Tan Xiao understood and threw a ball of fire at the fire ant king as a reward for leading the way.

I'm not an evil capitalist. I want the horses to run but don't let them eat grass. As long as you still have this kind of resource and a small flame, that's enough!

At this moment, the Fire Ant King was already his half-brother in his eyes.

Seeing the look of the fire ant king feasting happily, Tan walked towards the cave with a smile.

The shock of the golden cave made him overlook one detail. The fire-eating ant king, who loved fire energy so much, only swallowed half of the flames and stopped. For the cave entrance as the boundary, the flame inside did not move at all until it naturally disappeared.

And it is not full. It seems that there are some absolute rules that prevent it from crossing that line.

However, Tan Xiao did not notice this detail, let alone Lina, whose brain had shut down.

Tan Xiao curiously walked towards the inside of the cave. He did not forget to remind Lina behind him to add an [Insight] to him, which can greatly increase the magic resistance in a short time.

In this case, he can basically deal with most emergencies.

Because at this moment, his [Magic Matrix] has given him a six-digit physical resistance bonus. This is due to the enhanced magic recovery after his job change, allowing him to release [Wind of Wind] on himself at all times. Entanglement], so that he is superimposing physical resistance every minute and second.

As a result, Tan Xiao is now basically immune to physical attacks. He can no longer lose more than a drop of blood from physical attacks.

What he needs to pay attention to is the magical attacks of bosses that suddenly appear hidden in the dark, and skills similar to [Dispel] or [Purify] to remove his physical resistance.

As he and Lina continued to get closer, Tan Xiao gradually felt that something was wrong. It's not because the gold reserves in this area are insufficient, but because the gold reserves in this area are too abundant, and their purity is astonishingly high.

It can't be.

Tan Xiao remembered a rumor from his past life about a legendary creature, the Shadow of Liquid Gold.

Although there have been many sighting records of the Liquid Gold Shadow, no one has actually captured or killed the Liquid Gold Shadow. Its race is also classified as elves, belonging to the mineral elves.

However, the academic community in the magical world has never reached a conclusion as to whether the rich gold veins gave birth to the Liquid Gold Shadow or the birth of the Liquid Gold Shadow gave birth to the gold veins.

At this moment, looking at the massive amount of gold around him, Tan Xiao felt something bad.

Get out first!

Tan Xiao turned around and was about to take Lina away. Although Lina was confused, she didn't hesitate and immediately trotted out.

For her, she has silently remembered the way she came, so she is not afraid of not being able to find the way.

However, it was still a step too late. The sound of intensive drum beats came from far to near, and a huge shadow quickly struck out from the depths of the cave.


Tan Xiao took a quick glance and saw clearly the appearance of the visitor.

It is a mass of amorphous liquid, showing a golden and smooth surface under the weak firelight. Several tentacles are constantly waving, changing the appearance of various orc attack organs.

Tan Xiao confirmed with just one glance that this must be the Mine Fairy, the Shadow of Liquid Gold, with a level as high as L32!

And behind the liquid crystal shadow is a bright crystal rock.


The aura on Tan Xiao's body suddenly changed due to his emotional fluctuations.

Lina knew that now was not the time to talk nonsense, so she ran towards the cave entrance frantically.

At this moment, she realized that the Fire Ant King had not entered the cave, and must have felt the presence of the shadow of liquid gold.

The shadow of liquid gold had no eyes, and it was unknown how it locked onto Tan Xiao and Lina. Its tentacles kept changing shapes and attacked them both.

The fierce attacks were all blocked by Tan Xiao, and touching damage figures appeared on his body -

1, -1, -1

It was obviously Tan Xiao's super high physical resistance that made Liquid Crystal Shadow's physical attacks ineffective.

As a mineral elf, the Liquid Gold Shadow, which has survived for an unknown period of time, is far more intelligent than ordinary orcs. It has realized that Tan Xiao has extremely strong physical resistance.

It quickly changed its strategy, and a terrifying wave of magic came.

A halo of light appeared on the liquid gold shadow, making it stand out in the darkness.

not good!

Tan Xiao didn't know what magic skill the other party was going to use, and he shouted in his heart that something was wrong.

As a Level 15 person, it was impossible for him to compete head-on with the Liquid Gold Shadow. He could only choose to resist forcefully. Unable to dodge, Tan Xiao quickly hugged Lina in front of him and flew forward.

The entrance to the cave was already close at hand, and a terrifying thrust came from behind him, but Tan Xiao was still affected.

The golden halo spread rapidly and hit his body, and all the physical resistance superimposed by Tan Xiao's magic matrix instantly returned to zero. It is Liquid Gold Shadow's skill [Golden Wind], which has a strong dispersion effect and removes all the extra physical resistance on Tan Xiao.

Then, the golden tentacle turned into a golden thorn blade and struck Tan Xiao's back angrily. Tan Xiao gritted his teeth and activated [Arcane Resistance].

[Arcane Resistance] Every once in a while, an invisible shield is generated, which can resist any damage, dispersion or negative status. The cooling time is 24 hours.

This was Tan Xiao's first time using [Arcane Resistance]. Fortunately, with the Arcane Resistance skill, Tan Xiao was immune to the terrifying attack of Liquid Gold Shadow.

He and Lina also fell heavily out of the cave. Just when Tan Xiao was about to continue his escape, he found that the liquid gold shadow did not pursue him, but returned to the depths of the cave.

Tan Xiao lay on the ground, breathing heavily, feeling like he was surviving a disaster. He could not withstand the second blow of the Liquid Gold Shadow.

Tan Xiao also had some guesses as to why the Shadow of Liquid Gold returned to the cave. The bright crystal rock he just saw at a glance was the extremely rare [Solidized Magic Crystal].

It seems that the liquid gold shadow has to wait for the [solidified magic crystal] to be completely formed and then ingest it into the body so that its invisible body can be solidified into a tangible body.

This is also why the Liquid Gold Shadow did not pursue. It was not that it could not pursue, but that it did not want to pursue. It is afraid that when it is chasing, other creatures will get there first and take away the [solidifying magic crystal].


Tan Xiao laughed inexplicably, which shocked Lina, who thought Tan Xiao had had an accident.

Only Tan Xiao knew that he was lucky this time.

There is actually a [solidified magic crystal] here, so I'm not far from true physical immunity, hahaha!

As he thought in his heart, his eyes were filled with light.

Because as early as the previous life, after the advent of eternal night, there were demons with the skill [Disorder]. This skill can cause human attributes to fluctuate randomly, causing many strong human beings to misjudge the battle situation and die due to sudden changes in attributes.

In the end, it was through the efforts of all mankind that more than a dozen [solidified magic crystals] were found, and the forged [solidified crystal pendant] allowed the strong human beings to not be affected by [disorder] and immune to all dispersal effects. , slowing down the pace of expansion of the originally invincible demons.

Tan Xiao knew the origin of several pieces of [solidified magic crystal], but they were all in the Central Continent. It was far beyond what he could get at his current level. How could he not be surprised by this [solidified magic crystal] in an early area like Wards Heights.

Got to get it!

Tan Xiaoru thought as he turned his attention to the Fire Ant King who seemed to be watching a show.

Fujiang! You really are Fujiang! My Brother Ant!

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