Attribute restraint? Sorry, I am a full magician

Chapter 238 Intertwined Destinies

The monsoon wind carries the water vapor from the ocean inland, blowing past the two and three people walking on the wilderness road.

They were Tan Xiao, Jin and Jifu. Tan Xiao and Jin did not continue to the seaside. They planned to escort Jifu back to his own village first.

"Perhaps Saint Freya can save his mother?"

Jin walked on the right side of Kifford, and his attention had been completely attracted by this miserable child.

Since the death of the blood-striped leopard, he has never struggled with why Freya chose him. Now he only thinks about saving Kifford's only relative as much as possible.

"How about we return to Star Flash Village first and ask Saint Freya to come over."

Tan Xiao looked straight ahead and did not directly refute Jin's remarks. He just asked a question.

"There are so many suffering people in the world, do you think you should go to Freya for help when you meet one?"

Although Kifford did not speak, he also understood the meaning of the words of the gentleman next to him named Wiltus.

He held the magic crystal in his hand tightly, pursed his lips, and didn't know what he was thinking.

It's just that Jin's expression was a little complicated, and Tan Xiao's question was like a sharp knife piercing into his heart, real and powerless.


Jin chewed on Tan Xiao's question repeatedly and fell into silence.

"Every time you meet someone, you go to someone else for help. How can Her Majesty the Saint stay busy?"

Tan Xiao looked at Jin who was suddenly depressed next to him and shook his head unconsciously.

"He is really an innocent character like in the comics. He wants to save everyone regardless of his own safety. How is this possible?"

He recalled for no reason the pain he suffered when facing the invasion of demons in his previous life.

Tan Xiao doesn't want to save everyone, but some people are destined to die. He is not a savior, he cannot save everyone, he can only protect those around him as much as possible.

Even in this life, he had the opportunity to change everything, but the changes were still faster than his actions.

Not only did the demon come to this plane in advance, but he himself was transported thousands of years ago. He didn't even know who did it, and he couldn't exit the game at all.


Just when Tan Xiao was sighing in his heart, the strange movements in the village ahead caught the attention of their group.

The three people who were thinking about their own things looked up because they saw thick smoke.

"The village is on fire! How could this happen?!"

Jifu's exclamation sounded, and Tan Xiao almost didn't hesitate at all. He waved the staff in his hand, and three tornadoes carried the three of them and flew towards the village.

At the same time, the dark clouds in the sky gathered again, but this time there was no thunder. Only the water vapor carried by the monsoon was intercepted by Tan Xiao. It rose to high altitudes and began to condense into dark clouds and then turned into majestic heavy rain.

"Over there! Over there! My home is over there!"

Kifford pointed in one direction and yelled, with a cry in his voice.

Tan Xiao immediately turned around and flew in the direction pointed by Kifu.


After landing, Kifford rolled around and tried to rush into the fire, but was stopped by Jin.

Because he had already seen that this fire was unusual, and there was no sign of extinguishing under the heavy rain.

"Vitus, is this not an ordinary flame?"

Jin looked at Tan Xiao with a solemn expression.

Tan Xiao looked towards the north. A large amount of magic power gathered in his eyes, allowing him to barely see the bright red figure in the high sky in the north.

"Red dragon? Are there red dragons in this era? Isn't Bahamut still in this plane?"

At the same time, the red dragon that was flying high in the sky suddenly disappeared, as if it was suddenly pulled into the plane channel by something.


The red dragon relied on its inertia and fell into a hidden hall. Its already blazing scales drew dense sparks on the ground.

But it didn't dare to be dissatisfied at all with such an embarrassing scene, because its ancestor, the evil dragon mother Five Color Dragon, was looking at it, each of its five pairs of eyes exuding an extremely evil aura.

This was none other than Tiamat. She spoke dragon language and spoke lazily,

"Have you done what you were asked to do?"

"Your Majesty the First Ancestor, it has been done. Everyone in the village you mentioned has been burned to ashes by me using the Red Lotus Fire."

The red dragon lowered its head and spoke respectfully, while sparks continued to spit out from its mouth and nose.

"Just kill them all. I had a bad dream, which made me a little unhappy."

Tiamat slowly raised a dragon head and vomited out a scarlet fragment.

"This flame crystal is rewarded to you. Please keep a low profile during this period. Bahamut should have noticed you. Please step back."

Looking at the fragment in front of it, the red dragon's eyes were full of surprise. It picked it up tremblingly, and then answered,

"As you command, Your Highness."

Then, it slowly exited the hall.

When the red dragon left, Tiamat did not fall asleep immediately. She was still talking to herself,

"Hmm - why am I still a little uneasy?"

She thought of a possibility and was about to get up, but finally gave up the idea of ​​going out.

"Forget it, so what if there are still Klein's people? Can you really turn them upside down?"

She smiled to herself and slowly closed her eyes.

Tiamat, who has always been conceited, never expected that her dream would come true thousands of years later.

She also didn't expect that the last boy who inherited the Klein surname that she let go on a whim, Keith Ford Klein, resolutely followed Tan Xiao and Jin after seeing his mother burned to ashes. · Stella embarks on a journey to the Kingdom of Estalia.

Thousands of years later, when the devil came, Tiamat in the Kingdom of Estalia suddenly woke up.

Not only because she suddenly remembered a small incident from a thousand years ago, but also the protagonist at that time appeared in front of her.

Li Ruomeng, who had obtained the body of the red dragon, came to Tiamat. She did not choose to turn into a human form, and still maintained the state of the red dragon.

Seeing Tiamat suddenly awakening, Li Ruomeng felt a terrifying sense of oppression before he could speak.

"Your Highness Tiamat?"

She only felt that her strong red dragon body was almost crushed.

The next second, that overwhelming feeling of oppression disappeared.

"Sorry, I'm thinking of something from the past."

Tiamat looked at the body in front of her that had been replaced by a soul and rarely suppressed the rage in her heart. Because the other party is not only the messenger she chose, but also the target of the Dark Goddess Ciel's bet.

"How's it going? Did you get the things?"

Although Li Ruomeng didn't know why Tiamat was suddenly furious, she didn't think much about it. She thought it was some special dialogue triggered in the game. She took out a scroll from under one of her scales and handed it to Tiamat. Yamat,

"I got it. The coordinates of all possible plane wells around here are here."

Li Ruomeng continued to speak,

"It's just that the goddess Ciel said she won't come back for the time being. She wants to find a place to rest."

Tiamat took the scroll and spoke slowly,

"Okay, then you should retreat first. Kill as many humans as you can during this period."

"Okay, Your Highness."

Li Ruomeng turned and left, but she didn't know why Tiamat was in a strange state today, always staring at the flame crystal in the center of her head.

"What happened to my flame crystal? Is there anything wrong with it?"

Li Ruomeng didn't know that if the original owner of her current body hadn't left Tiamat with the calamity of Geofort Klein thousands of years ago, Tiamat would have completely occupied the Kingdom of Estalia by now. .

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