it's over.

Agnas gently pushed out the ball. He was confident that he could use it to blast through the plane well.

He looked at Leona, who had not yet escaped from the magma, and Agnas felt that he had to thank this human race.

If it weren't for the massive amount of energy provided by the other party, it would still take some effort for him to open the plane well.

But at this moment, a figure near Leona caught his attention.

Perhaps the battle just now caused the terrain to change, so that the box containing the other half of Bahamut's consciousness came near Lina.

Lina, who had struggled to survive in this harsh environment, did not hesitate at all. She took out the key from her chest and opened the dusty box.


Low fluctuations resounded throughout the entire area, like muffled thunder or the sound of drums, followed immediately by another loud noise,


These two consecutive loud noises made Agnas realize that something was wrong, and a warning sign suddenly arose in his heart. The original unspeakable omen of danger came true. Agnas did not want to fall short at this time and wanted to speed up the landing of the energy ball.

However, something frightened him.

Agnas suddenly found that he was unable to move. The blood in his body was almost stagnant and he could not move. A pair of huge dragon eyes appeared behind him out of thin air.

This pair of dragon eyes belongs to Bahamut, and its consciousness has completely descended into this plane for the first time.

The white-gold irises are covered with dazzling golden light, and the vertical pupil in the middle seems to contain a universe. The pair of dragon eyes are like the God of Creation staring at Aignus.

Agnas didn't dare to turn his head. He had a feeling that if he dared to turn his head, death would be waiting for him.

Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!

Agnas couldn't believe that there was actually a being in this plane who was comparable to the Demon Archduke, and his strength was even greater than that of the Archduke.

And this change all started when the woman opened the box. Agnus looked at Lina who suddenly lost her mind, as if she was possessed by a spirit, and couldn't help but cursed in his heart,

If I had known, I would have killed her first!

While Agnas feels some regret, the connection between Bahamut and Lina continues to grow closer.

Lina's originally closed eyes slowly opened, and the pupils had turned into miniature dragon eyes. After looking at the pair of dragon eyes behind Agnus, he swallowed the ball pushed out by Agnus in one gulp, to everyone's surprise.

The light spot slid down from Lina's throat, falling towards her chest, and then her abdomen.

The next second, Lina's belly suddenly swelled, glowing brightly, and then returned to its original shape again.


The hot gas spurted out from Lina's mouth, which was the aftermath of the explosion of the ball just now.

Upon seeing this, Agnas no longer had any illusions, and directly spread out a pair of magic wings, turning into a stream of light and trying to escape into the distance.

At this moment, Lina was temporarily controlled by Bahamut. Lina just jumped slightly, her body appeared next to Agnus, who was fleeing at a high speed, and slapped Agnus on the back.

With the sound of Aignus's bones cracking, the aftermath of Lina's actions spread to the nearby area, which showed how fast they were.

At this moment, the other four people present were all out of danger and had gathered together. Even the seriously injured Leo was still hanging in the air.

Seeing Lina's sudden change, they all began to wonder if they were dreaming.

And Lina's shock to them continued. The spine of Agnas, who was slapped to the ground, had just been reorganized and was stepped on by Lina who fell at the same time.

Lina was seen holding a wing in each hand and tearing it apart with force. Agnas's two wings were instantly torn off. The originally strong muscles were exposed like rags, and the spine was completely exposed.

Countless blood spattered onto Lina's body, and there was a lot of blood on her face.

When Agnas saw this, the magic horn on his head suddenly brightened, and the blood on Lina's body exploded instantly.

Bang bang bang——

A dense explosion sounded, and the blood mist spread, wrapping Lina in it.

This is Agnus trying to interfere with Lina's perception, and then take the opportunity to escape.

However, he still underestimated Lina's current state.

The thick blood mist could not stay around her for more than three seconds, and the white-gold flame suddenly rose up and burned the blood mist.

Lina already had a platinum spear in her hand, and the tip of the spear was wrapped with a flame that also glowed with platinum.

I saw Lina throw a spear, and it shot straight towards Agnas. In his horrified eyes, he was directly nailed to the ground of the extremely cold tundra.

Unlike Aignus's flame, this white-gold flame seemed to only affect Aignus and had no impact on the surrounding environment. Aignus's body had been continuously burned to ashes amidst his screams.

Lina was floating in the air at this moment, her majestic gaze sweeping around, as if confirming something.

The next moment, the platinum luster in her pupils converged, and her body fell to the ground uncontrollably.

A huge amount of information poured into her mind, almost overwhelming her consciousness. However, Lina relied on her strong willpower to barely endure the wave of pain like waves.

Her body kept falling, and suddenly a figure appeared and caught her body.

The visitor's body was covered with traces of chains and blood stains all over his body, as if he had experienced some inhumane torture.

The four people who were watching all this from a distance were about to make a move, but stopped the moment they saw the person coming.

They were all already familiar with the man in front of them.

Red Rock City, the Great Magician of Ice and Fire, Far Klein.

Lina forced herself to open her eyes, as if she felt a familiar breath, but she couldn't see the other person's face clearly.

The next moment, she was suddenly shocked by the information that was poured into her mind. It was about her president, Tan Xiao.

How can this be?

However, before she had time to think about it, she fell into a coma.

Because after the fusion of Bahamut's consciousness gave her a short-term invincible strength, her body and original consciousness fell into a state of serious injury, so that she lost consciousness instantly.

Help people.

Farr's voice was dry and oddly pitched as he spoke for the first time in more than a decade.

The four people in the distance finally woke up, feeling like they were spending the rest of their lives after the festival. Leo and Lina were quickly sent to the nearest main city for treatment.

Only Garner's eyes wandered, as if he was looking for something on the ground as he passed by the ashes of Agnus' body.


His eyes were fixed on a crystal as fine as dust. He quietly stepped on it, letting the crystal embed into the sole of his shoe, and then left quickly.

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