"Go north, my army is about to appear."

Vertus lay on the back of the Fire Ant King, just like a thousand years ago. This feeling made him nostalgic.

Looking at the sky that had been blocked by the demonic energy from the sun, Vertus knew that the demon world was advancing at a pace far beyond his imagination. This was also related to the decree that Chris issued before sacrificing himself.

The implementation of that decree was equivalent to giving up fearless resistance, leaving behind the most elite seeds of the Star Pulse Kingdom. Perhaps this is Chris's judgment. He does not expect that the Star Pulse Kingdom can survive this catastrophe intact, but he hopes that one day in the future, the people of the Star Pulse Kingdom will be able to grow into a towering tree again.

I have to say, he made the right bet. Not only did his final act of self-sacrifice truly bring the remaining people of the Star Pulse Kingdom together, but he also succeeded in awakening Freya, the goddess of courage.

More importantly, Vertus recognized him.

The name of Veltus was not engraved in history like the name of the first king Jin Stella. Instead, as the god of the dead in later history, he has always existed as the opposite of the human race.

In addition to the misunderstanding caused by Virtus' long lifespan, this deviated history also had Maestra's deliberate guidance, but all of this was requested by Virtus.

His purpose is also very simple, he just doesn't want to take away the glory that belongs to Jin.

And as the other founder behind the Star Pulse Kingdom, how could he possibly bring the Star Pulse Kingdom to its demise? All these are necessary sacrifices at the moment.

"Just keep moving forward, don't be afraid."

Vitus, who was lying on the back of the Fire Ant King, felt the trembling body of his old friend and the approaching demonic aura in the distance. He spoke disdainfully,

"Before Eggens takes over, I won't be polite to them anymore. Not only is it a violation of the agreement, but it's also a big deal. It's really causing trouble for you."

Vitus suddenly shouted,

"Ace! Uther! Let's get to work!"

As soon as he finished speaking, two beams of light shot up from Mount Joshua into the sky and shot toward Viertus.

At this moment, Uther and Ace have completely changed their appearance, no longer as shabby as when they first came to the human world.

Now their bones are emitting a gleaming white light. Rather than being bones, they are more like jade formed after being tempered for thousands of times underground.

The reason why they have such changes is entirely because the bones that make up their bodies have been replaced by Vertus with the bones of the Mori ox.

The two undead people each have a horn on their head, which looks a bit like a one-horned demon, but what they do next is much more terrifying than the demon.

Ace pulled out a bone battle ax from somewhere, and lightly stroked the ax blade with his right hand. As sparks flew everywhere, the entire battle ax burst into blue-purple flames.

Ace, who was still high in the air, said hello to Uther, as if to indicate that he was ready.

The next moment, a fireball appeared out of thin air under Ace's feet, and then exploded, allowing Ace, who was already extremely fast, to further accelerate.

Almost instantly, Ace appeared behind the devil, with a horrified look on the devil's face.

In his field of vision, a blue-purple battle ax quickly enlarged. His demonic energy had quickly gathered towards his face, and the rapidly gathering demonic energy created thick scales on his face. This demon seemed to be trying to resist Ace's surprise attack in this way.

However, the scale armor that he had placed high hopes on could not withstand the scale armor for even a second.

The moment he came into contact with the blue fire axe, his head was cut in half under his incredible gaze. The blue fire clung to his body and quickly ignited his body's tissues.

The extremely high temperature of the flames gave his body almost no chance to leave ashes, and it directly vaporized and disappeared.

Another demon was about to escape, but found a floating skeleton in front of him.

"I belong to His Highness Yif Leviathan."

Before he finished speaking, his body turned into a ball of fire.

"Why not Yifu? I am still a supporter of His Highness Vitus."

Ace and Uther, who had defeated the two demons, knelt down in front of Veltus without any hesitation, showing their absolute loyalty.

"Your Highness Wiltus!"

After each of the two undead absorbed half of Sen Niu's skeleton, their strength increased by leaps and bounds. One became the Lord of Hell, and the other became the Archmage of the Undead.

"Well, the integration is good, better than I expected."

Veltus looked at Uther;

"Especially you. I originally thought that Sen Niu's skeleton absorbed too much fire element and might not be suitable for you. I didn't expect that you would directly transform from a lich into a great wizard of the undead."

After hearing this, Uther lowered his head.

"Okay, fight for me and meet up with Rohr in the Shadow Forest. I have already felt the aura of Shadow Fall, and it seems that he has almost succeeded."

Veltus continued to speak, and Ace and Uther also stood up,

"Then, before reaching the Shadow Forest, all obstacles on the road will be left to you. Don't let me be embarrassed."

At this moment, there were already a steady stream of demons flying in their direction. These are all demons stationed nearby. Without exception, they all sensed the strange movement here and came to support.

"As you command! Your Highness Wiltus!"

At that moment, Ace and Uther answered at the same time, their bodies filled with majestic fighting spirit.

Only the fire ant king shivered under this majestic breath.

This level of battle is a bit too much for it to bear.

Wiltus naturally sensed its abnormality and patted its head gently.

"It's okay, I'm here."

The Fire Ant King felt light all over, and the oppressive aura that had enveloped it disappeared instantly.

It just felt a little strange. The man behind it seemed to be the same as when they met, but also seemed completely different. It shook its tentacles slightly, as if to express its doubts.

As a result, a fireball was sent to its mouth.

The blazing fire element instantly filled its body, and the energy contained in this fireball almost exceeded the total amount of flames it had eaten in its lifetime.

Under the deliberate control of Virtus, such a huge energy was slowly released into the body of the Fire Ant King, and began to gradually change the life form of the Fire Ant King.

The magic pathways in its body began to be reshaped, and Veltus jumped off of it.

"It can be regarded as the end of a wonderful fate between us."

Wiertus looked at the fire ant king whose life form began to evolve, and his thoughts drifted back to a thousand years ago.

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