In Anga City recently, all the undead people were discussing a strange thing.

There seems to be some changes in the Santu River. In addition to the sudden drop in the water level of the River of Wrong Souls, which has never changed, strange mist often floats out of the Santu River recently.

That mist is not only harmless but also beneficial to the undead around Santu River. Not only can it be absorbed by the ghosts, it can also be attached to the bones to increase the strength of the bones.

It's not like this has never happened before, but it's just not as frequent as it has been recently.

As a result, many undead people began to speculate whether it was related to the accidents that had occurred in the Phantom Monarch's jurisdiction during this period.

In the castle of Anga City, Lacena looked at the report submitted by his subordinates and was silent for a long time before putting down the bone ink pen in his hand.

Isn't that guy not quite dead yet?

As the city lord who forced Tan Xiao and his party into a desperate situation, it still remembers Tan Xiao who resolutely jumped into the Santu River. At that time, it concluded that the other party must have died in Santu River.

As a result, Rasena arrested Ace and Uther and took them to Winterdeath Castle, then he didn't take the matter to heart anymore.

However, the recent changes in Santuchuan made Lacena start to doubt his own judgment.

Hiss—but...are there really any undead that can survive in the Santu River? Probably not.

It repeatedly picked up the bone ink pen and put it down again as La Sena weighed whether or not to report the incident.

However, the absurdity of this matter makes it impossible to write about it.

Written that an undead jumped into the Santu River, not only did he not die, but he also caused trouble?

The bone ink pen in La Sena's hand was broken instantly.

The Lich King is afraid that I have gone crazy! He wants to depose me directly, no!

It stood up suddenly and walked out of its castle, deciding to go to the street to see for itself. It wanted to see what happened in Santu River. As everyone knows, Lacena's decision created an optimal time window for Tan Xiao.

At this moment, the bottom of the Santuchuan River was already in chaos.

There is a group of crazy resentful souls in an empty area, and they seem to be chasing a leading light point. Upon closer inspection, the leading light spot was Tan Xiao. Tan Xiao's blurred face was full of panic, and he was trying his best to escape.

Are these guys running so fast?

The group of innocent souls behind him were getting more and more crazy, and Tan Xiao could no longer speed up.

Fortunately, his refuge, [Oath of the Dead] is not far away from him.

Almost there, almost there!

Tan Xiao's face showed ecstasy, the dawn of victory had appeared.

Immediately, he turned his head and looked back, and saw that an evil spirit had already caught up with him.

The opponent has opened his mouth as big as an abyss, and a strong suction force comes from the opponent's mouth.


Tan Xiao uttered a curse word, and his body was sucked into the other person's mouth and disappeared.

But then, a huge upper jaw appeared above the heads of these innocent souls. The white teeth were filled with rich black energy. Below, there was also a mandible that closed together. There was also a mass of something whose shape was unclear, which was not yet visible. Molded tongue.


The moment the upper and lower jaws closed, there was a crisp sound, and then a creepy chewing sound sounded at the bottom of the Santu River.

The teeth severing the souls of enemies made an explosive sound, which was particularly abrupt in this area.

After a long time, as if all the innocent souls had been ground, the terrible swallowing sound started again.


A stream of gas spurted out and slowly floated towards the top of the Santu River.

If there were undead from Anga City present, then they would know the source of the recent changes in the Santu River.

At this moment, the face of the owner of the head gradually became clear, and it was still Tan Xiao.

He slowly spit out the [Oath of the Dead], and there was also a light spot that was spit out together. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be himself.







Tan Xiao looked at the battle just now and saw that his HP and MP were steadily increasing, and he couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.

The former is the increase in HP limit brought by the skill [Desire for Flesh] after killing these wronged souls, and the latter is the increase in MP limit brought by [Bite of Destiny] during the soul biting process.

Go ahead.

Tan Xiao blew lightly at the small spot of light, and it quickly floated into the distance.

There is now a huge open area around him, and no innocent soul dares to approach this area. This is why Tan Xiao was forced to come up with this method of fishing for law enforcement.

And all of this started after Tan Xiao killed the terrifying wronged soul.

After Tan Xiao learned the most simple and unpretentious hunting method, he began his guerrilla warfare without any moral ethics.

He hid in the [Oath of the Dead] and waited for opportunities. He stood still when the surroundings were full of innocent souls. Once he found someone who was alone, he rushed out and took a bite.

With one blow, he fled the scene and returned to [Oath of the Dead].

He almost had the words cautious and insidious engraved on his forehead, as if these two words were tailor-made for him at this moment.

It was during this repeated process that Tan Xiao's soul gradually became solid.

From the very beginning, I had to be cautious, attacking one by one, and then one by one.

Until the end, Tan Xiao began to swallow up the innocent souls around him. This is why a large open area has appeared around him, so much so that he needs to fish to attract the fainted souls from other places.

And his soul had already been able to walk in the Santu River with the [Oath of the Dead], but as his soul became more solid, he felt the weirdness of the Santu River.

Tan Xiao has already felt that Santuchuan is constantly heading west, and he and [Oath of the Dead] are also being taken westward.

Earlier, he had wanted to swim to the Winter Death Castle to the west of Anga City through the Santu River. He wanted to land at the Winter Death Castle to avoid the pursuit of Rasena.

However, he was surprised to find that the farther west the Santu River went, the stronger the evil spirits became, and they became exponentially stronger.

So much so that when he tried to go west for the first time, he was almost knocked directly into the mouth of a terrifying wronged soul and died.

Fortunately, there seems to be a clear boundary between the Santu River. Those powerful ghosts cannot go eastward at will, but there is no obstacle to the westward. Only Tan Xiao and [Oath of the Dead] are not subject to this restriction.

This made Tan Xiao surprised and even more curious about this staff.

If I eat a few hundred more, I should be able to compete with those filthy people in Winterdeath Keep.

Tan Xiaoru thought as another group of innocent souls were attracted by the soul light spots he blew out.

It's time to eat, it's time to eat!

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