. The surrounding cave walls reflected a charming golden light under the firelight.

Tan Xiao held the [Breaking Imprisonment] in his other hand and walked towards the depths of the mine while being wary of the liquid gold shadow's sneak attack.

At this moment, dense drumbeats sounded again, which was the pulsation of the liquid gold shadow and the sound of its unique life activities.


Still in the same position as last time, Liquid Gold Shadow immediately recognized the only creature that had escaped from it in these years. It seemed a little irritable.

The shapeless tentacles also began to change at a faster rate, which was a sign of its excitement.

Having seen Tan Xiao's strong physical resistance, Liquid Gold Shadow used [Golden Wind] to dispel Tan Xiao's physical resistance bonus without thinking, and then several tentacles turned into thorns to stab Tan Xiao. At that time, Tan Xiao threw [Breaking Confinement] forward, but he moved back.

Tonal shift.

After he pronounced this word, something changed suddenly.

In the perception of Liquid Gold Shadow, the thing thrown by the hateful creature in front of him suddenly turned into [solidified magic crystal]. Its movements suddenly stopped for a moment, and it looked behind it in disbelief at the position it had guarded for hundreds of years, only to find that the [Solidized Magic Crystal] it had guarded for hundreds of years had turned into an obviously strange prism.

Still, eerily still.

If Tan Xiao's heart wasn't beating wildly at this moment, he even felt that he had performed his famous stunt [Standing Time] again in his previous life.

No, I can't hold it anymore! Hurry!

He was gritting his teeth and persisting, and his MP was flowing like a flood.

After scanning back and forth hundreds of times, the perception of the liquid gold shadow finally moved. It hurriedly rushed forward, swallowing the prism that should have been the [Breaking Imprisonment], but at this moment it had become the [Solidized Magic Crystal]. Down.

It will never allow the [solidified magic crystal] it has guarded for hundreds of years to be snatched away by other creatures!

It's done!

The next moment, Tan Xiao felt relieved, and immediately canceled the tonal transformation, and the prism swallowed by the liquid gold shadow turned into [Breaking Confinement] again.

[Broken Imprisonment] shattered instantly after being swallowed by the Shadow of Liquid Gold. The prism fragments instantly formed a wonderful connection, forming an extremely powerful magic barrier to appear, locking the Shadow of Liquid Gold firmly.

No matter how rampant it was inside, it was still of no use.

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