Attribute restraint? Sorry, I am a full magician

Chapter 4 Become famous all over the world

Ding - [World Announcement] The Demon Hunting Spider Mother has been killed, and the player [Feng Sheng] has received a huge reward. I hope all players will move forward and never forget their original aspirations.

Less than half a day after the release of Magic World, the first world announcement appeared directly above the field of vision of all players.

The dazzling golden fonts and the clearly highlighted content of huge rewards suddenly surprised all the players who were still confused about the game Monk Zhang Er.

What? How much time has it been? The demon-hunting spider mother was killed? What is that thing?

I don't know. I heard from my friend about the Demon-Hunting Spider. There is a kind of terrifying spider outside the Shadow Forest. It does high damage and has poisonous attacks. It took several people from their entire team to die before they killed one.

Feng Sheng? This player is too fierce. Is he a professional player?


For a while, players either gathered together or chatted in the game group, all expressing their shock at the news.

On the other side, in the shadow forest, Tan Xiao was leaning against a big tree, quietly waiting for his blood to recover.

And the golden light above his head rose, and the level actually rose directly to L3.

The money in the lower right corner directly obtained a piece of Mammon gold, which is equivalent to wealth of 6,666 copper coins.

And that wasn't what surprised him the most. What surprised him the most were the two dropped items.

[Spider Mother's Waist Armor] Natural waist armor dropped from the belly of the demon-hunting spider mother, with HP +12, physical resistance +7, and magic resistance +2.3.

[Crimson Crystal Eyes] A rare item that has a chance of being dropped by the cautious Demon-Hunting Spider Mother when she is killed when she is extremely angry. The crimson crystal eyes contain the curse of the Spider Mother, which can amplify magic items and improve the performance of weapons.

He had seen the Spider Mother's Waist Armor, and although its attributes far exceeded what he had known in the past, he had seen it at least, but he had never even heard of the Crimson Crystal Eyes.

In the previous life, monster-hunting spider mothers were a typical creature in the game that was difficult to fight in the early stages and looked down upon in the later stages.

Tan Xiao no longer hesitated, quickly put on the Spider Mother waist armor, put the crimson crystal eyes into his backpack and walked towards Fast Village.

He was going to prepare to submit the mission. As long as he got the Spider Web Staff, his real goal would be on the agenda.

Kill the lord of the southern region of the Shadow Forest, Shadow Fang, a giant shadow wolf.

Be sure to kill Shadowfang first!

Tan Xiao kept his head down and hurried on, because he knew that only the first one to kill the regional boss could get the hidden reward, Shadow Fang's passive skill, Shadow Walker.

In the early stages of the game, the attack power and passive effects provided by the Spider Web Staff will be the key to killing Shadowfang.

The reason why Tan Xiao values ​​this skill so much is not just because of its attributes.

[Shadow Walker] A reaper who walks in the dark, his vision is slightly expanded at night, his movement speed is +5%, and his attack speed is +7%.

More importantly, in the future, the demon world will invade and the world will fall into eternal night. At that time, any skill holder who can increase power in the dark will become the overlord of one party.

The former holder of the Shadow Walker not only failed to help the human race, but also became a lackey of the demon world, killing the human race.

You stupid thing, I will kill you until you can't get online in this life!

Unknowingly, he had arrived at Maggie's door along a remote path.

Mr. McGee.

come in.

Hey, young man, it's okay! You can complete the task I gave you so quickly.

Looking at the bag of sticky spider silk that Tan Xiao took out, which was far more than what ten demon-hunting spiders could produce, McGee knew without any doubt that Tan Xiao had fulfilled his promise.

Now that you have completed my mission, this is yours.

Ding - you completed the mission [McGee's Selfishness] and received the reward Spider Web Staff.

Tan Xiao took the staff and did not leave immediately, which made Maggie stunned for a moment.

Originally, he thought that the other party would hurriedly equip the staff and go to the forest to carry out a killing spree, but he couldn't help but look high at the young man in front of him.

Ding--McGee's favorability towards you will increase and you will receive a small experience reward.

Tan Xiao was a little surprised. The favorability level that was originally the most difficult to increase with the NPC actually increased inexplicably. It could be regarded as an unexpected surprise.

Then I heard McGee speak,

Adventurer, I am happy for your stability. I hope you can exert the full power of this spider web staff.

Thank you, Mr. McGee, I will live up to your expectations.

Tan Xiao answered according to the words that had been proven to be the most effective in his previous life. As expected, he gained some favorability from McGee, and he took advantage of the opportunity to say goodbye and leave.

After going out, Tan Xiao ran into two people who were also visiting Maggie. They were obviously players in the magical world.

They didn't expect anyone to find McGee's location before them, so they couldn't help but look at Tan Xiao.

Who is this person, and how did he find the location of this NPC faster than us?

Who knows, maybe I got in by accident.

Huh? Brother Feng, he...he...!!

Seeing the sudden strangeness of his companion, the man named Brother Feng said in confusion,

What are you doing? What the hell are you making all this fuss about?

Brother Feng, his ID is... Feng Sheng...

With a click, the wine bottle in Brother Feng's hand suddenly fell to the ground. He suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction Tan Xiao left. He took a few steps forward, only to find that Tan Xiao's figure had disappeared.

It's the big boss? Oh my god, why didn't you tell me earlier!

He slapped his partner next to him on the head with a look of remorse.

But Tan Xiao didn't know what was happening behind him at this moment. He was walking quickly towards the alchemy workshop.

He already had a Mammon gold coin and could afford any suit in the alchemy workshop.

Welcome! Brave adventurer!

The shopping guide Lina greeted her warmly.

Our Belle Workshop has the most sophisticated equipment in the entire Fast Village. Do you want to sell it or buy it?

Buy a Hot Wind Mage suit, by the way, without weapons and waist armor.

When Lina heard this, her eyes suddenly lit up.

At this point, you can already have enough money to buy a hot wind mage suit, which is definitely not for ordinary people. Even without weapons and waist armor, it still costs 1,200 copper coins.

Lina had already made a decision in a flash of thought.

We must leave a good impression on this adventurer!

Dear adventurer, there is no problem with your request. My special quota for this month has not been used yet. If possible, please allow me to apply for you.

Tan Xiao naturally knew that the shopping guide of the Alchemy Workshop had a special discount, but he did not expect that the shopping guide had such courage and could make such a decision after such a sentence.

Why not? What's your name?

Lina, Lina Klein.

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