Attribute restraint? Sorry, I am a full magician

Chapter 175 Both escape from trouble


On the streets of Anga City, an undead man who had been waiting by the Santu River scratched his smooth Tianling Cap.

I seemed to have seen something in Santuchuan just now.

Huh? What? Is it the soul mist? Where is it?

The companions beside it quickly looked towards it, and after searching for a long time, they could not see any movement except the innocent soul.

Where? Why didn't you see anything?

It's not the soul mist. I thought I saw a head sticking out just now.

It spoke hesitantly, but the disgusting looks from its companions made it even more shaken, so it quickly changed its words.

Maybe I haven't rested for a long time. I'm just looking at the flowers, hahahahaha.

Awkward yet polite laughter rang out.

As everyone knows, Tan Xiao is constantly diving into Santuchuan at this moment, and it was just now that he showed up to confirm his position.

Still in Anga City, how far have I traveled to the west?

Tan Xiao was a little distressed, because after his soul had evolved unprecedentedly, he had already swam quite far to the west.

Along the way, many innocent souls he defined as second-level souls died in his hands.

It seems those two guys have reached their limit.

Most of the second-level souls turned into pure energy by Tan Xiao were absorbed by Tan Xiao. A small amount of the energy that escaped was fed to the souls of Ace and Uther by Tan Xiao.

It's just that it seems that the strength of their souls has reached the limit at this moment, and they can no longer grow, which is far inferior to Tan Xiao's soul.

Then it's up to me to accept it.

Tan Xiao could only reluctantly absorb the excess energy, although it was of little use to him.

Hey, Santuchuan's trend is really rubbish.

He has cursed the damn Santu River in his heart more than once. It is precisely because the east upstream of the Santu River flows through the Icecrown Forest, where the Lich King is based, that Tan Xiao has no choice but to go farther away because he is afraid of being discovered. Travel to the west.

Having to disembark from Winterdeath Castle, he must face the increasingly powerful ghosts.

“But it’s a blessing in disguise.”

Tan Xiao looked at his body at this moment, suddenly curious,

I don't know what kind of creature I am now among the undead, a ghost? It doesn't look like that. Why do I feel like I am moving towards the human race?

While Tan Xiao was still swimming to the west of Santu River, Ace and Uther were not idle either. Having regained their ability to move, they had already begun to figure out how to escape from the dungeon under Winterdeath Castle.

Think about how to escape. Now is the best time for us to escape, while they all seem to have left Winterdeath Keep.

Uther was right. Ulansa and Renn had already left here for Anga City at this moment, which was their best chance to escape.

You don't need to say this? But how can it be so simple?

Hearing Uther's words, Ashton was furious. Of course he knew that this was the best time to escape, but how easy was it to escape from the dungeon?

The two undead fell into silence, and the atmosphere seemed a bit awkward for a while.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion outside the cell, and a figure wrapped in a thick cloak suddenly appeared.


The guards of the dungeon quickly assumed a fighting stance, but before they could move, their soul containers were shattered and they returned to the end of the world completely.


Ace and Uther were instantly alert, but before they could say anything, they had already lost consciousness.

When my consciousness was hazy, I heard the other party's muttering.

Hiss - why is it not His Highness, but these two guys? Hey! He has become stronger? It's really strange.

In the Tomb of Oblivion, Ace and Uther slowly wake up.

When they saw the surrounding environment, they already guessed that the person who saved them was Salton, the president of the Secret Society of Shadows.

At this moment, Salton was playing with a magic item not far away. It seemed to be seriously damaged. He was repairing it while muttering,

Why did I choose this prop at that time? Am I stupid? Hey!

Hearing the movement behind him, Salton threw the broken magic item on the table, obviously a little depressed.

This was one of its favorite magic props, but who knew it was broken by itself.

Not long ago, when Salton took out this magic item that he carefully wiped almost every day, he suddenly noticed something unusual.

Which bastard sealed something in my magic item?

At that time, Salton swore to the Dark Goddess that the gangster must be taught a lesson.

But when it tried to unlock the seal, the magic prop inevitably broke, and the sealed memory returned to Salton's mind.

Uh, is it actually me?

Salton seemed a little embarrassed after learning the whole ins and outs from his stripped memories.

However, as the president of the Secret Society of Shadows and the most devout believer of the Dark Goddess, Salton began to inquire about recent news in Winterdeath Keep.

I wouldn't know if I didn't ask, but after asking, I actually found out that two undead were captured from Anga City and taken to Winter Death Castle, and another one was said to have jumped into the Santu River.

This startled Salton, so after it learned that Ren and Yolan Saqqi had left Winterdeath Castle, it immediately sneaked into the dungeon and rescued Tan Xiao and his party.

However, Salton did not expect that Tan Xiao was not in the dungeon, but the two servants were in the dungeon.

Where is Your Highness? He couldn't be the one who jumped into the Santu River, right?

When Salton saw the two servants waking up, he quickly asked regardless of his broken magic props.

Uther nodded awkwardly,

Sir Salton, it was His Highness who jumped into the Santu River, but

Uther pointed at himself and then at Ace,

But the two of us didn't die, and we even evolved to a certain extent. I think His Highness must have used some special method to survive!

Salton nodded and agreed with Uther's judgment, but it was still very worried about Tan Xiao's current situation.

I've never heard of any undead coming back in Santuchuan.

Thinking of this, Salton no longer hesitated and stood up immediately.

You two come with me and go directly to bring the Death Prophet Chrollo to Winter Death Castle to see if there is any way he can rescue His Highness from the Santu River.

At this moment, there is no problem with Salton's judgment. There is no way to directly enter Santuchuan to rescue Tan Xiao. If there is, it must be space magic.

So it planned to invite Chrollo to come and think of a solution at Winter Death Castle, not far from Anga City.

You must hold on! Your Highness.

At this moment, Salton could only pray silently in his heart, asking for the protection of the Dark Goddess.

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