Facing the scene in the extremely cold tundra, all four people showed shocked expressions, especially Ghana.

When Garner saw Agnas, he thought he was dazzled.

However, whether it was the devil horns on the opponent's head or the wings on his back, he was extremely sure that the opponent was the devil the undead said.

So, does the devil have this kind of aura?

At this moment, he realized that the demon he and DeWitt had dreamed of had come to the world, and their deal with the undead seemed to be almost completed.

The next step is to open up the plane well here.

Garner glanced at the two companions around him, as well as the cursed blade assassin Sasin who was holding the dying Leo in his arms in the distance.

Before that, we have to kill these three troublesome guys.


Agnes' eyes suddenly fell on Garner, and he didn't taste a trace of hatred in this man.

Facing the miserable situation of his own people, he didn't feel the slightest bit angry, and even felt a little bit happy, which made Agnas a little unhappy.

Betrayal of the race is undoubtedly the most despicable behavior among demons. Therefore, although he has realized that this human race should be the spy arranged by the undead for them in the human world, his inner disgust for Ghana is particularly strong.

He admired a brave man like Leo even more, who fought against the enemy knowing that he was outmatched.

Why don't we take advantage of the chaos and kill this guy later? Then we can evade it and say that we didn't recognize him for a while and killed him by mistake? Well! That's it!

Agnas touched his chin and thought unkindly about this kind of thing.

So there was a brief silence.

So Leona, the only woman among the four and a fourth-level magician of the Arcana of Fire, took action.

With the help of the rich fire element here, the power of her magic has been greatly improved. Leona just raised her hand and the stars shone.

Even if there are thick clouds above the extremely cold tundra, you can still see countless stars twinkling.

The next second, countless rays of light penetrated the clouds and struck the same target from all directions, which was Aignus.

Each ray of light exudes blazing light, making the surrounding air sizzle and explode. At the end of these rays, where Aignus is, it has turned into a star-like existence.

Leona, who has a level as high as Lv214, has her strongest killing move in one move.

Back off!

However, at this moment, she suddenly shouted these words, and her body moved backwards involuntarily.

At the center of those rays of light, Agnas was not only unscathed, but his hair also turned golden, exuding bright starlight.

If it weren't for the presence of the devil horns on his head and the bone wings behind him, it would be an exaggeration to say that he was a holy believer.

You don't want to use your strongest to defeat my strongest, right? It's incredible.

He watched Leona stretch out a finger and just press it down gently. Leona's figure suddenly fell in mid-air, as if she was being pressed by something heavy and fell towards the sea of ​​magma on the ground.

Arrogant! So arrogant!

Agnas shook his head, not only dissatisfied with Leona, but also dissatisfied with the blow he just made.

If it were a demon from His Highness Lucifer's lineage, that guy would probably turn into a pulp, right?

Thinking of this, Agnas stretched himself. He was not going to waste time here. His combat instinct told him that something bad was about to happen, but he felt no threat from these people.

You can all die together.

Agnas just snapped his fingers, and Saxin, who was holding Leo, and Star, who was closest, both burst into flames from their bodies. It was the punishment of jealous fire that Leo had experienced.

By the way, there is you.

Garner, who originally thought he had escaped, was also ignited with a raging fire, even more powerful than Sahin and Star.

Look, I hate creatures like you the most, you are despicable and disgusting.

Seeing the strong flames on Ghana's body, Agnas became even more angry.

Garner wanted to identify himself immediately, but Agnes burned his vocal cords immediately. Agnas made up his mind to obliterate Garner, so he adopted the attitude of not listening, not knowing, and not telling, cutting off all avenues for Garner to explain.

He just couldn't taste despair from Leo. Even though he felt extremely dangerous in his heart, he still couldn't resist the temptation and was ready to taste a little despair in the end.

He only needs to taste a little bit of the sweet despair of the human race, and he will be satisfied.

Good news, he got the desperation he wanted.

The bad news came from Garner, whom he hated the most.

Damn it! What's the difference between this and eating shit?

Agnas didn't know that this was the first time he was angry today. He didn't understand why everything didn't go in the direction he expected.

Where are the remaining three? Aren't you afraid of death?

Although Star's whole body was on fire at the moment, transparent crystals had begun to appear all over his body. This was his ability as the guardian of the fourth-level warrior Star Diamond. He could purify himself of negative effects through crystallization.

I have to say, this is somewhat useful.

The effect of the Jealous Fire Punishment quickly faded on him, and Star's forehead was already covered with sweat. He never thought that he would have so many jealous objects, which made him grow up in shame.

As for Leona, who was pressed into the sea of ​​lava and struggled to get up, she felt strange when she saw the flames on her body.

What is this?

Yes, proud Leona never envied anyone. In her eyes, only she is the most dazzling star.

As for Sasin, I don't know if it was because of Leo's influence that the flames on his body gradually weakened the moment after burning, but remained at a very small scale, as if he was firmly suppressed by something.

damn it

Agnas patted his head and discovered something unusual.

It's such a shame.

At that moment, Aignas' aura suddenly changed.

It's rare to meet such good containers like you, oh, by the way, not including you.

Agnes pointed at Garner and continued,

.But I couldn't taste the taste that satisfied me. It's such a pity. But I don't have time to talk nonsense with you anymore. Go to hell.

Agnus' golden hair faded instantly, and the huge energy turned into a ball, hanging like a star.

Then this energy began to pulse rhythmically, and with each pulse, its volume became smaller.

During this period, four people, including Garner, were unable to move, not to mention Leo, who was already dying.

Until this energy was compressed into a small dot, rich despair spurted out from the three of them. The devastating fluctuations came out, leaving them unable to resist at all.

However, Agnes had no chance to taste it at this moment, because he had to concentrate all his attention to control the little dot.

He wanted to create an explosion, one that could blow through the plane well.

about there.

Agnes thought so.

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