Attribute restraint? Sorry, I am a full magician

Chapter 166 A coincidence of fate

The moment Shan Ju and Sylva collided, blood mist suddenly erupted from Sylva's body.

Wearing the dragon god's armor, she was injured by a good curse just by meeting her. Silva realized that the other party had an attack power far beyond that of ordinary people.

So she shouted loudly to silence the soldiers in the kingdom who heard the siren and came to reinforce her.

Don't fight in close quarters! Let magicians and archers support you from a distance.

Upon hearing Silva's order, Shanju couldn't help but frown. She originally wanted to rely on [Betrayal] to gain a wave of attack power in this kingdom called Estalia, but Silva's order Her plan completely failed.

The feathered arrows shot by skilled archers in the distance hit the good curse with a fierce attack, and many of the arrows were added with various effects by the magician.

Under such a dense offensive, although she avoided most of the feather arrows, many of them were unavoidable.

So much so that Shan Ju's body has begun to lose its glory. Her attack power is very high, but her defense power is not that outstanding.

Therefore, the health of Good Spell began to decrease rapidly, not to mention the magic spell cast by some magicians.

Directed magic makes the already precarious situation of Good Spell even worse.

Sensing the critical situation, Shanshu opened the teleportation scroll she had prepared long ago, hoping to escape from the battlefield.

Unexpectedly, Sylva showed a mocking expression on his face.

You know, Sylva has been operating here for more than ten years. She has rehearsed hundreds of times to face the inevitable invasion, and she has carefully considered every situation. Facing the scene where Shan Ju was about to use the teleportation scroll to escape, she was already prepared.

The moment the good spell activated the teleportation scroll, she was surprised to find that the surrounding space had been imprisoned, and the teleportation scroll became ineffective.

Then an overwhelming barrage of feather arrows and magic came towards her position, and for the first time Shanshu's face showed a solemn look.

Now that you're here, don't leave. Use your blood as a sacrifice and pour it around the Dragon God's Tower as a guide for the Dragon God Bahamut.

Silva thought that her daughter might have died at the hands of the messenger of Tiamat in front of her, and regardless of her injuries, she rushed towards Good Spell again. She wanted to ensure that he was killed.

Not only as a believer of Bahamut, but also as a mother.

However, the next second, Shan Shu's appearance suddenly changed.

Suddenly another head grew out of her neck, and then both of her heads turned into dragon shapes. A pair of wings with astonishing wingspan grew out of his back. It was the body of a two-headed dragon that Tiamat once prepared for Frost Lord Fraser, and was now used by Good Curse to fight against the enemy.

One of her dragon heads spit out flames to burn up the rain of arrows in the sky, and the other dragon head spit out frost to freeze the directed magic projectile.

Shanshu flapped his wings vigorously, his figure continued to rise, and soon he was out of the attack range of the archers and magicians.

The next second, there was only a loud bang, and the two-headed dragon's good spell hit the space barrier.

In everyone's surprised eyes, her two dragon heads were smashed to the ground, and the foul-smelling dragon's blood continued to drip.

And more dragon blood began to pollute the magic array of the space barrier. Within a moment, a small hole less than ten centimeters in diameter had been corroded in the space barrier.

A petite and exquisite bird climbed out of the dragon's body and flew into the distance from the entrance of the cave. It did not forget to look back at the people in the Dragon God's Tower.

Just wait, let me give you strategies one by one.

Shan Ju already had a rough understanding of the distribution of combat power in the Dragon God Tower, and she was ready to change her previous strategy and slowly map it out.

Now, all she has to do is settle down in Estalia as soon as possible. Finding a suitable partner and assuming their identity became her primary goal.

Flying high in the sky, she changed the type of bird several times, and at the same time completely restrained her aura to avoid being tracked by Sylva. She knew that both camps were particularly sensitive to each other's scent, so she had to be cautious.

While Shan Ju was still thinking about how to occupy the Dragon God Tower, Tan Xiao had already taken off his helmet.

This was the longest period of time he had been offline in his life. The reason was that he was trapped at the bottom of the Santuchuan River.

With no way to die and no way to move, he fell into a situation that was equivalent to being in jail. With nothing to do, he had no choice but to take off his gaming helmet to change his mood and think about countermeasures.

Sitting on the first floor of his villa, looking at the scenery outside the window, Tan Xiao felt an unspeakable depression when he thought that such peace was about to be broken.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

This was the first time someone came to visit Tan Xiao after he installed a new door. Tan Xiao, who happened to be out of the game, quickly stood up and opened the door.

Aunt Mei? Why are you here?

Seeing that it was the enthusiastic neighbor, Tan Xiao quickly welcomed him into the living room.

Are you satisfied with this job?

Mei Qiuyun's voice was gentle, with the unique kindness of an elder.

Well, it's very good. Thanks to the craftsman you recommended to me, Aunt Mei.

That's good. There's nothing wrong with me coming. It's just that it wasn't Mr. Tan last time. Did you say you were also playing that game? My lady told me several times that she wanted to play with you as a friend, so I can only bite the bullet. Come and ask for your ID.

When Tan Xiao heard this, he scratched his head in embarrassment.

It may not be working well recently. There's something wrong with my account.

Thinking of himself still at the bottom of the Santu River, Tan Xiao could only refuse the other party's kindness. Besides, Tan Xiao also wants anyone to know that he is Feng Sheng. At least he doesn't want to be exposed until the game and reality are completely integrated, because that may put himself in danger.

Mei Qiuyun was not angry at Tan Xiao's answer. She quickly took out a piece of white paper from her pocket and wrote a series of numbers on it.

Mr. Tan, this is my lady's digital ID. If it's convenient for you, please add it if you can.

Mei Qiuyun hesitated for a long time before finally speaking,

Mr. Tan, actually I have selfish motives. My lady has never contacted her former friends since she injured her foot. Even if she was invited by others, she would refuse.

At this moment, Mei Qiuyun didn't feel like a housekeeper serving Li Ruomeng, but more like her mother. She said almost pleadingly,

She finally regained her spirits through this game. I also hope that she can make more friends of her own age and return to her original lively self.

Mei Qiuyun's eyes were slightly red,

After all, the young lady is still young. She can't hide in the room forever. Now there is me and the master. But in the future...

Seeing Mei Qiuyun's expression, Tan Xiao was embarrassed to refuse and accepted the digital ID.

Okay, Aunt Mei, I will find an opportunity to add her after my account is repaired.

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