Jin was still running away from Tan Xiao, but he didn't know why he was holding the head of the prairie wolf he killed in his hand.

As if he was afraid that the other three wolves would not be able to track him, he allowed the blood from the wolf's head to drip on the road, attracting the three wolves.

"Even if it's just to attract hatred, isn't it a bit too much?"

Tan Xiao took Jifu and followed Jin and the three prairie wolves from a distance.

"Although the wolf's head is not heavy, it will consume a lot of his energy. What is he going to do?"

Kifford didn't speak. He followed Tan Xiao obediently, his eyes looking towards the clouds in the sky from time to time.

As an aborigine in this area, he felt that today's weather was a bit strange, and the medium-sized dark clouds confused him even more. He didn't know why the thunder flashed in the clouds but no thunder fell, and he didn't know why the clouds were so dark. The clouds were always above their heads.

As time went by, the wolf-headed Jin gradually began to lose strength, so that the three prairie wolves behind him quickly closed the distance between them.

"About to be caught up"

Tan Xiao looked at the distance between the two sides and was already convinced that Jin would be caught up.

Jin, who had very little physical strength left at this moment, might not be able to deal with these three prairie wolves. Just when Tan Xiao was about to take action, he suddenly stopped.

Because, he noticed something was wrong.

Not only was Jin's behavior abnormal, but the speed of the three prairie wolves also slowed down. They seemed to be aware of something.

It was only then that Tan Xiao noticed a dark cave not far from Jin.

Jin moved quickly and in one go, threw the wolf's head towards the cave, turned around and charged towards the three prairie wolves.

His eyes were determined, as if he had already prepared to be injured. He held a sickle in his right hand to clear the way, blocked the attack of a prairie wolf, knocked away another prairie wolf with his left elbow, and finally resisted the wolf king's claw attack. , so that a deep blood mark appeared behind him.

Just when Kifford thought that the gentleman who helped him lure away the wolves was going to die, he subconsciously grabbed the corner of Tan Xiao's clothes. He always felt that the gentleman beside him must be extremely powerful. .

However, Tan Xiao did not help, not because he didn't want to, but because it was no longer necessary.

Because, just after Jin was trying to break out of the three wolves despite being injured, a shocking beast roar came from the cave.

The three prairie wolves couldn't care less about Jin, the human race who killed their companions. They fled towards the wolf lair almost at the same time.

Because this cave is the lair of the overlord of this area, the Blood Leopard.

Jin's bet was right, the blood-striped leopard was not hunting and was resting in its lair.

But Jin didn't expect that when he turned around, he saw Tan Xiao and the child walking towards him. A trace of surprise clearly flashed in his eyes, followed by anger.

"Didn't I ask you to stay there? Why did you just follow me?"

Especially when he saw the child next to Tan Xiao, he didn't know what to say.

His original plan was to escape from the battlefield by relying on his talent of concealment after letting the blood-striped leopard and prairie wolf meet, reunite with Tan Xiao, and escape.

However, now Tan Xiao didn't listen to his arrangement and brought the child so close to the blood-striped leopard. He knew that today's battle would probably be a disaster.

At the same time, three wolf howls were heard one after another. They had almost no ability to resist in front of the bloody leopard whose ecological niche was crushed, and they could not even escape.

The moment the blood-striped leopard bit off the wolf king's neck, its eyes fell on Tan Xiao and the others.

"You guy, I really got killed by you! Vertus! You owe me your life!"

Jin stopped and turned around. Instead of hiding his aura like before, he locked his eyes on the blood-patterned leopard.

You know, such behavior is undoubtedly the most disrespectful provocation to this apex predator.

"You go first! I'll hold it back and tell Her Highness Freya that I've let her down, but there must be someone more suitable than me. I'm just a farmer with no ability!"

As he spoke, Jin had already rushed towards the blood-striped leopard. Even though he knew that he was definitely no match for the opponent, he still rushed over without hesitation.

If someone asks him at this time, why do he do this?

Maybe he doesn't know either.

But Tan Xiao suddenly understood the reason why Freya chose Jin as the first king of the country, and why the Star Pulse Kingdom established by the Stella family could last for thousands of years.


Jin roared, but his body was trembling and he rushed towards the blood-patterned leopard.

Then the next second, he stopped in the air, as if something gently wrapped his body.

At the same time, he saw the most dazzling lightning in his life.

"Lightning storm."

Tan Xiao spoke calmly in the distance, and countless thunderbolts rained down from the sky and hit the blood-striped leopard.

Not only did Jin, who was so close, not suffer any damage, he also slowly flew towards Tan Xiao's direction.

"Uh this.?"

He just felt that the scene in front of him was a bit beyond his imagination, and the poor blood-striped leopard didn't know why, but he was overwhelmed by the thunder and had no power to resist.

It could only watch helplessly as its body was turned into balls of coke in the thunder, and its consciousness was instantly lost.

"Is [Bite of Destiny] so strong? This is a bit beyond my imagination."



Tan Xiao looked at the rising MP in his field of vision and found that since his talent tree was fused with liquid gold, even these passive effects were increasing. The value of increasing the upper limit of MP has reached 4%*enemy level.

In the extremely surprised eyes of Kifu and Jin, the blood-striped leopard disappeared on the grassland.

After the clouds vented their thunder, a hole slowly appeared. The sun shined through the hole in the clouds and shone behind Tan Xiao, as if coating him with a layer of golden light.

At that moment, in the eyes of Kifford and Jin, they both felt that Tan Xiao's image was extremely majestic, like a god descending from the sky.

"Uh, why are you looking at me like this?"

Tan Xiao was a little embarrassed to be stared at by them, especially since Jin's expression was a bit unbelievable in surprise, and he even felt like he was dreaming.

On the other hand, Kifford's eyes were full of admiration. He originally thought that Tan Xiao was an extremely strong person, but now he was just a little stronger than he imagined, but it was still acceptable.

"Are you so strong?"

Jin swallowed and began to think about whether he had offended Tan Xiao. He suddenly remembered something.

"You are so strong, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"You didn't even ask me. You just rushed out without saying anything. Can you blame me?"

Tan Xiao and Jin couldn't help but pinch each other, while Kifford looked on with a smile on his face. This was one of the few smiles he had during this time.

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