With the fire snake, Tan Xiao's hunting efficiency was further improved. It didn't take much effort at all to kill all the demon-hunting spiders in the nest, and the corpses of seven more demon-hunting spiders lay quietly in this piece of decaying land. On the colony ground.

However, this time Tan Xiao did not immediately go up to peel off the spider silk. He half-leaned on the branch of the tree, his forehead covered with beads of sweat.

Cautiously, he was waiting for his MP, which had bottomed out, to slowly recover. Tan Xiao didn't want any surprises to happen.

After you have recovered and peeled off the spider silk, you can go to McGee to submit the mission. As long as you can get the spider web staff, you can level up faster and head towards the depths of the Shadow Forest.

Tan Xiao, who has experience in his previous life, is bound to get the Spider Web Staff. In addition to its excellent attribute bonus, more importantly, it comes with the passive skill [Spider Silk Entanglement].

[Cobweb Entanglement] Units attacked by the spider web staff will have a movement speed of -11% and an attack speed of -7%.

This debuff is enough for Tan Xiao to be able to block the terrain and kill many bosses that cannot be defeated by ordinary methods at this stage.

Just as Tan Xiao was about to return, a huge black shadow hung upside down and descended from a tree not far away.

A bright red name appeared above its head, Demon Hunting Spider Mother.Lv5! This is a change caused by the level gap.

Ding - the strong aura of magic made the demon-hunting spider mother deep in the forest feel uneasy. She came to observe her offspring, but saw the slaughtered nest.

Hidden mission triggered! [The furious demon-hunting spider mother]

Tan Xiao didn't even think about it, and directly focused the remaining two skills on the wind attribute skill, Wind Entanglement.Lv2.

The next second, a gust of breeze came and wrapped around Tan Xiao's legs. His speed suddenly increased, quickly widening the distance between the two parties.

He didn't want to be killed instantly. According to his physical resistance at this moment, he couldn't even withstand the bite of the demon-hunting spider's mother's chelicerae.

At this moment, he was most fortunate that the claws of the demon-hunting spider mother were free of poison.

As the demon-hunting spider's limbs develop, its powerful body as an adult makes it no longer need to rely on the toxins in the larvae's chelicerae to protect itself. Therefore, its toxicity degrades and it becomes a group that relies on strength to gain a foothold in this forest.

If he can only be regarded as the boss of the physics department, there is no chance!

If it were the same person he was before, he would not care about anything and just go for it. But now that he has spell-casting superimposed armor, he is more alert.

Seeing the culprit who massacred her children, the demon-hunting spider mother, who was already furious, quickly landed on the ground.

The eight spider legs carved deep ravines on the ground, and the dead leaves were pulled and flying everywhere. The huge body of the spider mother rushed towards Tan Xiao, and the distance between the two parties quickly closed.

Spark! Spark! Spark!

Three skills were thrown by Tan Xiao in succession, consuming a total of 51 MP points. His MP dropped by nearly a quarter. Moreover, he had to maintain the wind entanglement, which cost 5 MP points per second.

The Level 3 sparks that could have burned the Demon-Hunting Spider to the point of immobility now seem to be just a slight obstacle to the powerful Demon-Hunting Spider Mother's movement.

There were three flames on its body, but it didn't make it even want to retreat.


101, -107, -99

A series of damage figures jumped out. Although they were considerable, they were still far from enough for a boss like the Demon Hunter Spider Mother with more than 3,000 HP.

All eight legs of the demon-hunting spider mother were seen exerting all their strength, and her body suddenly jumped up and fell towards Tan Xiao at a high speed.


Another spark was released, but this time it was not directed at the demon-hunting spider mother, but shot behind him as a boost.

At the same time, Tan Xiao rolled and managed to avoid the Spider Mother's attack.

However, the vibration on the ground still caused Tan Xiao to be slightly hurt.


7, a damage number appeared, which was lower than Tan Xiao expected, thanks to the double-digit physical resistance he now had.

While the spider mother was rubbing her body in the hole made by it, she extinguished the irritating flames on her body, and then quickly adjusted her body, preparing to continue to launch a fierce attack on this hateful human being.

At this moment, Tan Xiao was already within the attack range of its forelimbs. If he were captured by its forelimbs, it would only be a matter of seconds before he was torn apart by its chelicerae.

There is not much mana left, and the physical resistance is not enough to withstand a bite from the demon-hunting spider mother!

Tan Xiao's rich experience allowed him to calculate the damage done to the Spider Mother and make an instant judgment.

At the same time, he was also convinced that as long as his arm could withstand one bite from the spider mother, he would have a chance to kill the furious spider mother.

We can only determine the route of Arcane Heart Lv2.

Tan Xiao clicked on the dazzling item in his special inventory, the Arcane Heart, the special item that had accompanied him to the top.

Arcane Heart, Lv2 upgrade path,

【1】MP+24, magic recovery rate +1

【2】Spell strength +1.1, spell penetration +0.7

Originally, Tan Xiao was still thinking about the upgrade path of Arcane Heart, but now it is no longer up to him. In this situation, he must make a choice.

Path 1!

Tan Xiao did not hesitate to click on the option of mana and recovery speed, and then locked the last mana to summon the fire snake, and all the remaining mana poured out at once.

Wind entanglement! Sparks! Wind entanglement! Sparks!

The two skills were thrown out alternately, and the sparks blessed by wind entanglement became more intense and hit the demon-hunting spider mother at close range.

Tan Xiao's physical resistance superposition value also increased rapidly at this time, approaching 20.

The demon-hunting spider mother seemed to know that the damn human in front of her had no way to escape. She refused to dodge the magic released by Tan Xiao and directly absorbed all the skills.

Its health bar dropped suddenly, but it was able to withstand Tan Xiao's damage.

After resisting all injuries, he spread out a pair of front legs and grabbed Tan Xiao fiercely, dragging him towards his chelicerae.

The huge chelicerae bit Tan Xiao fiercely, and terrible pain hit him. Even after the system corrected it, Tan Xiao still almost fainted.



Resist it!

Seeing this damage figure, Tan smiled, because it was nearly 10 points less damage than he originally expected.

It seems that the demon-hunting spider mother was hit by Tan Xiao's series of skills just now, causing her abilities to be slightly weakened.

Tan Xiao didn't hesitate at all. The right hand bitten by the spider mother did not retreat but moved forward, inserting it into the spider mother's mouth.

Fire Serpent Summons!

Tan Xiao released his last skill, his MP was completely emptied, and he only had the last 13 points of HP left.

It seemed that everything was over. The demon-hunting spider mother's claws had not stopped biting yet and were about to deliver the final blow to Tan Xiao.

The next second, the movement of the demon-hunting spider mother suddenly stopped, its abdominal cavity squirmed, its huge body fell to the side, and a slender fire snake emerged from its abdomen.

Ding - [World Announcement] The Demon Hunting Spider Mother has been killed, and the player [Feng Sheng] has received a huge reward. I hope all players will move forward and never forget their original aspirations.

After the words fell, the players in the entire magical world were quiet for a moment.

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