The sea east of Hongyan City is currently covered by a storm.

Two fishermen on the east beach were packing up their fishing gear while watching the storm. They were not going to go out to sea today.

They had nothing to do, chatting all the time.

Do you think it's strange? It's been so many years, who still wants to go to the other side of the sea? Isn't this something sick?

One of the fishermen looked at the rare storm and said,

Isn't this a coincidence? In a storm of this magnitude, everyone might die in it, and we would have to clean up the bodies washed back to the coast.

Don't talk about it. It's nothing strange for this group of adventurers to do anything. Wasn't there a girl heading east to cross the sea some time ago? There are four more here this time. Just get used to it. Maybe this will happen in the future. More and more people will risk their lives.

Speaking of which, the girl's body didn't come back?

Did it get eaten by some kind of sea beast? The one with the thin skin and tender flesh might have fallen apart halfway.

The two of them looked at the growing storm in the distance and couldn't help but shook their heads. In their opinion, this group of adventurers really didn't value their own lives.

The adventurers they talked about were Barbatos and his party, and as for the girl, it was Good Spell who went to the Kingdom of Estalia first.

The four people who were bumping on the lonely boat in the storm were struggling to keep the boat from sinking. Selina was already soaked to the skin. She was not wearing any equipment, only a pair of linen clothes, which had been soaked by the storm and stuck to her fair skin, outlining her graceful figure.

Selina held a bucket and kept scooping the rainwater accumulated in the boat into the sea to maintain the buoyancy of the boat.

Normally, the other three would probably have to study this character-shaping technique, and get the data of Selena's character.

But under a storm of this scale, they no longer had the intention to joke.

I say, Barbatos! Is it necessary to take such a risk for a role that you are not sure about?

The one who spoke was Ah Xing. The divine light on his body kept lighting up. He almost used up his magic power just by applying buffs to the other three people present. He began to continuously replenish his magic power with the magic potions in his backpack to achieve balance.

Sitting on the right side of the boat, Barbatos, whose skills were useless, was constantly using his breastplate to push water back to ensure the power of the boat. He also regretted a little at this moment, but he didn't regret the decision to set off. What he regretted was that he didn't ask about the right time to go to sea, and then encountered this kind of crisis.

Big Brother Feng Sheng specially asked me to pay attention to the player named Shan Ju. This time I accidentally got the news that she was going to the east, so I had no choice but to come.

But those two fishermen didn't say that the woman who went out to sea was a good curse?

Bach, who was sitting on the left side of the boat and cooperated with Barbatos, expressed his doubts.

Barbatos didn't refute, just remained silent. He didn't know how to answer. He didn't necessarily want to trust his intuition, right?

Then, their conversation stopped abruptly. No one spoke anymore, and everyone tried their best to steer the small boat out of the heavy rain.

They didn't know that Good Curse had already set foot on the land of the Kingdom of Estalia.

She is also the second creature to set foot in the Kingdom of Estalia in more than ten years.

As for the first one, it was a woman who left and came back. And that woman is Lina's mother, Sylva Skarhart.

The descendant of the great dragon blood, the seventh successor of Estalia.

As a prophet of the Kingdom of Estalia, she left the kingdom without warning more than twenty years ago and embarked on the road to the west across the sea.

No one dared to stop her, but this journey to the west made Sylva lose her perfect body. When Sylva returned to her homeland more than ten years ago, no one dared to question her about her past experiences.

Only the old king secretly received Sylva, and that was also from that time on.

Silva left her former dormitory and came to the foundation of their clan's nation, the Tower of the Dragon God.

She became the new tower guardian, here to listen to the teachings that the Dragon God might impart.

However, there is still no news about the Dragon God in more than ten years, and Silva has already guessed part of the reason behind this.

Because when she headed to the west, across the sea, she received intermittent news from the Dragon God Bahamut.

There were only fragments of news, but Sylva barely pieced together the meaning of the Dragon God, which required her to suppress the plane well located to the north of the Star Pulse Kingdom.

This was the reason why she went to the Star Pulse Kingdom, but she didn't expect that when she set foot in that country, she met the love of her life in Red Rock City, and even gave birth to a daughter.

And her daughter was named Lena Klein.

As for her husband, Far Klein, she changed his faith from a staunch believer in the Goddess of Courage to a dual believer, what Chris called an unclean believer.

Just when Silva thought she would spend her whole life in the Star Pulse Kingdom, she regained contact with the Dragon God.

The Dragon God's request is for her to return to the Dragon God's Tower, as the plane well he will use to descend in the future will soon be invaded by hostile forces.

Therefore, Silva had no choice but to leave Lina behind, return to the Kingdom of Estalia, and enter the Tower of the Dragon God.

Today, Silva, who had not seen anyone outside the Dragon God's Tower for a long time, saw a stranger visit.

The moment she saw the other person, Sylva knew that the other person should be the person she had been waiting for for more than ten years.

Because, from her body, she felt a strong evil aura.

It was the smell of Bahamut's mortal enemy, Tiamat.

The person who came was none other than Shanju, and the moment she saw Sylva, the expression on her face changed obviously, as if she saw an old acquaintance.

Who are you.?

At first glance, she recognized Sylva as Lina. Because the two people's looks were too similar, she immediately rejected it because she saw the traces of time on Silva's face.


Faced with Shan Ju's reaction, Silva guessed that Shan Ju might have seen her daughter and couldn't help but ask,

how is she?

The tone was very similar to that of two friends who had known each other for a long time, but Shanshu's next words made Silva silent.

Are you the mother of the Bahamut envoy? I'm sorry to tell you that she is dead.

Shan Ju's face was filled with an innocent smile, and she didn't look like a girl who would say such cruel words at all.

Okay, then use your death to comfort her lost soul.

The next moment, a sharp explosion sounded, which was the alarm of the Dragon God Tower.

The figures of Sylva and Shan Ju had already collided with each other.

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