In the human world, inside the castle of the Grand Duke of DeWitt. Although it was noon, the entire castle hall was always shrouded in darkness.

Although all the windows were zipped up, the darkness still seemed eerie and ominous.

DeWitt was not sitting on the throne where he had been sitting. Instead, he was standing on the side of the throne with Garner.

Da da--

Rhythmic steps sounded in the hall from far to near. The person who came was a middle-aged man wearing gorgeous clothes. The exquisite collar was embroidered with magic pathways with extremely high magic affinity. It was made of fine liquid gold. Wire.

Seeing the visitor, DeWitt and Garner buried their already lowered heads deeper, not daring to show any disrespect.

This posture was even more humble than when they met the king of the Star Pulse Kingdom, Chris.

When the middle-aged man walked past DeWitt, he didn't turn his head. He just glanced at DeWitt from the corner of his eye, which made the other person feel cold all over and almost couldn't help but kneel on the ground.


Ignoring DeWitt's fear, the other party continued to walk and walked to the throne that originally belonged to DeWitt. He gently lifted the cloak behind his back and sat on the throne.

He lazily supported his head with one hand, and his hoarse voice suddenly echoed through the hall,

DeWitt, that kid from your Stella family is so good at it?

His tone was extremely cold, containing overwhelming murderous intent.

To be able to beat my clone to the Stella family so badly, huh!

Hearing this, DeWitt did not dare to take any chances anymore, and quickly knelt down in front of the opponent, hitting the ground with his old forehead, making a thumping sound.

The clear voice resounded through the hall, making people feel that the next second, Archduke DeWitt would smash his head to pieces.

At this moment, DeWitt's blood stains were already left on the floor of the hall.

The middle-aged man on the throne had an expressionless face and just watched DeWitt kowtow, his eyes full of disgust and disdain.


The hand holding his head suddenly hit the armrest of the throne. There was a crash, and the armrest of the throne, which was originally carved from a solid block of granite, turned into a ball of rubble.

If you call me here today, you better have something important to do, otherwise

He snorted coldly,

Otherwise, you will be stuck in a cesspit for the rest of your life.

The person who came was none other than Night Shadow's true form lurking in the human world. He was extremely angry now, not just because his clone in Gloria had been completely killed by Kirkett Stella.

It successively set up two strongholds in Wuhui City and Gloria, but it was unable to completely bring His Highness Azikt down. It already knew that it would definitely be punished if it returned to the Shadow Fall Realm.

At the same time, due to its negligence, losing the Book of the Dead and the Sword of All Forms was a grave crime, not to mention that it also revealed the most important stronghold of the undead in the human world.

After learning that the stronghold had been destroyed due to the battle, Night Shadow had the urge to stay in the human world as a deserter. It could not even imagine how it would be punished by the Phantom Lord after returning to the Shadow Fall Realm.

If it weren't for the high position of the two human races in front of it, which played a big role in making up for its mistakes, it would have crushed all their brains and spread the brains evenly on the edge of a certain cesspool.

Your Highness, please look at this.

Garner had been waiting for this moment for a long time. He carefully took out a glass bottle from his arms, and a crystal was quietly placed in the glass bottle.

This glass bottle seems to be no ordinary material. It is made of a special magic sealing material, which blocks all the magic power of this crystal. When Ye Ying saw this crystal, his eyes first narrowed and then he stood up suddenly. stand up.

It appeared in front of Garner in an instant, gently took the glass bottle, looked at Garner and then looked at the lens, only to hear Garner speak in a panicked tone,

This should be the only remaining active part of the demon who calls himself His Highness Agnas.

Yeying's brows furrowed tightly, feeling a little unbelievable.

Devil? It's impossible to come from the plane well in the extremely cold tundra, because the space barrier there has not been broken through.

After a brief silence, it thought of an undead,

Saul?! Wards Heights!

It suddenly thought of the deployment in Wards Heights, but it didn't expect that Saul actually succeeded in extraditing a lone demon.

But, how could...?

Ye Ying still couldn't understand that if he was really a demon, he shouldn't be wiped out by humans so easily.

A platinum dragon appeared and possessed a little girl, and gave His Highness Agnes to...

What?! Platinum dragon? Dragon God Bahamut!

After hearing Garner's words, a series of information was connected together, and he finally understood why the demon Agnas was in such a miserable state.

He glanced at DeWitt, who was already kneeling on the ground, and then at the crystal in the glass bottle, with a cruel smile on his face.

The next second, the glass bottle was crushed, and the crystals mixed with glass fragments fell towards the back of DeWitt's head.

In Garner's shocked eyes, Yeying pressed the crystal into the back of DeWitt's neck.

Dong dong——

Dong dong——

The moment the crystal entered DeWitt's body, his spine was also interrupted, and DeWitt died instantly.

The crystal began to pulsate violently, and DeWitt's body began to shrive up quickly, as if something had sucked the blood away, but this was not over yet.

DeWitt's shriveled muscles began to be continuously extracted, surging towards DeWitt's neck like running water, and in an instant only the white bones were left.


There was a sound of bone cracking, and the complete bones began to break inch by inch, also rushing in the direction of the crystal.

Until DeWitt's body completely disappeared into the hall, and all the remaining blood stains on the ground disappeared, leaving only a bright red crystal that was far fuller than before.

Dong dong——

There was another low heartbeat, and the resonance caused by this heartbeat affected Garner's heartbeat to a certain extent.

The next moment, countless flesh strands were seen spreading from the crystal, quickly forming a strong arm, then the chest, and then the lumbar spine.

Until finally, a figure with perfect body curves appeared in the hall.


The sound of retching sounded,

Bah - it really stinks beyond words. What is this? Bah -

Of course it was Agnas who had been reorganized. He still kept retching, as if he felt sick because of eating something unclean, until he saw Ye Ying beside him who was smiling but not smiling.

Finally, someone knowledgeable is here. These ignorant people here don't know how to replenish me with some blood food earlier.

Agnas stretched his body slightly with a bright smile on his face.

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