Eggens, who had just arrived in this plane, was shocked by the emotions in the air. Although he had expected it, the feeling after actually arriving in this plane was beyond his imagination.

Eggens took a deep breath, and he felt that every cell in his body was awakened.


He spoke softly and said these two words.

There is no other reason than lamenting the fate of the human race.

They had such a talent, but because the gods fell silent, they didn't know how to use it, and in the end it became irresistible bait in their mouths.

Eigens withdrew his mind and his consciousness swept across the entire Star Pulse Kingdom. His goal was clear, which was to find Guled Mamen as soon as possible and bring him back to the Demon Realm.

"It's not here, but his smell is everywhere."

The pupils of Eigens's eyes contracted violently, and a gold coin in the shape of Mammon Gold appeared in his eyes.

“So that’s how it is”

When he saw Mammenkin, Eggens understood why the world was full of Gulide. It turned out to be because the monetary system was completely controlled by him.

"Have you made so much money here that you don't want to go back? This greedy guy."

Eigens's consciousness repeatedly searched the Star Pulse Kingdom. According to the intelligence he obtained, Gullid should be in this area.

He didn't know that Gulid was indeed in this area, but Gulid, who had fallen into a state of suspended animation, was by no means easy for Eggens to find.

As for Freya's existence, Eggens ignored it. Of course he knew this goddess who was once famous in the world. She was obviously not in a good condition at the moment. He also knew a little bit about the changes that happened in the world, but he didn't expect that even Freya was so weak.

He and Freya had no intersection before, and now he didn't want to have any intersection, so he watched her leave the borders of the Star Pulse Kingdom and go to the Obsidian Kingdom.

It was only then that the demons stationed here noticed the anomalies in the plane well and the demon figures high in the sky.

"Who are you?! Your permission to pass"

As the distance gradually approached, the demon discovered that this uninvited guest turned out to be Egans Lucifer, known as the Emperor Morning Star.

"Your Highness, Your Highness Leviathan is here"

"Well, I have found him. Go back to your post and don't worry about me."

The next second, Eggens had appeared in front of Yifu who was advancing the battle line to Red Rock City.

"You robbed fewer souls than I thought? Yifu."

When Aigensi's consciousness swept across the Star Pulse Kingdom, he already had a general understanding of the number of dead humans, but he also noticed that the number of souls in the hands of the demon soldiers was significantly less than that of the dead.

"How is this going?"

Faced with Eggens' question, Yifu had no intention of answering, but instead asked,

"You came here under the orders of the council to supervise the battle?"

Eggens looked at Yifu, and the atmosphere between the two demons became tense.

"If not, stay out of my business."

Yifu opened his eyes slightly, and a strong sense of oppression instantly enveloped the area.

"You'd better not anger Vertus. His existence is far more mysterious than you and I imagined. Even His Highness the Demon King just wants to make a deal with him, not use him."

Eggens' tone was serious, and he stared into Yifu's eyes.

"If you violate the agreement and are eventually liquidated by Vertus, the Demon World will not give you any help."


Yifu suddenly laughed, with a hint of mockery in his tone,

"I'm afraid he can't protect himself now, and he's starting to hide his head and don't dare to see me."

He paused, then continued,

"Perhaps, the original rumor was true. Vertus' undead position has been replaced by Nerul, and now he is just a slightly stronger demigod."

Eggens didn't want to waste any more words with Yifu, so he just said,

"I came to see you just to remind you not to cause trouble. Whether you listen or not has nothing to do with me. Since you have violated the agreement between the Council and Vitus, I will notify the Council and let the Council convict you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Eggens disappeared again.

Yifu looked at the direction in which Eggens disappeared, and the corners of his mouth curved in a dangerous arc.

"Conviction? Haha"

He opened his eyes again, and the black line on his right eye had been broken in half.

"When I absorb enough human souls, I'm looking forward to whether you will convict me or whether I overturned the parliament. It's like shit that the parliament should have changed its blood a long time ago."

At this moment, somewhere in the Wards Highlands suddenly collapsed.

And this sudden change caused a golden pothole to appear. The figure in the center of the pothole looked at the blue sky in disbelief, feeling a little confused for a moment.

"What happened? Why did it suddenly collapse?"

He was Gullid Mammon who fell into suspended animation, and it was precisely because he fell into suspended animation that he didn't even know why the top of the cave collapsed.

And at the moment when the cave collapsed, Eggens had already felt Gulid's faint aura.

"Got you!"

Gulid wanted to escape, but as soon as he turned around, Eggens' big hand was already holding his head behind his back.

"If you move again, I will take your head back to the demon world."

"Hey! Don't move. I won't move. If you have something to say, please say it. Don't be so violent!"

Gulide quickly begged for mercy.

"Follow me back to the Demon Realm and explain why you haven't opened the plane well for so long."

"It's not that I don't want to open it, it's all Vitus's intention. Didn't Vitus have an agreement with the Demon King? How do I know what they agreed to? I don't dare to open it!"

Gullid was still quibbling, but Eggens turned a deaf ear to his explanation.

"I don't want to know. There are many demons in the council who want to know. Just tell them."

The ruthless Eggens directly grabbed Gullid and came to the plane well. The demon guarding the plane well here had not yet recovered from the excitement of seeing Eggans. Now I saw Eggens, who had returned, and even a strange demon. He forgot to speak for a moment. In his surprised eyes, Eggens brought Gullid back to the devil world.

In the cave that suddenly collapsed, all the mammon gold had been recovered by Gulid instantly, leaving only a huge cavity.

At the top of the cavity, there is a red fire ant king that is still opening and closing its powerful ant pincers.

As for why it appeared here, it was because it felt the aura of its old friend in the dark, and a voice kept telling it that it could find the other party by biting through this rock formation.

However, it seemed to be another futile effort, as the familiar friend did not appear here.

Just as it left in disappointment, a figure appeared on its back, lying comfortably.

"Long time no see, Fire Ant King."

It was Vertus who spoke, and he still had half a sentence to finish.

"I haven't seen you for a thousand years."

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