Attribute restraint? Sorry, I am a full magician

Chapter 173 Chickens and dogs ascend to heaven

Is there anything unusual about the Santu River in the Icecrown Forest where His Highness the Lich King is to the east?

Lacena, who came to Santuchuan to investigate, happened to encounter a cloud of mist floating from the bottom of the river. Under its shock, no one of the surrounding undead dared to snatch it.

As a result, all the mist was sucked into Lacena's mouth.


Lacena was silent. This smell was quite familiar to him. It was the soul mist that appeared when it destroyed other undead soul containers. Usually, only after a skeleton soldier's soul container is destroyed can a trace of soul mist appear. A soul mist of this scale destroys many soul containers, especially in Santuchuan, where such soul mist has appeared countless times recently.

Hey! I'm asking you something!

Seeing the uncontrollable desire in the eyes of his subordinates, Rasena knew that something was wrong with Santuchuan.

Ah...ah! Let me tell you, Your Highness, I haven't heard of any abnormalities in the Santu River that flows through Icecrown Forest to the east! Even the Santu River in Winterdeath Castle to the west has no abnormalities.

Hearing the answer from his subordinate Nether Mage, the curse marks on Lacena's dark bones were shocked. It knows that things are beyond its control, and even if it risks being deposed by the Lich King, it will go to Icecrown Forest to meet the Lich King in person.

Prepare a report and draw the movement trajectory of the three damn lichs before.

Lacena has now completely hated Ulansa. It was just a favor, but it didn't expect to cause such a big trouble.

In addition, write a letter and tell Ulansa to send all the detailed information about these three lichs, and also describe the situation of Santu River in detail. I want to meet the Lich King.

Yes! Your Highness!

Feeling Rasena's anger, the netherworld mage quickly opened his short legs and left Santuchuan to return to the castle. Its small body, supported by its flying legs, does not look like it is walking, but more like flying at low altitude.

Looking at the funny steps of his subordinates, Rasena couldn't help but feel that his political career in Shadowfall was over.

In Winterdeath Castle, Renne and Ulansa were sitting opposite each other at the moment, but the atmosphere seemed a bit heavy, and it did not capture the happiness of the two people involved at all.

The soul container is not on them? For undead at their level, the soul container shouldn't be far away from them, right?

Ren's tone at this moment sounded like he was communicating with Yulansa, but he was actually talking to himself. It couldn't figure out why this lich and a skeleton soldier had such a weird ability to make the soul container so far away from the body.

Their memories...

Before Ren could finish speaking, Ulansa had already waved his hand.

Although I can't see any trace of their memories being changed, but...

Yolansa also fell into deep self-doubt, but she still told exactly what she saw.

Their soul containers are all the staffs of that human race. Although I don't think it is possible, it is true from their memories.

Yolansa suddenly spoke doubtfully,

Could it be His Highness Yeying's special skill?

Ren didn't say anything. It used the Eye of Truth, and it really couldn't see any problems.

Wait a minute. I have already reported the news about the human race jumping into the Santu River to the Skeleton King. I will write this in a supplementary report and submit it to the Skeleton King.

Yolansa didn't speak anymore. She looked at Ren, as if waiting for something.

Now the human race matter has not been completely resolved. When it is completely resolved, you have the final say in Bone Crown City.

After hearing Ren's answer, Ulansa finally felt relieved. After looking through the memories of the two undead before, Yolansa's heart froze when she learned that the one who jumped into the Santu River was a human.

She was afraid that Ren would make a fuss about this, and ultimately refused to fulfill her promise to hand over control of Bone Crown City.

That's good, then just wait.

As soon as he finished speaking, a skeleton soldier hurriedly entered from outside the palace.

Your Highness! There is news from me, please take a look!

Yolansa's face showed a happy expression,

You really get whatever you want.

But when she received the message, she was suddenly stunned.

Anga City?

She checked it carefully to confirm that she had read it correctly. She looked at Ren in disbelief and muttered, opening the message.

How could it be a message sent from Anga City? Why would Lacena come to me for nothing?

After reading the content, Ulansa's expression became even stranger, and she handed the message to Ren,

Look, what's going on?

The atmosphere that had just eased fell into freezing point again after this letter came.

Is there anything strange in Santuchuan lately?

Ren asked, pointing to a sentence in the letter.

Santu River? What can be strange about Santu River? It has been like this since the day I came here. Apart from the occasional cloud of soul mist, what other changes can there be?

Yolansa suddenly thought of something and was stunned on the spot.

This...can't be the Santuchuan of Anga City...because of that human race?!

She stood up suddenly, looking a little excited.

Not sure, but it's not impossible. Give it the relevant information as requested by Lacena. I'll go to Anga City to see what happened to the Santu River in Anga City.

Just as Ren was about to get up, another skeleton soldier hurriedly came to report.

Your Highness! Oh no! Something strange happened!

What's weird? Tell me clearly!

Yolansa was not in a good mood. Her tone was stern, and her impression of the guy in front of her was much worse.

This...I don't know what to say. Your Highness, you'd better go and see for yourself!

lead the way!

It was Ren who spoke first, interrupting Ulansa's attempt to teach the other party a lesson.

When they hurried to the cells beneath Winterdeath Keep, they were also shocked.

The two undead who were still alive after being crushed into bones actually reorganized. You must know that although they were not dead originally, their bones had lost the ability to reorganize after being crushed repeatedly, and they could only turn into a ball of broken bones. Spreading it on the ground is a crueler punishment than confining freedom.

However, at this moment, their bodies have been completely reorganized. What's even more strange is that their ranks have been improved to a certain extent.

Not to mention Ren and Yulansa, even they themselves were surprised by their changes.

Have you ever felt a steady surge of power?

Bullshit! I feel like I'm going to be promoted!

They spoke in low voices, fearing that the undead outside would hear them. They also thought of a possibility,

His Highness must not be dead yet and has strengthened our souls!

Their guess was correct. At the bottom of the Santu River in Anga City, Tan Xiao had suffered enough injustices.

At that moment, an unexpected change suddenly occurred in him.

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